# MollieBank Module
module MollieBank
  # The Sinatra Application
  class Application < Sinatra::Base
    register Sinatra::MultiRoute

    set :static, true
    set :public_folder, File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)

    set :views, File.expand_path('../views/', __FILE__)
    set :haml, { :format => :html5 }

    set :storage, MollieBank::Storage

    def self.get_or_post(path, opts={}, &block)
      get(path, opts, &block)
      post(path, opts, &block)

    # Displays a information page of the Mollie-Bank gem
    get '/' do
      haml :info

    # Displays a bank page for finishing the transaction
    get '/ideal' do
      transaction_id = params[:transaction_id]
      description = params[:description]
      reporturl = params[:reporturl]
      returnurl = params[:returnurl]
      amount = params[:amount]

      if transaction_id.nil? or description.nil? or reporturl.nil? or returnurl.nil? or amount.nil?
        haml :html_error, :locals => { :message => "To few params have been supplied (expected to retrieve 'transaction_id', 'description', 'reporturl', 'returnurl' and 'amount')" }
        cent_amount = amount
        int, frac = ("%.2f" % (amount.to_f/100)).split('.')
        amount = "#{int},#{frac}"

        transaction = settings.storage.get(transaction_id)
        transaction[:reporturl] = reporturl
        transaction[:returnurl] = returnurl
        transaction[:amount] = cent_amount

        settings.storage.set(transaction_id, transaction)

        url_path = request.url.split('/ideal?transaction_id=')[0]

        haml :bank_page, :locals => {
          :transaction_id => transaction_id,
          :amount => amount,
          :reporturl => reporturl,
          :returnurl => returnurl,
          :description => description,
          :url_path => url_path

    # Background page that sends the paid = true or paid = false to the report url
    get '/payment' do
      transaction_id = params[:transaction_id]
      paid = params[:paid] == "true" ? true : false

      if transaction_id.nil? or paid.nil?
        haml :html_error, :locals => { :message => "To few params have been supplied" }
        transaction = settings.storage.get(transaction_id)
        reporturl = transaction[:reporturl]
        returnurl = transaction[:returnurl]
        transaction[:paid] = paid

        settings.storage.set(transaction_id, transaction)

          reporturl = URI("#{reporturl}?transaction_id=#{transaction_id}")

        redirect_url = "#{returnurl}&transaction_id=#{transaction_id}"
        # if return url already contains a '?' we have to append the transaction_id with a '&'
        redirect_url = "#{returnurl}?transaction_id=#{transaction_id}" if returnurl.split('?').count == 1

        redirect redirect_url

    # Displays the xml depending on the specified action
    # @example
    #   # returns a list of banks
    #   http://localhost:4567/xml/ideal?a=banklist
    # @example
    #   # creates a new order
    #   http://localhost:4567/xml/ideal?a=fetch
    # @example
    #   # checks if a order was paid
    #   http://localhost:4567/xml/ideal?a=check
    get_or_post '/xml/ideal', '/xml/ideal/' do
      content_type 'text/xml'
      case params[:a]
      when "banklist"
        haml :banklist, :layout => false
      when "fetch"
        return error(-2) unless params.has_key?("partnerid")
        return error(-7) unless params.has_key?("description")
        return error(-3) unless params.has_key?("reporturl")
        return error(-12) unless params.has_key?("returnurl")
        return error(-4) unless params.has_key?("amount")
        return error(-14) unless params[:amount].to_i > 118
        return error(-6) unless params.has_key?("bank_id")

        description = params[:description]
        reporturl = params[:reporturl]
        returnurl = params[:returnurl]
        amount = params[:amount]

        transaction_id = UUID.new.generate.gsub('-', '')

        settings.storage.set(transaction_id, {:paid => false})

        #url_path = request.url.split('/xml/ideal')[0]
        url_path = "http://#{request.host}:#{Sinatra::Application.port}"

        haml :fetch, :layout => false, :locals => {
          :transaction_id => transaction_id,
          :amount => amount,
          :reporturl => reporturl,
          :returnurl => returnurl,
          :description => description,
          :url_path => url_path
      when "check"
        return error(-11) unless params.has_key?("partnerid")
        return error(-8) unless params.has_key?("transaction_id")

        transaction_id = params[:transaction_id]
        transaction = settings.storage.get(transaction_id)
        return error(-10) if transaction.nil?

        is_paid = transaction[:paid]
        amount = transaction[:amount]
        transaction[:paid] = false

        settings.storage.set(transaction_id, transaction)

        haml :check, :layout => false, :locals => {
          :transaction_id => transaction_id,
          :amount => amount,
          :is_paid => is_paid

    # Render the XML error for a specific code
    # @param [int] code
    def error(code)
      # Mollie codes taken from https://www.mollie.nl/support/documentatie/betaaldiensten/ideal/en/
      errors = []
      errors[1] = "Did not receive a proper input value."
      errors[2] = "A fetch was issued without specification of 'partnerid'."
      errors[3] = "A fetch was issued without (proper) specification of 'reporturl'."
      errors[4] = "A fetch was issued without specification of 'amount'."
      errors[5] = "A fetch was issued without specification of 'bank_id'."
      errors[6] = "A fetch was issues without specification of a known 'bank_id'."
      errors[7] = "A fetch was issued without specification of 'description'."
      errors[8] = "A check was issued without specification of transaction_id."
      errors[9] = "Transaction_id contains illegal characters. (Logged as attempt to mangle)."
      errors[10] = "This is an unknown order."
      errors[11] = "A check was issued without specification of your partner_id."
      errors[12] = "A fetch was issued without (proper) specification of 'returnurl'."
      errors[13] = "This amount is only permitted when iDEAL contract is signed and sent to Mollie."
      errors[14] = "Minimum amount for an ideal transaction is 1,18 EUR."
      errors[15] = "A fetch was issued for an account which is not allowed to accept iDEAL payments (yet)."
      errors[16] = "A fetch was issued for an unknown or inactive profile."

      haml :error, :layout => false, :locals => {
        :type => "error",
        :code => code,
        :message => errors[code*-1]