require "isodoc" require "iso-639" module IsoDoc module Ogc class Metadata < IsoDoc::Metadata def initialize(lang, script, labels) super end def title(isoxml, _out) main = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/title[@language='en']"))&.text set(:doctitle, main) end def subtitle(_isoxml, _out) nil end def author(isoxml, _out) tc ="//bibdata/ext/editorialgroup/committee")) set(:tc, tc.text) if tc authors = isoxml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/contributor[role/@type = 'author']/person")) set(:authors, extract_person_names(authors)) editors = isoxml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/contributor[role/@type = 'editor']/person")) set(:editors, extract_person_names(editors)) end def docid(isoxml, _out) set(:docnumber, isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/docidentifier[@type = 'ogc-internal']"))&.text) set(:externalid, isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/docidentifier[@type = 'ogc-external']"))&.text) end def status_abbr(status) end def keywords(isoxml, _out) keywords = [] isoxml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/ext/keyword")).each do |kw| keywords << kw.text end set(:keywords, keywords) end def unpublished(status) !%w(published deprecated retired).include?(status.downcase) end def version(isoxml, _out) super revdate = get[:revdate] set(:revdate_monthyear, monthyr(revdate)) set(:edition, isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/edition"))&.text) set(:language, ISO_639.find_by_code(isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/language"))&.text)) end MONTHS = { "01": "January", "02": "February", "03": "March", "04": "April", "05": "May", "06": "June", "07": "July", "08": "August", "09": "September", "10": "October", "11": "November", "12": "December", }.freeze def monthyr(isodate) m = /(?<yr>\d\d\d\d)-(?<mo>\d\d)/.match isodate return isodate unless m && m[:yr] && m[:mo] return "#{MONTHS[m[:mo].to_sym]} #{m[:yr]}" end def url(xml, _out) super a ="//bibdata/uri[@type = 'previous']")) and set(:previousuri, a.text) end def type_capitalise(b) b.split(/[- ]/).map do |w| w.capitalize unless %w(SWG).include? w end.join(" ") end def doctype(isoxml, _out) b = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/ext/doctype"))&.text and set(:doctype, type_capitalise(b)) b = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/ext/docsubtype"))&.text and set(:docsubtype, type_capitalise(b)) end end end end