/************************************************************************************************************************** * TINYMCE / MOXIEMANAGER HTML ELEMENTS *************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * moxiemanager window */ .moxman-window, .mce-window { border: none; border-top-left-radius: @large-border-radius; border-top-right-radius: @large-border-radius; border-color: fade(@shadow-color, 0%); box-shadow: 0 2px 20px @shadow-color; overflow: hidden; .moxman-window-head, .mce-window-head { background: none @dialog-title-background-color; font-size: 1.1em; //border-top-left-radius: @large-border-radius; //border-top-right-radius: @large-border-radius; .moxman-title, .mce-title { color: @text-color; } button.moxman-close, button.mce-close { color: @background-color; font-size: 1.6em; top: 6px; &:hover { color: @text-color; } } } .moxman-panel, .mce-panel { background-color: @background-color; } .moxman-container-body, .mce-container-body { .moxman-panel.moxman-first, .mce-panel.mce-first { border-bottom: none; } } div.moxman-filelist-head { background-color: @table-odd-row-background-color; border-bottom: none; //@table-border-style; } .moxman-filelist { border-top: @table-border-style; .moxman-filelist-row td { background-color: @table-even-row-background-color; border-bottom: none; //@table-border-style; } .moxman-filelist-odd td { background-color: @table-odd-row-background-color; } tr.moxman-checked, tr.moxman-checked td { background-color: @table-row-selected-background-color; color: @text-color; & div .moxman-txt, & i.moxman-ico { color: @text-color; } } .moxman-filelist-head-item .moxman-down { border-top-color: @text-color; } .moxman-filelist-head-item .moxman-up { border-bottom-color: @text-color; } /* HIDE CHECKBOX: .moxman-filelist-body td:first-child, .moxman-filelist-head td:first-child { display: none; }*/ } .moxman-thumbnailview { border-top: @table-border-style; .moxman-thumb { border: 1px solid mix(@background-color, @highlight-background-color, 50%); &:hover, &.moxman-checked { outline: 2px solid @table-row-selected-background-color; } .moxman-info, &.moxman-active .moxman-info, &.moxman-checked .moxman-info { background-color: mix(@background-color, @highlight-background-color, 50%); color: @text-color; i.moxman-i-checkbox { // HIDE CHECKBOX: display: none; background-color: @background-color; color: @text-color; border: 1px solid @text-color; &:before { color: @text-color; } } } } } i.moxman-i-checkbox, i.mce-i-checkbox { background-color: transparent; } //.mce-btn.mce-active, .mce-btn.mce-active:hover { .mce-listbox, .mce-listbox:hover, .mce-listbox.mce-active, .mce-listbox.mce-active:hover, .mce-listbox:focus { background-color: transparent; text-shadow: none; border: 1px solid #C5C5C5; // Could be @button-border-color, but moxiemanager have a different color for other fields span, .mce-ico { color: @text-color; } i.mce-caret { border-top-color: @text-color; // Down arrow is written with borders, but uses text color } } .moxman-btn i, .mce-btn i { text-shadow: none; } input, select, textarea, button { // resets the "max-width: 100%;" from style_page.less, otherwise breaking images max-width: none; //border: 1px solid @button-border-color; // This doesn't work } } .moxman-tooltip, .mce-tooltip { // Increases z-index for tooltips called by moxiemanager inside tinymce 3 z-index: 500000 !important; } .mce-toolbar-grp.mce-panel, .mce-tinymce-inline { background-color: transparent !important; border-color: transparent !important; } .mce-menu, .moxman-menu { .win(); }