module Fog module AWS class Compute class Real # Add permissions to a security group # # ==== Parameters # * options<~Hash>: # * 'GroupName'<~String> - Name of group # * 'SourceSecurityGroupName'<~String> - Name of security group to authorize # * 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId'<~String> - Name of owner to authorize # or # * 'CidrIp' - CIDR range # * 'FromPort' - Start of port range (or -1 for ICMP wildcard) # * 'GroupName' - Name of group to modify # * 'IpProtocol' - Ip protocol, must be in ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp'] # * 'ToPort' - End of port range (or -1 for ICMP wildcard) # # === Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request # * 'return'<~Boolean> - success? def authorize_security_group_ingress(options = {}) request({ 'Action' => 'AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress', :idempotent => true, :parser => }.merge!(options)) end end class Mock def authorize_security_group_ingress(options = {}) response = group = @data[:security_groups][options['GroupName']] if group group['ipPermissions'] ||= [] if options['GroupName'] && options['SourceSecurityGroupName'] && options['SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId'] ['tcp', 'udp'].each do |protocol| group['ipPermissions'] << { 'groups' => [{'groupName' => options['GroupName'], 'userId' => @owner_id}], 'fromPort' => 1, 'ipRanges' => [], 'ipProtocol' => protocol, 'toPort' => 65535 } end group['ipPermissions'] << { 'groups' => [{'groupName' => options['GroupName'], 'userId' => @owner_id}], 'fromPort' => -1, 'ipRanges' => [], 'ipProtocol' => 'icmp', 'toPort' => -1 } else group['ipPermissions'] << { 'groups' => [], 'fromPort' => options['FromPort'], 'ipRanges' => [], 'ipProtocol' => options['IpProtocol'], 'toPort' => options['ToPort'] } if options['CidrIp'] group['ipPermissions'].last['ipRanges'] << { 'cidrIp' => options['CidrIp'] } end end response.status = 200 response.body = { 'requestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id, 'return' => true } response else raise"The security group '#{options['GroupName']}' does not exist") end end end end end end