{<img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/jpmcgrath/shortener.png?branch=master" alt="Build Status" />}[http://travis-ci.org/jpmcgrath/shortener] = Shortener Shortener is a Rails Engine Gem that makes it easy to create and interpret shortened URLs on your own domain from within your Rails application. Once installed Shortener will generate, store URLS and "unshorten" shortened URLs for your applications visitors, all whilst collecting basic usage metrics. == Overview The majority of the Shortener consists of three parts: * a model for storing the details of the shortened link; * a controller to accept incoming requests and redirecting them to the target URL; * a helper for generating shortened URLs from controllers and views. === Dependencies Shortener is designed to work from within a Rails 3 and Rails 4 applications. It has dependancies Rails core components like ActiveRecord, ActionController, the rails routing engine and more. === Ruby Version Support As Ruby 1.9.3 entered end of maintainance in early 2015, the last version of the Shortener gem to support Ruby 1.9.3 is 0.4.x. Shortener v0.5 onwards will require Ruby 2+. === Upgrading ==== v0.4.0 to v0.5.0 There have been some breaking changes: 1. The owner argument is passed into the generator and helper methods as a named parameter. 2. Original URLs arguments without a hypertext protocol (http|https) will be assumed to be relative paths. === Some niceities of Shortener: * The controller does a 301 redirect, which is the recommended type of redirect for maintaining maximum google juice to the original URL; * A unique alphanumeric code of generated for each shortened link, this means that we can get more unique combinations than if we just used numbers; * The link records a count of how many times it has been “un-shortened”; * The link can be associated with a user, this allows for stats of the link usage for a particular user and other interesting things; * The controller spawns a new thread to record information to the database, allowing the redirect to happen as quickly as possible; === Future improvements: * There has not been an attempt to remove ambiguous characters (i.e. 1 l and capital i, or 0 and O etc.) from the unique key generated for the link. This means people might copy the link incorrectly if copying the link by hand; * The shortened links are found with a case-insensitive search on the unique key. This means that the system can’t take advantage of upper and lower case to increase the number of unique combinations. This may have an effect for people copying the link by hand; * The system could pre-generate unique keys in advance, avoiding the database penalty when checking that a newly generated key is unique; * The system could store the shortened URL if the url is to be continually rendered; * Some implementations might want duplicate links to be generated each time a user request a shortened link. == Installation Shortener is compatible with Rails v3 and v4. To install, add to your Gemfile: gem 'shortener' After you install Shortener run the generator: rails generate shortener This generator will create a migration to create the shortened_urls table where your shortened URLs will be stored. Then add to your routes: match '/:id' => "shortener/shortened_urls#show" == Configuration The gem can be configured in a config/initializers/shortener.rb file. By default, the shortener will generate keys that are 5 characters long. You can change that by specifying the length of the key like so; Shortener.unique_key_length = 6 By default, when a unique key isn't matched the site is redirected to "/". You can change that by specifying a different url like so; Shortener.default_redirect = "http://www.someurl.com" == Usage To generate a Shortened URL object for the URL "http://example.com" within your controller / models do the following: Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("http://example.com") Alternatively, you can create a shortened url to a relative path within your application: Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("/relative-path?param=whatever") To generate and display a shortened URL in your application use the helper method: short_url("http://example.com") This will generate a shortened URL. store it to the db and return a string representing the shortened URL. === Shortened URLs with owner You can link shortened URLs to an owner, to scope them. To do so, add the following line to the models which will act as owners: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_shortened_urls end This will allow you to pass the owner when generating URLs: Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("example.com", owner: user) short_url("http://example.com", owner: user) And to access those URLs: user.shortened_urls === Shortened URLs with custom unqiue key You can pass in your own key when generating a shortened URL. This should be unique. Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("example.com", owner: user, custom_key: "my-key") short_url("http://example.com", custom_key: 'yourkey') === Expirable Shortened URLs You can create expirable URLs. Probably, most of the time it would be used with owner: Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("example.com/page", user, expires_at: 24.hours.since) You can omit owner passing nil instead: Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("example.com/page", nil, expires_at: 24.hours.since) === Forbidden keys You can ensure that records with forbidden keys will not be generated. In rails you can put next line into config/initializers/shortener.rb Shortener.forbidden_keys.concat %w(terms promo) === Shorten URLs in generated emails You can register the included mail interceptor to shorten all links in the emails generated by your Rails app. For example, add to your mailer: class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base register_interceptor Shortener::ShortenUrlInterceptor.new end This will replace all long URLs in the emails generated by MyMailer with shortened versions. The base URL for the shortener will be infered from the mailer's default_url_options. If you use a different hostname for your shortener, you can use: class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base register_interceptor Shortener::ShortenUrlInterceptor.new :base_url => "http://shortener.host" end The interceptor supports a few more arguments, see the implementation for details. == Origins For a bit of backstory to Shortener see this {blog post}[http://jamespmcgrath.com/a-simple-link-shortener-in-rails/]. == In The Wild Shortener is used in a number of production systems, including, but not limited to: {Doorkeeper - An Event Management Tool}[http://www.doorkeeperhq.com/] If you are using Shortener in your project and would like to be added to this list, please get in touch! == Authors * {James McGrath}[https://github.com/jpmcgrath] * {Michael Reinsch}[https://github.com/mreinsch]