== 1.2.3 - 4-Nov-2006 * Bug fix for file sizes over 4gb. == 1.2.2 - 13-May-2006 * Yet another blksize bug fix. * Minor tweak to the pretty_print method with regards to handling nil values. * Bumped the minimum required windows-pr version to 0.4.0 in the gemspec. == 1.2.1 - 12-May-2006 * Fixed a bug with regards to the block count where the constructor would die with a FloatDomainError if the blksize returned 0 or nil. It now defaults to nil in that event. == 1.2.0 - 23-Apr-2006 * Removed the attribute setters. From now on this class provides readonly methods. Use the win32-file package for attribute setters. * Added the content_indexed? alias for the indexed? method. * Corresponding test suite changes. * Fixed the pp issue by writing a custom pretty_print method. == 1.1.0 - 15-Apr-2006 * Added the chardev?, dev_major, dev_minor directory?, file?, executable?, executable_real?, ftype, grpowned?, owned?, pipe?, readable?, readable_real?, rdev_major, rdev_minor, setgid?, setuid?, size?, socket?, sticky?, symlink?, writable?, writable_real? and zero? methods. Note that not all of these methods return meaningful values and were merely added to match the current spec. See documentation for details. * Added a VERSION constant. * Some optimization in the constructor. == 1.0.0 - 13-Apr-2006 * Initial release