require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class AccountsListTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestHelper def setup @gateway =, CONSUMER_SECRET) # Always stub out calls for this integration test as we need to be able to control the data. @gateway.xero_url = "DUMMY_URL" @gateway.stubs(:http_get).with {|client, url, params| url =~ /Accounts$/ }.returns(get_file_as_string("accounts.xml")) end def test_get_accounts_list accounts_list = @gateway.get_accounts_list assert_not_equal(0, accounts_list.accounts.size) end # Make sure that the list is loaded when finding things. def test_raise_error_on_not_loaded accounts_list = @gateway.get_accounts_list(false) assert_equal(false, accounts_list.loaded?) assert_raise(XeroGateway::AccountsListNotLoadedError) { accounts_list[200] } assert_raise(XeroGateway::AccountsListNotLoadedError) { accounts_list.find_by_code(200) } assert_raise(XeroGateway::AccountsListNotLoadedError) { accounts_list.find_all_by_type('EXPENSE') } assert_raise(XeroGateway::AccountsListNotLoadedError) { accounts_list.find_all_by_tax_type('OUTPUT') } end # Test simple lookup by account code (from cache). def test_simple_lookup_by_account_code accounts_list = @gateway.get_accounts_list assert_equal(true, accounts_list.loaded?) # Load data in the stubbed response. expected_accounts = accounts_as_array # Make sure that every single expected account exists in the cached lookup hash. expected_accounts.each do | expected_account | found_account = accounts_list.find_by_code(expected_account.code) assert_kind_of(XeroGateway::Account, found_account) assert(expected_account == found_account, "Found account does not match expected account.") found_account_shortcut = accounts_list[expected_account.code] assert_kind_of(XeroGateway::Account, found_account_shortcut) assert(expected_account == found_account_shortcut, "Found account does not match expected account (shortcut).") end end # Test finding accounts by their account type (from cache). def test_lookup_by_account_type accounts_list = @gateway.get_accounts_list assert_equal(true, accounts_list.loaded?) # Load data in the stubbed response. expected_accounts = accounts_as_array # Get all the unique account types present in the expected accounts data along with their counts. unique_types = expected_accounts.inject({}) do | list, account | list[account.type] = 0 if list[account.type].nil? list[account.type] += 1 list end assert_not_equal(0, unique_types) unique_types.each do | account_type, count | found_accounts = accounts_list.find_all_by_type(account_type) assert_equal(count, found_accounts.size) found_accounts.each do | found_account | assert_kind_of(XeroGateway::Account, found_account) assert_equal(account_type, found_account.type) end end end # Test finding accounts by their tax type (from cache). def test_lookup_by_tax_type accounts_list = @gateway.get_accounts_list assert_equal(true, accounts_list.loaded?) # Load data in the stubbed response. expected_accounts = accounts_as_array # Get all the unique tax types present in the expected accounts data along with their counts. unique_types = expected_accounts.inject({}) do | list, account | list[account.tax_type] = 0 if list[account.tax_type].nil? list[account.tax_type] += 1 list end assert_not_equal(0, unique_types) unique_types.each do | tax_type, count | found_accounts = accounts_list.find_all_by_tax_type(tax_type) assert_equal(count, found_accounts.size) found_accounts.each do | found_account | assert_kind_of(XeroGateway::Account, found_account) assert_equal(tax_type, found_account.tax_type) end end end private def accounts_as_array response = @gateway.__send__(:parse_response, get_file_as_string("accounts.xml")) response.accounts end end