# For more information on what the possible values of fields that are passed to the RETS server can be, see {http://www.rets.org/documentation}. module RETS module Base class Core GET_OBJECT_DATA = ["object-id", "description", "content-id", "content-description", "location", "content-type", "preferred"] # Can be called after any {RETS::Base::Core} call that hits the RETS Server. # @return [String] How big the request was attr_reader :request_size # Can be called after any {RETS::Base::Core} call that hits the RETS Server. # @return [String] SHA1 hash of the request attr_reader :request_hash # Can be called after any {#get_object} or {#search} call that hits the RETS Server. # @return [Float] How long the request took attr_reader :request_time # Can be called after any {RETS::Base::Core} call that hits the RETS Server. # @return [Hash] # Gives access to the miscellaneous RETS data, such as reply text, code, delimiter, count and so on depending on the API call made. # * *text* (String) - Reply text from the server # * *code* (String) - Reply code from the server attr_reader :rets_data def initialize(http, urls) @http = http @urls = urls end ## # Attempts to logout of the RETS server. # # @raise [RETS::CapabilityNotFound] # @raise [RETS::APIError] # @raise [RETS::HTTPError] def logout unless @urls[:logout] raise RETS::CapabilityNotFound.new("No Logout capability found for given user.") end @http.request(:url => @urls[:logout]) nil end ## # Whether the RETS server has the requested capability. # # @param [Symbol] type Lowercase of the capability, "getmetadata", "getobject" and so on # @return [Boolean] def has_capability?(type) @urls.has_key?(type) end ## # Requests metadata from the RETS server. # # @param [Hash] args # @option args [String] :type Metadata to request, the same value if you were manually making the request, "METADATA-SYSTEM", "METADATA-CLASS" and so on # @option args [String] :id Filter the data returned by ID, "*" would return all available data # @option args [Integer, Optional] :read_timeout How many seconds to wait before giving up # # @yield For every group of metadata downloaded # @yieldparam [String] :type Type of data that was parsed with "METADATA-" stripped out, for "METADATA-SYSTEM" this will be "SYSTEM" # @yieldparam [Hash] :attrs Attributes of the data, generally *Version*, *Date* and *Resource* but can vary depending on what metadata you requested # @yieldparam [Array] :metadata Array of hashes with metadata info # # @raise [RETS::CapabilityNotFound] # @raise [RETS::APIError] # @raise [RETS::HTTPError] # @see #rets_data # @see #request_size # @see #request_hash def get_metadata(args, &block) raise ArgumentError, "No block passed" unless block_given? unless @urls[:getmetadata] raise RETS::CapabilityNotFound.new("No GetMetadata capability found for given user.") end @request_size, @request_hash, @request_time, @rets_data = nil, nil, nil, nil @http.request(:url => @urls[:getmetadata], :read_timeout => args[:read_timeout], :params => {:Format => :COMPACT, :Type => args[:type], :ID => args[:id]}) do |response| stream = RETS::StreamHTTP.new(response) sax = RETS::Base::SAXMetadata.new(block) Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new(sax).parse_io(stream) @request_size, @request_hash = stream.size, stream.hash @rets_data = sax.rets_data end nil end ## # Requests an object from the RETS server. # # @param [Hash] args # @option args [String] :resource Resource to load, typically *Property* # @option args [String] :type Type of object you want, usually *Photo* # @option args [String] :id What objects to return # @option args [Array, Optional] :accept Array of MIME types to accept, by default this is *image/png*, *image/gif* and *image/jpeg* # @option args [Boolean, Optional] :location Return the location of the object rather than the contents of it # @option args [Integer, Optional] :read_timeout How many seconds to wait before timing out # # @yield For every object downloaded # @yieldparam [Hash] :headers Object headers # * *object-id* (String) - Objects ID # * *content-id* (String) - Content ID # * *content-type* (String) - MIME type of the content # * *description* (String, Optional) - A description of the object # * *location* (String, Optional) - Where the file is located, only returned is *location* is true # @yieldparam [String, Optional] :content Content for the object, not called when *location* is set # # @raise [RETS::CapabilityNotFound] # @raise [RETS::APIError] # @raise [RETS::HTTPError] # @see #rets_data # @see #request_size # @see #request_hash def get_object(args, &block) raise ArgumentError, "No block passed" unless block_given? unless @urls[:getobject] raise RETS::CapabilityNotFound.new("No GetObject capability found for given user.") end req = {:url => @urls[:getobject], :read_timeout => args[:read_timeout], :headers => {}} req[:params] = {:Resource => args[:resource], :Type => args[:type], :Location => (args[:location] ? 1 : 0), :ID => args[:id]} if args[:accept].is_a?