class String def to_classname if self[0] =='$' self[1..-1] else self.camelize end end def to_orient self.gsub /%/, '(percent)' end def rid? self =~ /\A[#]{,1}[0-9]{1,}:[0-9]{1,}\z/ end def from_orient if rid? ActiveOrient::Model.autoload_object self else self end end end class NilClass def to_orient self end end class Symbol def to_orient self.to_s.to_orient end def from_orient self end end class Numeric def from_orient self end def to_orient self end end class Time def from_orient self end def to_orient self end end class Date def from_orient self end def to_orient self end end class TrueClass def from_orient self end def to_orient self end end class FalseClass def from_orient self end def to_orient self end end class Array def to_orient map &:to_orient end def from_orient map &:from_orient end end class Hash #WithIndifferentAccess def from_orient substitute_hash = keys.each{ |k| puts self[k].inspect } keys.each{| k | substitute_hash[k] = self[k].from_orient } substitute_hash end def to_orient substitute_hash = keys.each{| k | substitute_hash[k] = self[k].to_orient } substitute_hash end def nested_under_indifferent_access self end end module OrientSupport module Support =begin supports where: 'string' where: { property: 'value', property: value, ... } where: ['string, { property: value, ... }, ... ] Used by update and select =end def compose_where *arg arg=arg.flatten return "" if arg.blank? || arg.size == 1 && arg.first.blank? "where " + do |issue| case issue when String issue when Hash generate_sql_list issue end end.join( ' and ' ) end def generate_sql_list attributes={} do | key, value | case value when Numeric key.to_s << " = " << value.to_s else # String, Symbol, Date, Time, Trueclass, Falseclass ... key.to_s << ' = ' << "\'#{ value }\'" end end.join( ' and ' ) end end # module class OrientQuery include Support def initialize **args @projection = [] @misc= [] args.each do | k,v| self.send k, v end end def method_missing method, *arg, &b @misc << method.to_s << " " <<' ') end def misc @misc.join(' ') unless @misc.empty? end def subquery nil end def compose [ "select", projection, from, where , subquery, misc, order , group_by, unwind, skip ].compact.join(' ') end =begin from can either be a Databaseclass to operate on or a Subquery providing data to query further =end def from arg=nil if arg.present? @database = case arg when Class when ActiveOrient::Model classname when String arg when Symbol arg when OrientQuery nil # don't set @database end @from = arg else # read from "from " << if @from.is_a?( OrientQuery ) "( #{@from.compose} )" else @database.to_s end end end def database_class= arg @database = arg if @database.present? if @from.is_a? OrientQuery @from.database_class= arg end end def database_class if @database.present? @database elsif @from.is_a? OrientQuery @from.database_class else nil end end =begin Call where without a parameter to request the saved where-string to create the where-part of the query a string, a hash or an Array is supported where: "r > 9" --> where r > 9 where: {a: 9, b: 's'} --> where a = 9 and b = 's' where:[{ a: 2} , 'b > 3',{ c: 'ufz' }] --> where a = 2 and b > 3 and c = 'ufz' =end def where *arg @where= compose_where(*arg) unless arg.empty? @where # return_value end def let *arg # SELECT FROM Profile # LET $city = # WHERE $ like '%Saint%"' AND # ( $ = 'Italy' OR $ = 'France' ) puts "OrientSupport::OrientQuery@let is not implementated" end def distinct d=nil if d.present? @projection << case d when String "distinct( #{d} )" when Array "distinct( #{d.first} ) as #{d.last}" when Hash "distinct( #{d.first.first} ) as #{d.first.last}" else "" end end @projection.join(' ,') #return_value end def projection s=nil if s.present? @projection << case s when Hash{ |x,y| "#{x} as #{y}"}.join( ', ') when Array s.join(', ') else s end end @projection.join(', ') end # def where= w # end # select_string = ("select " + select_string + distinct_string + ' from ' + class_name(o_class) ).squeeze(' ') # where_string = compose_where( where ) def group_by g=nil @group = "group_by #{g.to_s}" if g.present? # only a string is allowed @group # return_value end def unwind u=nil @unwind = "unwind #{u.to_s}" if u.present? # only a string is allowed @unwind # return_value end def skip n=nil @skip= n if n.present? "skip #{n}" if @skip.present? end def order o=nil @order_string = "order by " << case o when Hash{ |x,y| "#{x} #{y}" }.join( " " ) when Array{ |x| "#{x} asc"}.join( " " ) else o.to_s end if o.present? @order_string end # misc_string = if skip > 0 && limit > 0 # " skip: #{skip} " # else # "" # end # # # # def compose # # end end end # module