# # libastag's Rakefile # require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/gempackagetask' task :default => [:stats] # perso infos MY_NAME = "Alexandre Perrin" MY_EMAIL = "makoto.kaworu@gmail.com" # Project infos PROJECT = "libastag" PROJECT_SUMMARY = "A library for sending commands to Nabastag(/tag) (see http://www.nabaztag.com)" PROJECT_DESC = <<-EOF libastag is a full featured library for the Nabastag API (see http://api.nabaztag.com/docs/home.html). It provide also a minimal fake Violet HTTP Server written with WEBrick for testing purpose. Main goals are : - complete Rdoc documentations - Unit testing - Easy to use EOF require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib', "#{PROJECT}.rb" ) PROJECT_VERSION = eval "#{PROJECT.capitalize}::VERSION" # rubyforge infos RUBYFORGE_USER = "kaworu" UNIX_NAME = "libastag" # Rdoc RDOC_DIR = "doc" RDOC_OPTIONS = [ "--title", "#{PROJECT} API documentation", "--main", "README", "--charset", "utf-8", "--diagram", "--line-number", "--inline-source" ] # files LIB_FILES = Dir["lib/**/*.rb"] TEST_FILES = Dir["test/**/*.rb"] RDOC_FILES = %w[ README MIT-LICENSE TODO CHANGES ] + LIB_FILES DIST_FILES = %w[ Rakefile ] + LIB_FILES + TEST_FILES + RDOC_FILES # # RDoc # Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd| rd.main = RDOC_FILES.first rd.rdoc_dir = RDOC_DIR rd.options = RDOC_OPTIONS rd.rdoc_files.include(*RDOC_FILES) end # # Tests # Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.verbose = true t.warning = true end # # Cleaning # CLOBBER.include 'doc', 'pkg' CLEAN.include 'doc', 'pkg', 'test/**/*.tmp' # # Pkg # gem_spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.author = MY_NAME s.email = MY_EMAIL s.homepage = "http://#{UNIX_NAME}.rubyforge.org" s.name = PROJECT s.summary = PROJECT_SUMMARY s.description = PROJECT_DESC s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options = RDOC_OPTIONS s.extra_rdoc_files = RDOC_FILES + Dir["#{RDOC_DIR}/**/*"] s.test_files = TEST_FILES s.files = DIST_FILES s.version = PROJECT_VERSION s.rubyforge_project = UNIX_NAME end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(gem_spec) do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end # # stats # # ScriptLines class is code from Oreilly's "Ruby Cookbook" (rewritted a bit) # module Stats # A ScriptLines instance analyses a Ruby script and maintains # counters for the total number of lines, lines of code, etc. class ScriptLines attr_reader :name attr_accessor :bytes, :lines, :lines_of_code, :lines_of_comments LINE_FORMAT = '%8s %8s %8s %8s %s' def ScriptLines.headline LINE_FORMAT % %w[ BYTES LINES LOC COMMENT FILE ] end # The 'name' argument is usually a filename def initialize(name) @name = name @bytes, @lines, @lines_of_code, @lines_of_comments = 0, 0, 0, 0 end # Iterates over all the lines in io (io might be a file or a string), analyses them and appropriately increases # the counter attributes. def read(io) in_multiline_comment = false io.each do |line| @lines += 1 @bytes += line.size case line when /^=(begin|end)/ # multi line comment @lines_of_comments += 1 in_multiline_comment = ($1 == 'begin') when /^\s*#/ # Comment line @lines_of_comments += 1 when /^\s*$/ # empty/whitespace only line # do nothin' :) else if in_multiline_comment then @lines_of_comments += 1 else @lines_of_code += 1 end end end end # Get a new ScriptLines instance whose counters hold the # sum of self and other. def +(other) sum = self.dup sum.bytes += other.bytes sum.lines += other.lines sum.lines_of_code += other.lines_of_code sum.lines_of_comments += other.lines_of_comments sum end # Get a formatted string containing all counter numbers and the # name of this instance. def to_s LINE_FORMAT % [@bytes, @lines, @lines_of_code, @lines_of_comments, @name] end end end desc "display somes stats (# of lines, # lines of comment/code etc.) of this project" task 'stats' do def stats_display name, files include Stats puts "\nStats (#{name})" puts ScriptLines.headline sum = ScriptLines.new("TOTAL (#{files.size} file(s))") files.each do |f| sl = ScriptLines.new f sl.read File.read(f) puts sl sum += sl end puts sum sum end libstats = stats_display 'lib files', LIB_FILES teststats = stats_display 'test files', TEST_FILES puts puts "Ratio (test / code) = %.2f" % (teststats.lines_of_code.to_f / libstats.lines_of_code) puts "Ratio (comment / code) = %.2f" % (libstats.lines_of_comments.to_f / libstats.lines_of_code) end # # publish # desc "setup for RubyForge" task "rubyforge-setup" do unless File.exist?( File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.rubyforge') ) puts <<-EOF rubyforge will ask you to edit its config file now. Please set the 'username' and 'password' entries to your RubyForge username/password ! press ENTER to continue. EOF STDIN.gets sh "rubyforge setup", :verbose => true end end desc "Connection to RubyForge's server" task "rubyforge-login" => %w[ rubyforge-setup ] do sh "rubyforge login", :verbose => true end desc "Upload documentation to RubyForge" task "publish-doc" => %w[ rdoc ] do rubyforge_path = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{UNIX_NAME}/" sh "scp -r #{RDOC_DIR}/* '#{RUBYFORGE_USER}@rubyforge.org:#{rubyforge_path}'", :verbose => true end desc "Upload package to RubyForge" task "publish-packages" => %w[ package rubyforge-login ] do cd "pkg" do %w[ gem tgz zip ].each do |pkgtype| sh "rubyforge add_release #{UNIX_NAME} #{UNIX_NAME} #{PROJECT_VERSION} #{UNIX_NAME}-#{PROJECT_VERSION}.#{pkgtype}" end end end desc "Run tests, generate RDoc and create packages." task "pre-release" => %w[ clobber clean ] do puts "Preparing release of #{PROJECT} v#{PROJECT_VERSION}" Rake::Task["test"].invoke Rake::Task["rdoc"].invoke Rake::Task["package"].invoke end desc "Publish a new release of #{PROJECT}" task "publish" => %w[ pre-release ] do puts "Uploading doc..." Rake::Task["publish-doc"].invoke puts "Uploading packages..." Rake::Task["publish-packages"].invoke puts "release done !" end