require 'spec_helper' describe Guard::WEBrick do subject { } before(:each) do Launchy.stub(:open) end describe "options" do describe "host" do it "should be '' by default" do subject =[]) subject.options[:host].should == '' end it "should be set to ''" do subject =[], { :host => '' }) subject.options[:host].should == '' end end describe "port" do it "should be 3000 by default" do subject =[]) subject.options[:port].should == 3000 end it "should be set to 8080" do subject =[], { :port => 8080 }) subject.options[:port].should == 8080 end end describe "docroot" do it "should be Dir::pwd by default" do subject =[]) subject.options[:docroot].should == Dir::pwd end it "should be set to #{File.join(Dir::pwd, 'public')}" do subject =[], { :docroot => File.join(Dir::pwd, 'public') }) subject.options[:docroot].should == File.join(Dir::pwd, 'public') end end describe "launchy" do it "should be true by default" do subject =[]) subject.options[:launchy].should == true end it "should be set to false" do subject =[], { :launchy => false }) subject.options[:launchy].should == false end end end describe "start" do before(:each) do Spoon.stub(:spawnp).and_return(123456) subject.stub(:wait_for_port) end it "should spawn the server instance" do subject =[], { :host => '', :port => 8080, :docroot => '/tmp' }) subject.stub(:wait_for_port) Spoon.should_receive(:spawnp).with( 'ruby', File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{.. .. lib guard webrick server.rb})), '', '8080', '/tmp' ) subject.start end it "should pass startup options to the server instance" do Spoon.should_receive(:spawnp).with( 'ruby', File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{.. .. lib guard webrick server.rb})), '', '3000', Dir::pwd ) subject.start end it "should set the pid" do subject.start == 123456 end it "should return true" do subject.start.should be_true end it "should warn when server instance is already running" do subject.start Process.stub(:getpgid).and_return(true) Guard::UI.should_receive(:error).with( "Another instance of WEBrick::HTTPServer is running.") subject.start end it "should open a web browser page" do Launchy.should_receive(:open).with("") subject.start end it "should not open a web browser if disabled" do subject =[], { :launchy => false }) subject.stub(:wait_for_port) Launchy.should_not_receive(:open) subject.start end end describe "stop" do before(:each) do Spoon.stub(:spawnp).and_return(123456) Process.stub(:wait) Process.stub(:kill) subject.stub(:wait_for_port) subject.start end it "should kill the server instance" do Process.should_receive(:kill).with("TERM", 123456) subject.stop end it "should wait for the child process to exit" do Process.should_receive(:wait).with(123456) subject.stop end it "should set pid to nil" do subject.stop be_nil end it "should return true" do subject.stop.should be_true end end %w{reload run_on_change}.each do |method| describe method do before(:each) do Spoon.stub(:spawnp).and_return(123456) Process.stub(:wait) Process.stub(:kill) subject.stub(:wait_for_port) subject.start end it "should restart the server" do subject.should_receive(:stop).ordered subject.should_receive(:start).ordered subject.send(method) end it "should return true" do subject.send(method).should be_true end it "should only open a web browser the first time" do subject =[], { :launchy => true }) subject.stub(:wait_for_port) Launchy.should_receive(:open).once subject.start subject.send(method) end end end end