#attempt to create an api that is compatible with the amqp gem module AMQP IncompatibleOptionsError = Class.new(StandardError) ClientConnectorError = Class.new(StandardError) def self.settings @settings ||= AMQP::Client::Settings.default end def factory(factory=nil) factory ? @factory = factory : @factory end module Client module Settings def self.default @default ||= { :host => "", :port => 5672, :user => "guest", :pass => "guest", :vhost => "/", # connection timeout :timeout => nil, :logging => false, :ssl => false } end def self.configure(settings = nil) case settings when Hash then if user = settings.delete(:username) settings[:user] ||= user end if pass = settings.delete(:password) settings[:pass] ||= pass end self.default.merge(settings) when NilClass then self.default end end end end class Connection def self.new(options=nil) @options = AMQP::Client::Settings.configure(options || AMQP.settings) factory = options ? RabbitMQClient.factory(@options) : AMQP.factory() || AMQP.factory(RabbitMQClient.factory(@options)) RabbitMQClient.new(:factory => factory) end end class Channel attr_reader :connection,:options def initialize(connection=nil,channel_id=1,opts={}) @options = opts @connection = connection || AMQP::Connection.new(@options) end def channel_number @connection.channel.channel_number end def connected? @connection.connected? end def connect return if connected? @connection.connect end def disconnect @connection.disconnect end def prefetch(count, global = false) @connection.channel.basic_qos(0, count, global) end def direct(name = 'amq.direct', opts = {}, &block) if exchange = @connection.find_exchange(name) raise AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError.new() unless exchange.match_opts(opts) else exchange = @connection.exchange(name, 'direct', opts) end block.call(exchange) if block exchange end def fanout(name = 'amq.fanout', opts = {}, &block) if exchange = @connection.find_exchange(name) raise AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError.new() unless exchange.match_opts(opts) else exchange = @connection.exchange(name, 'fanout', opts) end block.call(exchange) if block exchange end def headers(name = 'amq.headers', opts = {}, &block) if exchange = @connection.find_exchange(name) raise AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError.new() unless exchange.match_opts(opts) else exchange = @connection.exchange(name, 'headers', opts) end block.call(exchange) if block exchange end def topic(name = 'amq.topic', opts = {}, &block) if exchange = @connection.find_exchange(name) raise AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError.new() unless exchange.match_opts(opts) else exchange = @connection.exchange(name, 'topic', opts) end block.call(exchange) if block exchange end def queue(name=nil, opts={}, &block) raise ArgumentError.new("queue name must not be nil") if name.nil? raise ArgumentError.new("queue name must not be empty") if name.empty? if queue = @connection.find_queue(name) raise AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError.new() unless queue.match_opts(opts) else queue = @connection.queue(name, opts) end block.call(queue) if block queue end private end end