# ronin-grep 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-grep - Searches files/input for common patterns ## SYNOPSIS `ronin grep` [*options*] [*FILE* ...] ## DESCRIPTION Greps for common patterns in the given file(s) or input stream. ## ARGUMENTS *FILE* : The optional file to grep. If no *FILE* arguments are given, then `ronin grep` will read from standard input. ## OPTIONS `-N`, `--number` : Searches for all numbers. `-X`, `--hex-number` : Searches for all hexadecimal numbers. `-V`, `--version-number` : Searches for all version numbers. `-w`, `--word` : Searches for all words. `--mac-addr` : Searches for all MAC addresses. `-4`, `--ipv4-addr` : Searches for all IPv4 addresses. `-6`, `--ipv6-addr` : Searches for all IPv6 addresses. `-I`, `--ip` : Searches for all IP addresses. `-H`, `--host` : Searches for all host names. `-D`, `--domain` : Searches for all domain names. `--uri` : Searches for all URIs. `-U`, `--url` : Searches for all URLs. `--user-name` : Searches for all user names. `-E`, `--email-addr` : Searches for all email addresses. `--obfuscated-email-addr` : Searches for all obfuscated email addresses. `--phone-number` : Searches for all phone numbers. `--ssn` : Searches for all Social Security Numbers (SSNs). `--amex-cc` : Searches for all AMEX Credit Card numbers. `--discover-cc` : Searches for all Discover Card numbers. `--mastercard-cc` : Searches for all MasterCard numbers. `--visa-cc` : Searches for all VISA Credit Card numbers. `--visa-mastercard-cc` : Searches for all VISA MasterCard numbers. `--cc` : Searches for all Credit Card numbers. `--file-name` : Searches for all file names. `--dir-name` : Searches for all directory names. `--relative-unix-path` : Searches for all relative UNIX paths. `--absolute-unix-path` : Searches for all absolute UNIX paths. `--unix-path` : Searches for all UNIX paths. `--relative-windows-path` : Searches for all relative Windows paths. `--absolute-windows-path` : Searches for all absolute Windows paths. `--windows-path` : Searches for all Windows paths. `--relative-path` : Searches for all relative paths. `--absolute-path` : Searches for all absolute paths. `-P`, `--path` : Searches for all paths. `--identifier` : Searches for all identifier names. `--variable-name` : Searches for all variable names. `--variable-assignment` : Searches for all variable assignments. `--function-name` : Searches for all function names. `--md5` : Searches for all MD5 hashes. `--sha1` : Searches for all SHA1 hashes. `--sha256` : Searches for all SHA256 hashes. `--sha512` : Searches for all SHA512 hashes. `--hash` : Searches for all hashes. `--ssh-private-key` : Searches for all SSH private key data. `--dsa-private-key` : Searches for all DSA private key data. `--ec-private-key` : Searches for all EC private key data. `--rsa-private-key` : Searches for all RSA private key data. `-K`, `--private-key` : Searches for all private key data. `--ssh-public-key` : Searches for all SSH public key data. `--public-key` : Searches for all public key data. `--aws-access-key-id` : Searches for all AWS access key IDs. `--aws-secret-access-key` : Searches for all AWS secret access keys. `-A`, `--api-key` : Searches for all API keys (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, AWS access key ID, or AWS secret access key). `--single-quoted-string` : Searches for all single-quoted strings. `--double-quoted-string` : Searches for all double-quoted strings. `-S`, `--string` : Searches for all quoted strings. `-B`, `--base64` : Searches for all Base64 strings. `--c-comment` : Searches for all C comments. `--cpp-comment` : Searches for all C++ comments. `--java-comment` : Searches for all Java comments. `--javascript-comment` : Searches for all JavaScript comments. `--shell-comment` : Searches for all Shell comments. `--ruby-comment` : Searches for all Ruby comments. `--python-comment` : Searches for all Python comments. `--comment` : Searches for all comments. `-e`, `--regexp` /*REGEXP*/ : Custom regular expression to search for. `-o`, `--only-matching` : Only print the matching data. `-n`, `--line-number` : Print the line number for each line. `--with-filename` : Print the file name for each match. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-extract](ronin-extract.1.md)