# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "acidic_job/version" require_relative "acidic_job/errors" require_relative "acidic_job/recovery_point" require_relative "acidic_job/finished_point" require_relative "acidic_job/run" require_relative "acidic_job/step" require_relative "acidic_job/staging" require_relative "acidic_job/awaiting" require_relative "acidic_job/perform_wrapper" require_relative "acidic_job/idempotency_key" require_relative "acidic_job/extensions/sidekiq" require_relative "acidic_job/extensions/action_mailer" require_relative "acidic_job/extensions/active_job" require_relative "acidic_job/extensions/noticed" require_relative "acidic_job/upgrade_service" require "active_support/concern" module AcidicJob extend ActiveSupport::Concern IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 90 def self.wire_everything_up(klass) # Ensure our `perform` method always runs first to gather parameters klass.prepend PerformWrapper klass.include Staging klass.include Awaiting # Add `deliver_acidicly` to ActionMailer ActionMailer::Parameterized::MessageDelivery.include Extensions::ActionMailer if defined?(ActionMailer) # Add `deliver_acidicly` to Noticed Noticed::Base.include Extensions::Noticed if defined?(Noticed) if defined?(ActiveJob) && klass < ActiveJob::Base klass.send(:include, Extensions::ActiveJob) elsif defined?(Sidekiq) && klass.include?(Sidekiq::Worker) klass.send(:include, Extensions::Sidekiq) klass.include ActiveSupport::Callbacks klass.define_callbacks :perform else raise UnknownJobAdapter end klass.set_callback :perform, :after, :delete_staged_job_record, if: :was_staged_job? end included do AcidicJob.wire_everything_up(self) end class_methods do def inherited(subclass) AcidicJob.wire_everything_up(subclass) super end end def with_acidity(given: {}) # execute the block to gather the info on what steps are defined for this job workflow @__acidic_job_steps = [] steps = yield || [] # check that the block actually defined at least one step # TODO: WRITE TESTS FOR FAULTY BLOCK VALUES raise NoDefinedSteps if @__acidic_job_steps.nil? || @__acidic_job_steps.empty? # convert the array of steps into a hash of recovery_points and next steps workflow = define_workflow(steps) # determine the idempotency key value for this job run (`job_id` or `jid`) # might be defined already in `identifier` method # TODO: allow idempotency to be defined by args OR job id @__acidic_job_idempotency_key ||= IdempotencyKey.value_for(self, @__acidic_job_args, @__acidic_job_kwargs) @run = ensure_run_record(@__acidic_job_idempotency_key, workflow, given) # begin the workflow process_run(@run) end # DEPRECATED def idempotently(with:, &blk) with_acidity(given: with, &blk) end def safely_finish_acidic_job # Short circuits execution by sending execution right to 'finished'. # So, ends the job "successfully" FinishedPoint.new end # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName def idempotency_key return @__acidic_job_idempotency_key if defined? @__acidic_job_idempotency_key @__acidic_job_idempotency_key ||= IdempotencyKey.value_for(self, @__acidic_job_args, @__acidic_job_kwargs) end # rubocop:enable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName private def process_run(run) # if the run record is already marked as finished, immediately return its result return run.succeeded? if run.finished? # otherwise, we will enter a loop to process each step of the workflow run.workflow.size.times do recovery_point = run.recovery_point.to_s current_step = run.workflow[recovery_point] # if any step calls `safely_finish_acidic_job` or the workflow has simply completed, # be sure to break out of the loop if recovery_point == Run::FINISHED_RECOVERY_POINT.to_s # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause break elsif current_step.nil? raise UnknownRecoveryPoint, "Defined workflow does not reference this step: #{recovery_point}" elsif (jobs = current_step.fetch("awaits", [])).any? step = Step.new(current_step, run, self) # Only execute the current step, without yet progressing the recovery_point to the next step. # This ensures that any failures in parallel jobs will have this step retried in the main workflow step_result = step.execute # We allow the `#step_done` method to manage progressing the recovery_point to the next step, # and then calling `process_run` to restart the main workflow on the next step. # We pass the `step_result` so that the async callback called after the