#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot') require 'druid-tools' require 'optparse' require 'json' class AssemblePlacenames < GeoHydra::Process # # Resolves placenames using local gazetteer # # * Changes subject/geographic with GeoNames as authority to have the correct valueURI # * Adds correct rdf:resource to geo extension # * Adds a LCSH or LCNAF keyword if needed # def resolve_placenames(g, modsFn, flags) puts "Processing #{modsFn}" if flags[:verbose] mods = Nokogiri::XML(File.open(modsFn, 'rb')) r = mods.xpath('//mods:geographic', { 'mods' => 'http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3' }) r.each do |i| ap({:i => i}) if flags[:debug] k = i.content # Verify Gazetteer keyword uri = g.find_placename_uri(k) if uri.nil? puts "WARNING: Missing gazetteer entry for '#{k}'" if flags[:verbose] next end # Ensure correct valueURI for subject/geographic for GeoNames i['valueURI'] = uri i['authority'] = 'geonames' i['authorityURI'] = 'http://www.geonames.org/ontology#' # Correct any linkages for placenames in the geo extension coverages = mods.xpath('//mods:extension//dc:coverage', { 'mods' => 'http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3', 'dc' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/' }) coverages.each do |j| if j['dc:title'] == k puts "Correcting dc:coverage@rdf:resource for #{k}" if flags[:debug] j['rdf:resource'] = uri + 'about.rdf' end end # Add a LC heading if needed lc = g.find_loc_keyword(k) ap({:lc => lc}) if flags[:debug] unless lc.nil? or k == lc puts "Adding Library of Congress entry to end of MODS record" if flags[:verbose] lcauth = g.find_loc_authority(k) unless lcauth.nil? lcuri = g.find_loc_authority(k) unless lcuri.nil? lcuri = " valueURI='#{lcuri}'" end i.parent.parent << Nokogiri::XML(" #{lc} ").root end end ap({:i => i}) if flags[:debug] end # Save XML tree mods.write_to(File.open(modsFn, 'wb'), :encoding => 'UTF-8', :indent => 2) end def main(flags) g = GeoHydra::Gazetteer.new File.umask(002) puts "Searching for MODS records..." if flags[:verbose] Dir.glob(flags[:workspacedir] + '/**/' + DruidTools::Druid.glob + '/metadata/descMetadata.xml') do |modsFn| resolve_placenames(g, modsFn, flags) end end def run(args) flags = { :debug => false, :verbose => false, :workspacedir => GeoHydra::Config.geohydra.workspace || 'workspace' } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = < flags}) if flags[:debug] main flags end end # __MAIN__ AssemblePlacenames.new.run(ARGV)