format :html do view :server_error, template: :haml view :message, perms: :none, tags: :unknown_ok do frame { params[:message] } end view :missing do return "" unless card.ok? :create # should this be moved into ok_view? path_opts = voo.type ? { card: { type: voo.type } } : {} link_text = "Add #{_render_title}" klass = "slotter missing-#{@denied_view || voo.home_view}" wrap { link_to_view :new, link_text, path: path_opts, class: klass } end view :closed_missing, perms: :none do wrap_with :span, h(title_in_context), class: "faint" end view :conflict, cache: :never do actor_link = link_to_card class_up "card-slot", "error-view" wrap do # ENGLISH below alert "warning" do %( Conflict! #{card.last_action_id}
#{actor_link} has also been making changes.
Please examine below, resolve above, and re-submit.
#{render_act} ) end end end view :errors, perms: :none do return if card.errors.empty? voo.title = ? "Problems" : tr(:problems_name, cardname: voo.hide! :menu class_up "d0-card-frame", "card card-warning card-inverse" class_up "alert", "card-error-msg" frame { standard_errors } end view :not_found do voo.hide! :menu voo.title = "Not Found" frame do [not_found_errors, sign_in_or_up_links("to create it")] end end view :denial do focal? ? loud_denial : quiet_denial end def view_for_unknown view case when focal? && ok?(:create) then :new when commentable?(view) then view else super end end def commentable? view return false unless self.class.tagged(view, :comment) && show_view?(:comment_box, :hide) ok? :comment end def show_all_errors? # make configurable by env Auth.always_ok? || Rails.env.development? end def error_cardname exception cardname = super show_all_errors? ? backtrace_link(cardname, exception) : cardname end def rendering_error exception, view wrap_with(:span, class: "render-error alert alert-danger") { super } end def error_modal_id @error_modal_id ||= unique_id end def error_message exception %{

Error message (visible to admin only)

#{CGI.escapeHTML exception.message}

#{exception.backtrace * "
} end def backtrace_link cardname, exception # TODO: make this a modal link after new modal handling is merged in wrap_with(:span, title: error_message(exception)) { cardname } end def standard_errors do |attrib, msg| alert "warning", true do attrib == :abort ? h(msg) : standard_error_message(attrib, msg) end end end def standard_error_message attribute, message "#{h attribute.to_s.upcase}: #{h message}" end def not_found_errors if card.errors.any? standard_errors else haml :not_found end end def sign_in_or_up_links to_task return if Auth.signed_in? links = [signin_link, signup_link].compact.join " #{tr :or} " wrap_with(:div) do [tr(:please), links, to_task].join(" ") + "." end end def signin_link link_to_card :signin, tr(:sign_in) end def signup_link return unless signup_ok? link_to tr(:sign_up), path: { action: :new, mark: :signup } end def signup_ok? Card::SignupID).ok? :create end def quiet_denial wrap_with :span, class: "denied" do "" end end def loud_denial frame do [wrap_with(:h1, tr(:sorry)), wrap_with(:div, loud_denial_message)] end end def loud_denial_message to_task = @denied_task ? tr(:denied_task, denied_task: @denied_task) : tr(:to_do_that) case when not_denied_task_read? tr(:read_only) when Auth.signed_in? tr(:need_permission_task, task: to_task) else Env.save_interrupted_action request.env["REQUEST_URI"] sign_in_or_up_links to_do_unauthorized_task end end def not_denied_task_read? @denied_task != :read && Card.config.read_only end def to_do_unauthorized_task @denied_task ? tr(:denied_task, denied_task: @denied_task) : tr(:to_do_that) end end