require "json" require "open-uri" require "uri" BASE_URI = "" BASE_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "csvw") FEATURE_BASE_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..") VALIDATION_FEATURE_FILE_PATH = File.join(FEATURE_BASE_PATH, "csvw_validation_tests.feature") SCRIPT_FILE_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "bin", "run-csvw-tests") Dir.mkdir(BASE_PATH) unless Dir.exist?(BASE_PATH) def cache_file(filename) file = File.join(BASE_PATH, filename) uri = URI.join(BASE_URI, filename) unless File.exist?(file) if filename.include? "/" levels = filename.split("/")[0..-2] for i in 0..levels.length dir = File.join(BASE_PATH, levels[0..i].join("/")) Dir.mkdir(dir) unless Dir.exist?(dir) end end warn("storing #{file} locally"), "wb") do |f| f.puts, "rb").read end end [uri, file] end unless File.exist? SCRIPT_FILE_PATH, "w") do |file| File.chmod(0o755, SCRIPT_FILE_PATH) manifest = JSON.parse("#{BASE_URI}manifest-validation.jsonld").read) manifest["entries"].each do |entry| type = "valid" case entry["type"] when "csvt:WarningValidationTest" type = "warnings" when "csvt:NegativeValidationTest" type = "errors" end file.puts "echo \"#{entry["id"].split("#")[-1]}: #{entry["name"].tr("`", "'")}\"" file.puts "echo \"#{type}: #{entry["comment"].gsub("\"", "\\\"").tr("`", "'")}\"" if entry["action"].end_with?(".json") file.puts "csvlint --schema=features/fixtures/csvw/#{entry["action"]}" elsif entry["option"] && entry["option"]["metadata"] file.puts "csvlint features/fixtures/csvw/#{entry["action"]} --schema=features/fixtures/csvw/#{entry["option"]["metadata"]}" else file.puts "csvlint features/fixtures/csvw/#{entry["action"]}" end file.puts "echo" end end end unless File.exist? VALIDATION_FEATURE_FILE_PATH, "w") do |file| file.puts "# Auto-generated file based on standard validation CSVW tests from #{BASE_URI}manifest-validation.jsonld" file.puts "" manifest = JSON.parse("#{BASE_URI}manifest-validation.jsonld").read) file.puts "Feature: #{manifest["label"]}" file.puts "" manifest["entries"].each do |entry| action_uri, action_file = cache_file(entry["action"]) metadata = nil provided_files = [] missing_files = [] file.puts "\t# #{entry["id"]}" file.puts "\t# #{entry["comment"]}" file.puts "\tScenario: #{entry["id"]} #{entry["name"].gsub("<", "less than")}" if entry["action"].end_with?(".json") file.puts "\t\tGiven I have a metadata file called \"csvw/#{entry["action"]}\"" file.puts "\t\tAnd the metadata is stored at the url \"#{action_uri}\"" else file.puts "\t\tGiven I have a CSV file called \"csvw/#{entry["action"]}\"" file.puts "\t\tAnd it has a Link header holding \"#{entry["httpLink"]}\"" if entry["httpLink"] file.puts "\t\tAnd it is stored at the url \"#{action_uri}\"" if entry["option"] && entry["option"]["metadata"] # no need to store the file here, as it will be listed in the 'implicit' list, which all get stored metadata = URI.join(BASE_URI, entry["option"]["metadata"]) file.puts "\t\tAnd I have a metadata file called \"csvw/#{entry["option"]["metadata"]}\"" file.puts "\t\tAnd the metadata is stored at the url \"#{metadata}\"" end provided_files << action_uri.to_s if entry["name"].include?("/.well-known/csvm") file.puts "\t\tAnd I have a file called \"\" at the url \"\"" missing_files << "#{action_uri}.json" missing_files << URI.join(action_uri, "csvm.json").to_s else missing_files << URI.join(action_uri, "/.well-known/csvm").to_s end missing_files << "#{action_uri}-metadata.json" missing_files << URI.join(action_uri, "csv-metadata.json").to_s end entry["implicit"]&.each do |implicit| implicit_uri, implicit_file = cache_file(implicit) provided_files << implicit_uri.to_s unless implicit_uri == metadata file.puts "\t\tAnd I have a file called \"csvw/#{implicit}\" at the url \"#{implicit_uri}\"" end end missing_files.each do |uri| file.puts "\t\tAnd there is no file at the url \"#{uri}\"" unless provided_files.include? uri end file.puts "\t\tWhen I carry out CSVW validation" if entry["type"] == "csvt:WarningValidationTest" file.puts "\t\tThen there should not be errors" file.puts "\t\tAnd there should be warnings" elsif entry["type"] == "csvt:NegativeValidationTest" file.puts "\t\tThen there should be errors" else file.puts "\t\tThen there should not be errors" file.puts "\t\tAnd there should not be warnings" end file.puts "\t" end end end