require 'etc' require 'daemons' unless module Process # Returns +true+ the process identied by +pid+ is running. def running?(pid) Process.getpgid(pid) != -1 rescue Errno::ESRCH false end module_function :running? end module Thin # Raised when the pid file already exist starting as a daemon. class PidFileExist < RuntimeError; end # Module included in classes that can be turned into a daemon. # Handle stuff like: # * storing the PID in a file # * redirecting output to the log file # * changing processs privileges # * killing the process gracefully module Daemonizable attr_accessor :pid_file, :log_file def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def pid File.exist?(pid_file) ? open(pid_file).read.to_i : nil end # Turns the current script into a daemon process that detaches from the console. def daemonize raise PlatformNotSupported, 'Daemonizing is not supported on Windows' if raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify a pid_file to daemonize' unless @pid_file remove_stale_pid_file pwd = Dir.pwd # Current directory is changed during daemonization, so store it Daemonize.daemonize(File.expand_path(@log_file), name) Dir.chdir(pwd) write_pid_file trap('HUP') { restart } at_exit do log ">> Exiting!" remove_pid_file end end # Change privileges of the process # to the specified user and group. def change_privilege(user, group=user) log ">> Changing process privilege to #{user}:#{group}" uid, gid = Process.euid, Process.egid target_uid = Etc.getpwnam(user).uid target_gid = Etc.getgrnam(group).gid if uid != target_uid || gid != target_gid # Change process ownership Process.initgroups(user, target_gid) Process::GID.change_privilege(target_gid) Process::UID.change_privilege(target_uid) end rescue Errno::EPERM => e log "Couldn't change user and group to #{user}:#{group}: #{e}" end # Register a proc to be called to restart the server. def on_restart(&block) @on_restart = block end # Restart the server. def restart raise ArgumentError, "Can't restart, no 'on_restart' proc specified" unless @on_restart log '>> Restarting ...' stop remove_pid_file exit! end module ClassMethods # Send a QUIT or INT (if timeout is +0+) signal the process which # PID is stored in +pid_file+. # If the process is still running after +timeout+, KILL signal is # sent. def kill(pid_file, timeout=60) if timeout == 0 send_signal('INT', pid_file, timeout) else send_signal('QUIT', pid_file, timeout) end end # Restart the server by sending HUP signal. def restart(pid_file) send_signal('HUP', pid_file) end # Send a +signal+ to the process which PID is stored in +pid_file+. def send_signal(signal, pid_file, timeout=60) if File.file?(pid_file) && pid = pid = pid.to_i Logging.log "Sending #{signal} signal to process #{pid} ... " Process.kill(signal, pid) Timeout.timeout(timeout) do sleep 0.1 while Process.running?(pid) end Logging.log "" else puts "Can't stop process, no PID found in #{pid_file}" end rescue Timeout::Error Logging.log "Timeout!" force_kill pid_file rescue Interrupt force_kill pid_file rescue Errno::ESRCH # No such process Logging.log "process not found!" force_kill pid_file end def force_kill(pid_file) Process.kill("KILL", rescue nil File.delete(pid_file) if File.exist?(pid_file) rescue nil end end protected def remove_pid_file File.delete(@pid_file) if @pid_file && File.exists?(@pid_file) end def write_pid_file log ">> Writing PID to #{@pid_file}" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(@pid_file) open(@pid_file,"w") { |f| f.write( } File.chmod(0644, @pid_file) end # If PID file is stale, remove it. def remove_stale_pid_file if File.exist?(@pid_file) if pid && Process.running?(pid) raise PidFileExist, "#{@pid_file} already exists, seems like it's already running (process ID: #{pid}). " + "Stop the process or delete #{@pid_file}." else log ">> Deleting stale PID file #{@pid_file}" remove_pid_file end end end end end