// // ListBlockUtility.h // snowcrash // // All the cool kids from ListUtility.h live here. // // Created by Zdenek Nemec on 11/11/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 Apiary Inc. All rights reserved. // #ifndef SNOWCRASH_LISTBLOCKUTILITY_H #define SNOWCRASH_LISTBLOCKUTILITY_H #include "ListUtility.h" namespace snowcrash { /** * \brief Return a first non-signature content block of a list(item). * \param begin Begin of the block buffer to examine. * \param end End of the block buffer. * \return First non-signature content block or begin. * * Returns first block with the actual content of a list or list item. */ FORCEINLINE BlockIterator ContentBlock(const BlockIterator& begin, const BlockIterator& end) { BlockIterator cur = begin; if (cur->type == ListBlockBeginType) { if (++cur == end) return end; return cur; } if (cur->type == ListItemBlockBeginType) { if (++cur == end) return end; if (cur->type == ListItemBlockEndType) return begin; if (cur->type == ParagraphBlockType) if (++cur == end) return end; } return cur; } /** * \brief Skips first list item signature block. * * This function effectively returns the first content block of * a list item that is not a signature block. If no such a block exists. * a block following the list item is returned. If a list is provided it * uses its first list item. */ FORCEINLINE BlockIterator SkipSignatureBlock(const BlockIterator& begin, const BlockIterator& end) { BlockIterator cur = begin; // Skip to fist list item if appropriate if (cur->type == ListBlockBeginType) { cur = ContentBlock(cur, end); } // Skip to first list item content if (cur->type == ListItemBlockBeginType) { BlockIterator firstContent = ContentBlock(cur, end); if (cur != firstContent) { cur = firstContent; } else { // No content, just move to the next block ++cur; } } return cur; } // Return name block of list item; that is either FirstContentBlock() or // matching closing item block for inline items FORCEINLINE BlockIterator ListItemNameBlock(const BlockIterator& begin, const BlockIterator& end) { BlockIterator cur = FirstContentBlock(begin, end); if (cur == end || cur->type != ListBlockBeginType) return cur; // Inline list block cur = SkipToClosingBlock(cur, end, ListBlockBeginType, ListBlockEndType); if (cur != end) return ++cur; return cur; } /** * \brief Eats closing blocks of a list / list item block. * \param begin Cursor to a list or list item closing block. * \param end End of a block buffer. * \return Block AFTER closed list / list item. * * Skips over subsequent ListItemBlockEndType and ListBlockEndType returning the fist * other block after. */ FORCEINLINE BlockIterator CloseList(const BlockIterator& begin, const BlockIterator& end) { BlockIterator cur = begin; if (cur != end && cur->type == ListItemBlockEndType) { ++cur; // eat list item end } if (cur != end && cur->type == ListBlockEndType) { ++cur; // eat list end } return cur; } /** * \brief Skips COMPLETE consecutive (nested) closing elements of a list or a list item. * \param begin The begin of a list or a list item. * \param end End of markdown block buffer. * \return An iterator pointing AFTER the last closing list / list item block. */ FORCEINLINE BlockIterator CloseNestedList(const BlockIterator& begin, const BlockIterator& end) { BlockIterator cur = begin; while (cur != end && (cur->type == ListItemBlockEndType || cur->type == ListBlockEndType)) { cur = CloseList(cur, end); } return cur; } /** * \brief Extract the first line of a list item content - its signature * \param cur The begining of the list item to get its signature. * \param end The begining of a block buffer. * \param remainingContent Any additonal content after the first line of signature. * \return First line of the list item signature. */ FORCEINLINE SourceData GetListItemSignature(const BlockIterator& cur, const BlockIterator& end, SourceData& remainingContent) { BlockIterator sectionCur = ListItemNameBlock(cur, end); if (sectionCur == end) return SourceData(); ContentParts content = ExtractFirstLine(*sectionCur); if (content.empty() || content.front().empty()) return SourceData(); if (content.size() == 2) remainingContent = content[1]; return content[0]; } /** * \brief Check List Item signature for an addtional content and issue a warning. * \param section Current section to be checked. * \param cur The begining of the list item to check. * \param bounds Bounds within the block buffer. * \param sourceData Source data byte buffer. * \param placeHint A string explaining the possible place of failure. Might be empty. * \param expectedHint A string defining expected content. Might be empty. * \param result Result to append the possible warning into. * \return True if signagure contains no additional content, false otherwise. */ FORCEINLINE bool CheckSignatureAdditionalContent(const BlueprintSection& section, const BlockIterator& cur, const SourceData& sourceData, const std::string& placeHint, const std::string& expectedHint, Result& result) { SourceData remainingContent; SourceData signature = GetListItemSignature(cur, section.bounds.second, remainingContent); if (!remainingContent.empty()) { // WARN: Superfluous content in signature std::stringstream ss; ss << "ignoring additional content"; if (!placeHint.empty()) ss << " after " << placeHint; if (!expectedHint.empty()) ss << ", expected " << expectedHint; BlockIterator nameBlock = ListItemNameBlock(cur, section.bounds.second); SourceCharactersBlock sourceBlock = CharacterMapForBlock(nameBlock, cur, section.bounds, sourceData); result.warnings.push_back(Warning(ss.str(), IgnoringWarning, sourceBlock)); } return remainingContent.empty(); } /** * \brief Parses list (item) block as a preformatted code block. * \param section Actual section being parsed. * \param cur Cursor within the section boundaries. * \param parser Parser instance. * \param action An output data buffer. * \param sourceMap An output source map buffer. * \return A block parser section result, pointing AFTER the last block parsed. */ template <class T> FORCEINLINE ParseSectionResult ParseListPreformattedBlock(const BlueprintSection& section, const BlockIterator& cur, BlueprintParserCore& parser, SourceData& data, SourceDataBlock& sourceMap) { ParseSectionResult result = std::make_pair(Result(), cur); BlockIterator sectionCur = cur; if (sectionCur != section.bounds.first) { // Parse subsequent blocks as standalone pre blocks. return ParsePreformattedBlock<T>(section, sectionCur, parser, data, sourceMap); } // Parse first block of list, throwing away its first line (signature) SourceData content; SourceData signature = GetListItemSignature(cur, section.bounds.second, content); // Retrieve any extra lines after signature & warn if (!content.empty()) { data = content; // WARN: not a preformatted code block std::stringstream ss; size_t level = CodeBlockIndentationLevel(section); ss << SectionName(section.type) << " asset "; ss << "is expected to be a pre-formatted code block, separate it by a newline and "; ss << "indent every of its line by "; ss << level * 4 << " spaces or " << level << " tabs"; BlockIterator nameBlock = ListItemNameBlock(sectionCur, section.bounds.second); SourceCharactersBlock sourceBlock = CharacterMapForBlock(nameBlock, cur, section.bounds, parser.sourceData); result.first.warnings.push_back(Warning(ss.str(), IndentationWarning, sourceBlock)); } sectionCur = FirstContentBlock(cur, section.bounds.second); sourceMap = sectionCur->sourceMap; if (sectionCur != section.bounds.second) result.second = ++sectionCur; return result; } } #endif