step-parallel-jobs complete # can move on to the appropriate next stage in the workflow. enqueue_step_parallel_jobs(jobs, run, step_result) # after processing the current step, break the processing loop # and stop this method from blocking in the primary worker # as it will continue once the background workers all succeed # so we want to keep the primary worker queue free to process new work # this CANNOT ever be `break` as that wouldn't exit the parent job, # only this step in the workflow, blocking as it awaits the next step return true else step = Step.new(current_step, run, self) step.execute # As this step does not await any parallel jobs, we can immediately progress to the next step step.progress end end # the loop will break once the job is finished, so simply report the status run.succeeded? end def step(method_name, awaits: []) @__acidic_job_steps ||= [] @__acidic_job_steps << { "does" => method_name.to_s, "awaits" => awaits } @__acidic_job_steps end def define_workflow(steps) # [ { does: "step 1", awaits: [] }, { does: "step 2", awaits: [] }, ... ] steps << { "does" => Run::FINISHED_RECOVERY_POINT } {}.tap do |workflow| steps.each_cons(2).map do |enter_step, exit_step| enter_name = enter_step["does"] workflow[enter_name] = enter_step.merge("then" => exit_step["does"]) end end # { "step 1": { does: "step 1", awaits: [], then: "step 2" }, ... } end def ensure_run_record(key_val, workflow, accessors) isolation_level = case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase.to_sym when :sqlite :read_uncommitted else :serializable end ActiveRecord::Base.transaction(isolation: isolation_level) do run = Run.find_by(idempotency_key: key_val) serialized_job = serialize_job(@__acidic_job_args, @__acidic_job_kwargs) if run.present? # Programs enqueuing multiple jobs with different parameters but the # same idempotency key is a bug. # NOTE: WOULD THE ENQUEUED_AT OR CREATED_AT FIELD BE NECESSARILY DIFFERENT? if run.serialized_job.except("jid", "job_id", "enqueued_at") != serialized_job.except("jid", "job_id", "enqueued_at") raise MismatchedIdempotencyKeyAndJobArguments end # Only acquire a lock if the key is unlocked or its lock has expired # because the original job was long enough ago. raise LockedIdempotencyKey if run.locked_at && run.locked_at > Time.current - IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_LOCK_TIMEOUT # Lock the run and update latest run unless the job is already finished. run.update!(last_run_at: Time.current, locked_at: Time.current, workflow: workflow) unless run.finished? else run = Run.create!( staged: false, idempotency_key: key_val, job_class: self.class.name, locked_at: Time.current, last_run_at: Time.current, recovery_point: workflow.first.first, workflow: workflow, serialized_job: serialized_job ) end # set accessors for each argument passed in to ensure they are available # to the step methods the job will have written define_accessors_for_passed_arguments(accessors, run) # NOTE: we must return the `key` object from this transaction block # so that it can be returned from this method to the caller run end end def define_accessors_for_passed_arguments(passed_arguments, run) # first, get the current state of all accessors for both previously persisted and initialized values current_accessors = passed_arguments.stringify_keys.merge(run.attr_accessors) # next, ensure that `Run#attr_accessors` is populated with initial values run.update_column(:attr_accessors, current_accessors) current_accessors.each do |accessor, value| # the reader method may already be defined self.class.attr_reader accessor unless respond_to?(accessor) # but we should always update the value to match the current value instance_variable_set("@#{accessor}", value) # and we overwrite the setter to ensure any updates to an accessor update the `Key` stored value # Note: we must define the singleton method on the instance to avoid overwriting setters on other # instances of the same class define_singleton_method("#{accessor}=") do |current_value| instance_variable_set("@#{accessor}", current_value) run.attr_accessors[accessor] = current_value run.save!(validate: false) current_value end end true end def identifier return jid if defined?(jid) && !jid.nil? return job_id if defined?(job_id) && !job_id.nil? # might be defined already in `with_acidity` method @__acidic_job_idempotency_key ||= IdempotencyKey.value_for(self, @__acidic_job_args, @__acidic_job_kwargs) @__acidic_job_idempotency_key end end