h1. YAML2ENV _Stash environment-specific configs in YAML-files and load them into ENV according to best-practices pattern - and auto-detects on-initialization if something is missing (skipping the "scratching the head"-part)._ h2. Motivation For some rainy day...or next commit. h2. Frameworks @Yaml2env@ detects lean defaults for: *"Rack":https://github.com/rack/rack*, *"Rails":https://github.com/rails/rails*, and *"Sinatra":https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra*. Though by setting @Yaml2env.env@ and @Yaml2env.root@ manually you are good with any Ruby-project. h2. Installation Add to your @Gemfile@:
  gem 'yaml2env'
...and @bundle install@. h2. Usage To give this some context; this is how we use @Yaml2Env@ to initialize "Hoptoad":http://hoptoadapp.com:
  Yaml2Env.load 'config/hoptoad.yml', {'HOPTOAD_API_KEY' => 'api_key'}

  if defined?(HoptoadNotifier)
    HoptoadNotifier.configure do |config|
      config.api_key = ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY']
...and the corresponding YAML config file:
    api_key: NONE

    api_key: 123abc

    api_key: abc123

    api_key: NONE
...which will yield:
  Rails.env = 'development'

  Rails.env = 'staging'
  ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY'] => '123abc'

  Rails.env = 'production'
  ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY'] => 'abc123'

  Rails.env = 'test'

  Rails.env = 'other'
  => "Failed to load required config for environment 'other': /Users/grimen/development/example.com/config/hoptoad.yml"
h2. Notes This gem was developed for our own requirements at *"Merchii":http://github.com/merchii*, so feel free to send pull-requests with enhancements of any kind (features, bug-fixes, documentation, tests, etc.) to make it better or useful for you as well. h2. License Released under the MIT license. Copyright (c) "Merchii":http://github.com/merchii, "Jonas Grimfelt":http://github.com/grimen