It is used in ContextR as well, and its redefinition is simple, The functionality of method missing is one of the core ingredients of cleanly designed Ruby programs, it is still possible to extend it with context-dependent behaviour. The following code will show the right usage. class MethodMissingExample def method_missing(*a) "base" end in_layer :one do def method_missing(*a, &b) "pre_one " + super end end in_layer :two do def method_missing(*a, &b) super + " post_two" end end end example do instance = result_of(instance.any_method) == "base" ContextR::with_layer :one do result_of(instance.any_method) == "pre_one base" end ContextR::with_layer :two do result_of(instance.any_method) == "base post_two" end ContextR::with_layer :one, :two do result_of(instance.any_method) == "pre_one base post_two" end end