# frozen_string_literal: true require "rails/generators" require "generators/decidim/app_generator" module Decidim module Generators # Generates a dummy test Rails app for the given library folder. It uses # the `AppGenerator` class to actually generate the Rails app, so this # generator only sets the path and some flags. # # The Rails app will be installed with some flags to disable git, tests, # Gemfile and other options. Refer to the `create_dummy_app` method to see # all the flags passed to the `AppGenerator` class, which is the one that # actually generates the Rails app. # # Remember that, because of how generators work, actions are executed based # on the definition order of the public methods. class DummyGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base desc "Generate dummy app for testing purposes" class_option :dummy_app_path, type: :string, desc: "The path where the dummy app will be installed" class_option :skip_gemfile, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Don't generate a Gemfile for the application" def source_paths [ File.expand_path("templates", __dir__) ] end def cleanup remove_directory_if_exists(dummy_app_path) end def create_dummy_app Decidim::Generators::AppGenerator.start [ dummy_app_path, "--path", "../..", "--app_const_base=DummyApplication", "--recreate_db", "--skip_gemfile=#{options[:skip_gemfile]}", "--demo" ] end def decidim_dev # TODO: Remove these after PhantomJS updates WebKit version (see YML and # initializer comments) template "autoprefixer.yml", "#{dummy_app_path}/config/autoprefixer.yml" template "autoprefixer_initializer.rb", "#{dummy_app_path}/config/initializers/autoprefixer.rb" template "no_animations.rb", "#{dummy_app_path}/app/middleware/no_animations.rb" end def test_env gsub_file "#{dummy_app_path}/config/environments/test.rb", /allow_forgery_protection = (.*)/, "allow_forgery_protection = true" inject_into_file "#{dummy_app_path}/config/environments/test.rb", after: "allow_forgery_protection = true\n" do <<~RUBY.gsub(/^ *\|/, "") | | # Inject middleware to disable CSS animations | config.middleware.use NoAnimations | RUBY end end private def dummy_app_path options[:dummy_app_path] end def remove_directory_if_exists(path) remove_dir(path) if File.directory?(path) end end end end