=== Ruby on Rails-specific troubleshooting ==== The "About your application's environment" link does not work The "About your application's environment" link only works if the application is started in the 'development' environment. Phusion Passenger starts the application in the 'production' environment by default. Please use ifdef::apache[] <> endif::[] ifdef::nginx[] <> endif::[] to change it. ==== The Rails application reports that it's unable to start because of a permission error Please check whether your Rails application's folder has the correct permissions. By default, Rails applications are started as the owner of the file `config.ru`, except if the file is owned by root. If the file is owned by root, then the Rails application will be started as 'nobody' (or as the user specify by <>, if that's specified). Please read <> for details. ==== The Rails application's log file is not being written to There are a couple things that you should be aware of: - By default, Phusion Passenger runs Rails applications in 'production' mode, so please be sure to check `production.log` instead of `development.log`. + See ifdef::apache[] <> endif::[] ifdef::nginx[] <> endif::[] for configuration. - By default, Phusion Passenger runs Rails applications as the owner of `config.ru`. So the log file can only be written to if that user has write permission to the log file. Please `chmod` or `chown` your log file accordingly. + See <> for details. If you're using a RedHat-derived Linux distribution (such as Fedora or CentOS) then it is link:http://code.google.com/p/phusion-passenger/issues/detail?id=4[possible that SELinux is interfering]. RedHat's SELinux policy only allows Apache to read/write directories that have the 'httpd_sys_content_t' security context. Please run the following command to give your Rails application folder that context: ----------------------------------------------------------- chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t /path/to/your/rails/app -----------------------------------------------------------