= rails-doorman +rails-doorman+ is an authorization plugin for Ruby on Rails applications. This code was orignally written by Michael D. Ivey for Merb. == Configuration Doorman expects the controller to respond to +current_user+ The +:role+ option expects +current_user+ to respond to +has_role?(role_name)+. To change the default assign the option a new value: Doorman.options[:has_role_method] The +:user+ option expects +current_user+ to respond to +login+. To change the default assign the option a new value: Doorman.options[:user_identifier_method] == Usage === Controllers class Admin::ArticlesController < AdminController allow :role => :admin end allow :role => :admin # current_user.has_role?(:admin) deny :role => :troll allow :role => :admin, :exclude => :show allow :role => :troll, :only => :index +rails-doorman+ supports more than roles. allow :user => :nancy # current_user.login.to_sym == 'nancy'.to_sym allow :host => 'allowed.example.org' # request.host =~ Regexp.new('allowed.example.org') deny :host => 'denied.example.org' deny :user_agent => /MSIE/ # request.user_agent =~ Regexp.new(/MSIE/) === Views All rules can be used in views. <% allow(:role => :admin) do %>


<% end %> <% deny(:role => :troll) do %>


<% end %> === Unauthorized When a rule fails a Doorman::Unauthorized error is raised. The error can be caught in ApplicationController#rescue_action_in_public. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base private def rescue_action_in_public(exception) case exception when Doorman::InvalidRule render :text => 'Invalid Rule', :status => '500 Internal Server Error' when Doorman::Unauthorized render :text => 'Unauthorized', :status => '401 Unauthorized' else super(exception) end end end == Resources Development * http://github.com/jrun/rails-doorman Source * git://github.com/jrun/rails-doorman.git Bugs * http://github.com/jrun/rails-doorman/issues == TODO === Rule inheritance Controller subclasses do not inherit its parents rules. This is more like a bug than a todo. === More configurable +rails-doorman+ should be configurable but in what ways?