= ANSI::String The ANSI::String class is a very sophisticated implementation of Ruby's standard String class, but one that can handle ANSI codes seamlessly. require 'ansi/string' flower1 = ANSI::String.new("Roses") flower2 = ANSI::String.new("Violets") Like any other string. flower1.to_s.assert == "Roses" flower2.to_s.assert == "Violets" Bet now we can add color. flower1.red! flower2.blue! flower1.to_s.assert == "\e[31mRoses\e[0m" flower2.to_s.assert == "\e[34mViolets\e[0m" Despite that the string representation now contains ANSI codes, we can still manipulate the string in much the same way that we manipulate an ordinary string. flower1.size.assert == 5 flower2.size.assert == 7 Like ordinary strings we can concatenate the two strings flowers = flower1 + ' ' + flower2 flowers.to_s.assert == "\e[31mRoses\e[0m \e[34mViolets\e[0m" flowers.size.assert == 13 Standard case conversion such as #upcase and #downcase work. flower1.upcase.to_s.assert == "\e[31mROSES\e[0m" flower1.downcase.to_s.assert == "\e[31mroses\e[0m" Some of the most difficult methods to re-implement were the substitution methods such as #sub and #gsub. They are still somewhat more limited than the original string methods, but their primary functionality should work. flower1.gsub('s', 'z').to_s.assert == "\e[31mRozez\e[0m" There are still a number of methods that need implementation. ANSI::String is currently a very partial implementation. But as you can see from the methods it does currently support, is it already useful.