(Array) req[:headers]["Accept"] = args[:accept].join(",") else req[:headers]["Accept"] = "image/png,image/gif,image/jpeg" end # Will get swapped to a streaming call rather than a download-and-parse later, easy to do as it's called with a block now start = Time.now.utc.to_f @request_size, @request_hash, @request_time, @rets_data = nil, nil, nil, nil @http.request(req) do |response| body = response.read_body @request_time = Time.now.utc.to_f - start @request_size, @request_hash = body.length, Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(body) # Make sure we aren't erroring if body =~ /(<RETS (.+)\>)/ # RETSIQ (and probably others) return a <RETS> tag on a location request without any error inside # since parsing errors out of full image data calls is a tricky pain. We're going to keep the # loose error checking, but will confirm that it has an actual error code code, text = @http.get_rets_response(Nokogiri::XML($1).xpath("//RETS").first) unless code == "0" @rets_data = {:code => code, :text => text} if code == "20403" return else raise RETS::APIError.new("#{code}: #{text}", code, text) end end end # Using a wildcard somewhere if response.content_type == "multipart/parallel" boundary = response.type_params["boundary"] boundary.gsub!(/^"|"$/, "") parts = body.split("--#{boundary}\r\n") parts.last.gsub!("\r\n--#{boundary}--", "") parts.each do |part| part.strip! next if part == "" headers, content = part.split("\r\n\r\n", 2) parsed_headers = {} headers.split("\r\n").each do |line| name, value = line.split(":", 2) next unless value and value != "" parsed_headers[name.downcase] = value.strip end # Check off the first children because some Rap Rets seems to use RETS-Status # and it will include it with an object while returning actual data. # It only does this for multipart requests, single image pulls will use <RETS> like it should. if parsed_headers["content-type"] == "text/xml" code, text = @http.get_rets_response(Nokogiri::XML(content).children.first) next if code == "20403" end if block.arity == 1 yield parsed_headers else yield parsed_headers, content end end # Either text (error) or an image of some sorts, which is irrelevant for this else headers = {} GET_OBJECT_DATA.each do |field| next unless response.header[field] and response.header[field] != "" headers[field] = response.header[field].strip end if block.arity == 1 yield headers else yield headers, body end end end nil end ## # Searches the RETS server for data. # # @param [Hash] args # @option args [String] :search_type What to search on, typically *Property*, *Office* or *Agent* # @option args [String] :class What class of data to return, varies between RETS implementations and can be anything from *1* to *ResidentialProperty* # @option args [String] :query How to filter data, should be unescaped as CGI::escape will be called on the string # @option args [Symbol, Optional] :count_mode Either *:only* to return just the total records found or *:both* to get count and records returned # @option args [Integer, Optional] :limit Limit total records returned # @option args [Integer, Optional] :offset Offset to start returning records from # @option args [Array, Optional] :select Restrict the fields the RETS server returns # @option args [Boolean, Optional] :standard_names Whether to use standard names for all fields # @option args [String, Optional] :restricted String to show in place of a field value for any restricted fields the user cannot see # @option args [Integer, Optional] :read_timeout How long to wait for data from the socket before giving up # @option args [Boolean, Optional] :disable_stream Disables the streaming setup for data and instead loads it all and then parses # # @yield Called for every <DATA></DATA> group from the RETS server # @yieldparam [Hash] :data One record of data from the RETS server # # @raise [RETS::CapabilityNotFound] # @raise [RETS::APIError] # @raise [RETS::HTTPError] # @see #rets_data # @see #request_size # @see #request_hash def search(args, &block) if !block_given? and args[:count_mode] != :only raise ArgumentError, "No block found" end unless @urls[:search] raise RETS::CapabilityNotFound.new("Cannot find URL for Search call") end req = {:url => @urls[:search], :read_timeout => args[:read_timeout]} req[:params] = {:Format => "COMPACT-DECODED", :SearchType => args[:search_type], :QueryType => "DMQL2", :Query => args[:query], :Class => args[:class], :Limit => args[:limit], :Offset => args[:offset], :RestrictedIndicator => args[:restricted]} req[:params][:Select] = args[:select].join(",") if args[:select].is_a?(Array) req[:params][:StandardNames] = 1 if args[:standard_names] if args[:count] == 1 req[:params][:Count] = 2 elsif args[:count_mode] == :both req[:params][:Count] = 1 end @request_size, @request_hash, @request_time, @rets_data = nil, nil, nil, {} start = Time.now.utc.to_f @http.request(req) do |response| if args[:disable_stream] stream = StringIO.new(response.body) @request_time = Time.now.utc.to_f - start else stream = RETS::StreamHTTP.new(response) end sax = RETS::Base::SAXSearch.new(@rets_data, block) Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new(sax).parse_io(stream) if args[:disable_stream] @request_size, @request_hash = response.body.length, Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(response.body) else @request_size, @request_hash = stream.size, stream.hash end end nil end end end end