module WepayRails module Helpers module ControllerHelpers # Get the auth code for the customer # arguments are the redirect_uri and an array of permissions that your application needs # ex. ['manage_accounts','collect_payments','view_balance','view_user'] def auth_code_url(redirect_uri, permissions) params = { :client_id => @config[:client_id], :redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :scope => permissions.join(',') } query = do |k, v| "#{k.to_s}=#{v}" end.join('&') "#{@base_uri}/v2/oauth2/authorize?#{query}" end def token_url(redirect_uri) params = config_params(redirect_uri) query = do |k, v| "#{k.to_s}=#{v}" end.join('&') "#{@base_uri}/v2/oauth2/authorize?#{query}" end def config_params(redirect_uri) { :client_id => @config[:client_id], :redirect_uri => redirect_uri, :client_secret => @config[:client_secret], } end def redirect_to_wepay_for_auth(redirect_uri, scope) redirect_to gateway.auth_code_url(redirect_uri, scope) end def redirect_to_wepay_for_token(redirect_uri) redirect_to gateway.token_url(redirect_uri) end def gateway @gateway ||= end # Auth code is the code that we store in the model def wepay_auth_code=(auth_code) @wepay_auth_code = auth_code end # Auth code is the code that we store in the model def wepay_auth_code @wepay_auth_code end def wepay_auth_header {'Authorization' => "Bearer: #{wepay_auth_code}"} end def wepay_user response = self.class.get("/v2/user", {:headers => wepay_auth_header}) JSON.parse(response) end # From # Request # # ?client_id=[your client id] # &redirect_uri=[your redirect uri ex. ''] # &client_secret=[your client secret] # &code=[the code you got in step one] # # Response # {"user_id":"123456","access_token":"1337h4x0rzabcd12345","token_type":"BEARER"} Example def initialize_wepay_access_token(auth_code) puts "WepayRails::Helpers::ControllerHelpers#initialize_wepay_access_token - receiving #{auth_code}" response = gateway.get("/v2/oauth2/token", config_params("").merge(:code => auth_code)) puts "WepayRails::Helpers::ControllerHelpers#initialize_wepay_access_token - after call to wepay - response #{response.inspect}" raise unless response.present? puts "WepayRails::Helpers::ControllerHelpers#initialize_wepay_access_token - after call to wepay - response is present" puts response.inspect json = JSON.parse(response.body) puts "WepayRails::Helpers::ControllerHelpers#initialize_wepay_access_token - after call to wepay - json is #{json.inspect}" wepay_access_token = json["access_token"] puts "WepayRails::Helpers::ControllerHelpers#initialize_wepay_access_token - after call to wepay - wepay_access_token is #{wepay_access_token.inspect}" raise unless wepay_access_token.present? end # Since we are saving the access token in the session, # ensure key uniqueness. Might be a good idea to have this # be a setting in the wepay.yml file. def unique_wepay_access_token_key :IODDR8856UUFG6788 end # Access token is the OAUTH access token that is used for future # comunique def wepay_access_token=(value) session[unique_wepay_access_token_key] = value end # Access token is the OAUTH access token that is used for future # comunique def wepay_access_token session[unique_wepay_access_token_key] end def wepay_access_token_exists? @access_token_exists ||= wepay_access_token.present? end end end end