# NanoStore for RubyMotion Wrapper for NanoStore, a lightweight schema-less key-value document database based on sqlite, in RubyMotion. Status: Work in progress. API subject to change. ## Installation Install the CocoaPods dependency manager if you haven't it already: gem install motion-cocoapods pod setup Install nano-store gem gem install nano-store Require nano-store to your project 'Rakefile' ```ruby $:.unshift("/Library/RubyMotion/lib") require 'motion/project' require 'motion-cocoapods' require 'nano-store' Motion::Project::App.setup do |app| app.name = 'myapp' # Only needed if you have not already specifying a pods dependency app.pods do dependency 'NanoStore', '~> 2.0.1' end end ``` Now, you can use NanoStore in your app. ## Basic Usage ### Set default storage type ````ruby NanoStore.shared_store = NanoStore.store(:memory) # memory only db NanoStore.shared_store = NanoStore.store(:file, documents_path + "/nano.db") # persist the data ```` ### Define Model ````ruby class User < NanoStore::Model attribute :name attribute :age attribute :created_at end ```` A key (UUID) that identifies the object will be added automatically. Attributes must be serializable, which means that only the following data types are allowed: - NSArray - NSDictionary - NSString - NSData (*) - NSDate - NSNumber #### Note (*) The data type NSData is allowed, but it will be excluded from the indexing process. ### Create ````ruby # Initialize a new object and save it user = User.new(:name => "Bob", :age => 16, :created_at => Time.now) user.save user.key # => "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" (automatically generated UUID) # Create a new object directly user = User.create(:name => "Bob", :age => 16, :created_at => Time.now) ```` ### Retrieve ````ruby # find all models User.all # => [, ] # find model by criteria users = User.find(:name, NSFEqualTo, "Bob") # or use Hash users = User.find(:name => "Bob") users = User.find(:name => { NSFEqualTo => "Ronald" }) users = User.find(:name => { NSFEqualTo => "Ronald" }, :age => { NSFGreaterThan => 50 }) # or use Array for matching multiple values users = User.find(:name => ["Bob", "Ronald", "Ken"]) # Optionally sort the result with additional hash parameters users = User.find({:age => { NSFGreaterThan => 10 }}, {:sort => {:age => :desc}}) ```` ### Update ````ruby user = User.find(:name, NSFEqualTo, "Bob").first user.name = "Dom" user.save ```` ### Delete ````ruby user = User.find(:name, NSFEqualTo, "Bob").first user.delete ```` ## Using Transaction Use transaction is easy, just wrap your database code in a transaction block. ```ruby store = NanoStore.shared_store = NanoStore.store begin store.transaction do |the_store| Animal.count # => 0 obj1 = Animal.new obj1.name = "Cat" obj1.save obj2 = Animal.new obj2.name = "Dog" obj2.save Animal.count # => 2 raise "error" # => an error happened! end rescue # error handling end Animal.count # => 0 ``` ## Using Bags A bag is a loose collection of objects stored in a document store. ```ruby store = NanoStore.store bag = Bag.bag store << bag # add subclass of NanoStore::Model object to bag page = Page.new page.text = "Hello" page.index = 1 bag << page # save the bag bag.save # obtain the bags from document store bags = store.bags ``` ## Performance Tips NanoStore by defaults saves every object to disk one by one. To speed up inserts and edited objects, increase NSFNanoStore's ```saveInterval``` property. ### Example ```ruby # Create a store store = NanoStore.shared_store = NanoStore.store # Increase the save interval store.save_interval = 1000 # Do a bunch of inserts and/or edits obj1 = Animal.new obj1.name = "Cat" store << obj1 obj2 = Animal.new obj2.name = "Dog" store << obj2 # Don't forget that some objects could be lingering in memory. Force a save. store.save ``` Note: If you set the saveInterval value to anything other one, keep in mind that some objects may still be left unsaved after being added or modified. To make sure they're saved properly, call: ```ruby store.save ``` Choosing a good saveInterval value is more art than science. While testing NanoStore using a medium-sized dictionary (iTunes MP3 dictionary) setting saveInterval to 1000 resulted in the best performance. You may want to test with different numbers and fine-tune it for your data set. ## Credit - Based on [NanoStore](https://github.com/tciuro/NanoStore) from Tito Ciuro, Webbo, L.L.C. ## License BSD License