package com.infochimps.elasticsearch; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import*; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext; import com.infochimps.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.HadoopUtils; import org.elasticsearch.node.Node; import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.client.Requests; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders.*; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; /** A Hadoop InputFormat to read data from an Elasticsearch index. The RecordReader divulges records where the key is the record id in elasticsearch and the value is a json string of the (source) record contents. */ public class ElasticSearchInputFormat extends InputFormat implements Configurable { static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ElasticSearchInputFormat.class); private Configuration conf = null; private Node node; private Client client; private Integer requestSize; private Long numHits; private Long numSplits; private Long numSplitRecords; private String indexName; private String objType; private String queryString; private static final String ES_REQUEST_SIZE = "elasticsearch.request.size"; // number of records to fetch at one time private static final String ES_NUM_SPLITS = "elasticsearch.num.input.splits"; // number of hadoop map tasks to launch private static final String ES_QUERY_STRING = "elasticsearch.query.string"; private static final String ES_CONFIG_NAME = "elasticsearch.yml"; private static final String ES_PLUGINS_NAME = "plugins"; private static final String ES_INDEX_NAME = ""; private static final String ES_OBJECT_TYPE = "elasticsearch.object.type"; private static final String ES_CONFIG = "es.config"; private static final String ES_PLUGINS = "es.path.plugins"; private static final String SLASH = "/"; public RecordReader createRecordReader(InputSplit inputSplit, TaskAttemptContext context) { return new ElasticSearchRecordReader(); } /** The number of splits is specified in the Hadoop configuration object. */ public List getSplits(JobContext context) { setConf(context.getConfiguration()); List splits = new ArrayList(numSplits.intValue()); for(int i = 0; i < numSplits; i++) { Long size = (numSplitRecords == 1) ? 1 : numSplitRecords-1; splits.add(new ElasticSearchSplit(queryString, i*numSplitRecords, size)); } if (numHits % numSplits > 0) splits.add(new ElasticSearchSplit(queryString, numSplits*numSplitRecords, numHits % numSplits - 1));"Created ["+splits.size()+"] splits for ["+numHits+"] hits"); return splits; } /** Sets the configuration object, opens a connection to elasticsearch, and initiates the initial search request. */ @Override public void setConf(Configuration configuration) { this.conf = configuration; this.indexName = conf.get(ES_INDEX_NAME); this.objType = conf.get(ES_OBJECT_TYPE); this.requestSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get(ES_REQUEST_SIZE)); this.numSplits = Long.parseLong(conf.get(ES_NUM_SPLITS)); this.queryString = conf.get(ES_QUERY_STRING); // // Need to ensure that this is set in the hadoop configuration so we can // instantiate a local client. The reason is that no files are in the // distributed cache when this is called. // System.setProperty(ES_CONFIG, conf.get(ES_CONFIG)); System.setProperty(ES_PLUGINS, conf.get(ES_PLUGINS)); start_embedded_client(); initiate_search(); } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return conf; } /** Starts an embedded elasticsearch client (ie. data = false) */ private void start_embedded_client() {"Starting embedded elasticsearch client ..."); this.node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().client(true).node(); this.client = node.client(); } private void initiate_search() { SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(indexName) .setTypes(objType) .setSearchType(SearchType.COUNT) .setQuery(QueryBuilders.queryString(queryString)) .setSize(requestSize) .execute() .actionGet(); this.numHits = response.hits().totalHits(); if(numSplits > numHits) numSplits = numHits; // This could be bad this.numSplitRecords = (numHits/numSplits); } protected class ElasticSearchRecordReader extends RecordReader { private Node node; private Client client; private String indexName; private String objType; private Long numSplitRecords; private Integer requestSize; private Text currentKey; private Text currentValue; private Integer recordsRead; private Iterator hitsItr = null; private String queryString; private Long from; private Long recsToRead; public ElasticSearchRecordReader() { } public void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); this.indexName = conf.get(ES_INDEX_NAME); this.objType = conf.get(ES_OBJECT_TYPE);"Initializing elasticsearch record reader on index ["+indexName+"] and object type ["+objType+"]"); // // Fetches elasticsearch.yml and the plugins directory from the distributed cache // try { String taskConfigPath = HadoopUtils.fetchFileFromCache(ES_CONFIG_NAME, conf);"Using ["+taskConfigPath+"] as es.config"); String taskPluginsPath = HadoopUtils.fetchArchiveFromCache(ES_PLUGINS_NAME, conf);"Using ["+taskPluginsPath+"] as es.plugins.dir"); System.setProperty(ES_CONFIG, taskConfigPath); System.setProperty(ES_PLUGINS, taskPluginsPath+SLASH+ES_PLUGINS_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } queryString = ((ElasticSearchSplit)split).getQueryString(); from = ((ElasticSearchSplit)split).getFrom(); recsToRead = ((ElasticSearchSplit)split).getSize();"elasticsearch record reader: query ["+queryString+"], from ["+from+"], size ["+recsToRead+"]"); start_embedded_client(); recordsRead = 0; } /** Starts an embedded elasticsearch client (ie. data = false) */ private void start_embedded_client() {"Starting embedded elasticsearch client ..."); this.node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().client(true).node(); this.client = node.client(); } private Iterator fetchNextHits() { SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(indexName) .setTypes(objType) .setFrom(from.intValue()) .setSize(recsToRead.intValue()) .setQuery(QueryBuilders.queryString(queryString)) .execute() .actionGet(); return response.hits().iterator(); } @Override public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException { if (hitsItr!=null) { if (recordsRead < recsToRead) { if (hitsItr.hasNext()) { SearchHit hit =; currentKey = new Text(; currentValue = new Text(hit.sourceAsString()); recordsRead += 1; return true; } } else { hitsItr = null; } } else { if (recordsRead < recsToRead) { hitsItr = fetchNextHits(); if (hitsItr.hasNext()) { SearchHit hit =; currentKey = new Text(; currentValue = new Text(hit.sourceAsString()); recordsRead += 1; return true; } } } return false; } @Override public Text getCurrentKey() { return currentKey; } @Override public Text getCurrentValue() { return currentValue; } @Override public float getProgress() throws IOException { return 0; } @Override public void close() throws IOException {"Closing record reader"); client.close();"Client is closed"); if (node != null) { node.close(); }"Record reader closed."); } } }