# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # This cell renders the category of a resource # shown with the translated name and links to # the resource parent `component` and `participatory space` index. # The context `resource` must be present # example use inside another `cell`: # <%= cell("decidim/category", model.category, context: {resource: model}) %> # class TagsCell < Decidim::ViewModel def show render if category? || scope? end def category render if category? end def scope render if scope? end private def tags_classes (["tags"] + context[:extra_classes].to_a).join(" ") end def category? model.category.present? end def link_to_category accessible_title = t("decidim.tags.filter_results_for_category", resource: category_name) link_to category_path, title: accessible_title do sr_title = content_tag( :span, accessible_title, class: "show-for-sr" ) display_title = content_tag( :span, category_name, "aria-hidden": true ) sr_title + display_title end end def category_name model.category.translated_name end def category_path resource_locator(model).index(filter: { filter_param(:category) => [model.category.id.to_s] }) end def scope? has_visible_scopes?(model) end def link_to_scope accessible_title = t("decidim.tags.filter_results_for_scope", resource: scope_name) link_to scope_path, title: accessible_title do sr_title = content_tag( :span, accessible_title, class: "show-for-sr" ) display_title = content_tag( :span, scope_name, "aria-hidden": true ) sr_title + display_title end end def scope_name translated_attribute model.scope.name end def scope_path resource_locator(model).index(filter: { filter_param(:scope) => [model.scope.id] }) end def filter_param(name) candidates = ["with_any_#{name}".to_sym, "with_#{name}".to_sym] return candidates.first unless controller.respond_to?(:default_filter_params, true) available_params = controller.send(:default_filter_params) candidates.each do |candidate| return candidate if available_params.has_key?(candidate) end candidates.first end end end