# frozen_string_literal: true require 'connection_pool' require 'http' require_relative './chunk' require_relative './notification' require_relative './receipts' require_relative './tickets' module Expo module Push # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation class Error < StandardError # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation def self.explain(error) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength identifier = error.is_a?(String) ? error : error.fetch('details').fetch('error') case identifier when 'DeviceNotRegistered' 'The device cannot receive push notifications anymore and you' \ ' should stop sending messages to the corresponding Expo push token.' when 'InvalidCredentials' 'Your push notification credentials for your standalone app are ' \ 'invalid (ex: you may have revoked them). Run expo build:ios -c ' \ 'to regenerate new push notification credentials for iOS. If you ' \ 'revoke an APN key, all apps that rely on that key will no longer ' \ 'be able to send or receive push notifications until you upload a ' \ 'new key to replace it. Uploading a new APN key will not change ' \ 'your users\' Expo Push Tokens.' when 'MessageTooBig' 'The total notification payload was too large. On Android and iOS ' \ 'the total payload must be at most 4096 bytes.' when 'MessageRateExceeded' 'You are sending messages too frequently to the given device. ' \ 'Implement exponential backoff and slowly retry sending messages.' else "There is no embedded explanation for #{identifier}. Sorry!" end rescue KeyError 'There is no identifier given to explain' end end class ServerError < Error; end class ArgumentError < Error; end class TicketsWithErrors < Error # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation attr_reader :data, :errors def initialize(errors:, data:) self.data = data self.errors = errors if errors.length.zero? super 'Expected at least one error, but got none' return end puts errors super "Expo indicated one or more problems: #{errors.map { |error| error['message'] }}" end private attr_writer :data, :errors end class TicketsExpectationFailed < Error # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation attr_reader :data def initialize(expected_count:, data:) self.data = data super format( "Expected %s ticket#{if expected_count != 1 's' end}, actual: %s. The response data can be inspected.", count: expected_count, actual: data.is_a?(Array) ? data.length : '' ) end private attr_writer :data end class ReceiptsWithErrors < Error # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation attr_reader :data, :errors def initialize(errors:, data:) self.data = data self.errors = errors if errors.length.zero? super 'Expected at least one error, but got none' return end super "Expo indicated one or more problems: #{errors.map { |error| error[:message] }}" end private attr_writer :data, :errors end class PushTokenInvalid < Error # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation attr_reader :token def initialize(token:) self.token = token super "Expected a valid Expo Push Token, actual: #{token}" end private attr_writer :token end ## # The max number of push notifications to be sent at once. Since we can't automatically upgrade # everyone using this library, we should strongly try not to decrease it. # PUSH_NOTIFICATION_CHUNK_LIMIT = 100 ## # The max number of push notification receipts to request at once. # PUSH_NOTIFICATION_RECEIPT_CHUNK_LIMIT = 300 ## # The default max number of concurrent HTTP requests to send at once and spread out the load, # increasing the reliability of notification delivery. # DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_REQUEST_LIMIT = 6 BASE_URL = 'https://exp.host' BASE_API_URL = '/--/api/v2' PUSH_API_URL = "#{BASE_API_URL}/push/send" RECEIPTS_API_URL = "#{BASE_API_URL}/push/getReceipts" ## # Returns `true` if the token is an Expo push token # def self.expo_push_token?(token) return false unless token /\AExpo(?:nent)?PushToken\[[^\]]+\]\z/.match?(token) || /\A[a-z\d]{8}-[a-z\d]{4}-[a-z\d]{4}-[a-z\d]{4}-[a-z\d]{12}\z/i.match?(token) end ## # This is the Push Client for Expo's Push Service. It is responsible for # sending the notifications themselves as well as retrieving the receipts. # # It will attempt to keep a persistent connection once the first request is # made, and allow at most {concurrency} concurrent requests. # class Client def initialize( access_token: nil, concurrency: DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_REQUEST_LIMIT, logger: false, instrumentation: false ) self.access_token = access_token self.concurrency = concurrency self.logger = logger self.instrumentation = if instrumentation == true { instrumentation: ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrumenter } else instrumentation end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def send(notifications) connect unless pool? threads = Chunk.for(notifications).map do |chunk| expected_count = chunk.count Thread.new do pool.with do |http| response = http.post(PUSH_API_URL, json: chunk.as_json) parsed_response = response.parse data = parsed_response['data'] errors = parsed_response['errors'] if errors&.length&.positive? TicketsWithErrors.new(data: data, errors: errors) elsif !data.is_a?(Array) || data.length != expected_count TicketsExpectationFailed.new(expected_count: expected_count, data: data) else data.map { |ticket| Ticket.new(ticket) } end end end end Tickets.new(threads.map(&:value)) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def send!(notifications) send(notifications).tap do |result| result.each_error do |error| raise error if error.is_a?(Error) end end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def receipts(receipt_ids) connect unless pool? pool.with do |http| response = http.post(RECEIPTS_API_URL, json: { ids: Array(receipt_ids) }) parsed_response = response.parse if !parsed_response || parsed_response.is_a?(Array) || !parsed_response.is_a?(Hash) raise ServerError, 'Expected hash with receipt id => receipt, but got some other data structure' end errors = parsed_response['errors'] data = parsed_response['data'] if errors&.length&.positive? ReceiptsWithErrors.new(data: parsed_response, errors: errors) else results = data.map do |receipt_id, data| Receipt.new(data: data, receipt_id: receipt_id) end Receipts.new(results: results, requested_ids: receipt_ids) end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def connect # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize shutdown self.pool = ConnectionPool.new(size: concurrency, timeout: 5) do http = HTTP.headers( # All request should return JSON (in this client) Accept: 'application/json', # All responses are allowed to be gzip-encoded 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', # Set user-agent so that expo can track usage 'User-Agent': format('expo-server-sdk-ruby/%s', version: VERSION) ) http = http.headers('Authorization', "Bearer #{access_token}") if access_token # All requests are allowed to automatically gzip http = http.use(:auto_inflate) # Turn on logging if there is a logger http = http.use(logging: { logger: logger }) if logger # Turn on instrumentation http = http.use(instrumentation: instrumentation) if instrumentation http.persistent(BASE_URL) end end def shutdown return unless pool? pool.shutdown do |conn| conn&.close end end def notification Expo::Push::Notification.new end private attr_accessor :access_token, :concurrency, :pool, :logger, :instrumentation def pool? !!pool end end end end