require 'spec_helper' require 'gemspec_examples' require 'helpers/generator' require 'ore/generator' describe Generator do include Helpers::Generator context "default" do before(:all) do @name = 'my-project' generate!(@name) end it "should create the project root directory" do expect(@path).to be_directory end it "should create the lib/ directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('lib') end it "should create a file to load the project within lib/" do expect(@path).to have_file('lib','my','project.rb') end it "should create a namespace directory within lib/" do expect(@path).to have_directory('lib','my','project') end it "should create a version.rb file within the namespace directory" do expect(@path).to have_file('lib','my','project','version.rb') end it "should not create the bin/ directory by default" do expect(@path).not_to have_directory('bin') end it "should create a test/ directory by default" do expect(@path).not_to have_directory('test') end it "should add a *.gemspec file" do expect(@path.join("#{@name}.gemspec")).to be_file end it "should add a .document file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.document') end it "should add a Rakefile" do expect(@path).to have_file('Rakefile') end it "should add a file" do expect(@path).to have_file('') end it "should add a file" do expect(@path).to have_file('') end it "should add a LICENSE.txt file" do expect(@path).to have_file('LICENSE.txt') end it "should add a Gemfile" do expect(@path).to have_file('Gemfile') end it "should add 'bundler' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('bundler') end it "should not have any dependencies in the Gemfile" do gemfile = (@path + 'Gemfile').read expect(gemfile).to eq(<<-GEMFILE) source '' gemspec GEMFILE end it "should add 'Gemfile.lock' to the .gitignore file" do expect(gitignore).to include('/Gemfile.lock') end end context "gemspec_yml" do before(:all) do @name = 'gemspec_yml_project' generate!(@name, gemspec_yml: true) end it "should add a gemspec.yml file" do expect(@path).to have_file('gemspec.yml') end describe "gemspec.yml" do subject { YAML.load_file(@path.join('gemspec.yml')) } it "should have a name" do expect(subject['name']).to eq(@name) end it "should not contain a version by default" do expect(subject).not_to have_key('version') end it "should a dummy summary" do expect(subject['summary']).to eq(Ore::Options::DEFAULT_SUMMARY) end it "should a dummy description" do expect(subject['description']).to eq(Ore::Options::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION) end it "should have a license" do expect(subject['license']).to be == 'MIT' end it "should have authors" do expect(subject['authors']).not_to be_empty end it "should have a dummy homepage" do expect(subject['homepage']).not_to be_empty end it "should have 'rubygems-tasks' as a development dependency" do expect(subject['development_dependencies']).to have_key('rubygems-tasks') end end it "should add a *.gemspec file" do expect(@path).to have_file("#{@name}.gemspec") end describe "*.gemspec file" do subject { @gemspec } it_should_behave_like "a gemspec" end end context "gemspec" do before(:all) do @name = 'gemspec_project' generate!(@name, gemspec: true) end it "should add a *.gemspec file" do expect(@path).to have_file("#{@name}.gemspec") end context "*.gemspec file" do subject { @gemspec } it_should_behave_like "a gemspec" it "should have 'rubygems-tasks' as a development dependency" do expect(subject).to have_development_dependency('rubygems-tasks') end end end context "git" do before(:all) do @name = 'git-project' generate!(@name, git: true) end it "should create a .git directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('.git') end it "should create a .gitignore file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.gitignore') end end context "hg" do before(:all) do @name = 'hg-project' generate!(@name, hg: true) end it "should create a .hg directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('.hg') end it "should create a .hgignore file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.hgignore') end end context "bin" do before(:all) do @name = 'script-project' @script = File.join('bin',@name) generate!(@name, bin: true) end it "should add a 'bin/' directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('bin') end it "should add a bin/script-project file" do expect(@path).to have_file(@script) end it "should make the bin/script-project file executable" do expect(@path).to have_executable(@script) end end context "without bundler" do before(:all) do @name = 'bundled_project' generate!(@name, bundler: false) end it "should not add a Gemfile" do expect(@path).to_not have_file('Gemfile') end it "should not add 'bundler' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to_not have_development_dependency('bundler') end it "should not add 'Gemfile.lock' to the .gitignore file" do expect(gitignore).to_not include('/Gemfile.lock') end end context "rdoc" do before(:all) do @name = 'rdoc-project' generate!(@name, rdoc: true) end it "should disable the yard template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:yard) end it "should add 'rdoc' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('rdoc') end it "should default @markup to :markdown" do expect(@generator.instance_variable_get('@markup')).to eq(:markdown) end it "should add 'html/' to the .gitignore file" do expect(gitignore).to include('/html/') end it "should add a '.document' file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.document') end context ".document" do it "should include 'lib/**/*.rb'" do expect(document).to include('lib/**/*.rb') end it "should include 'README.rdoc'" do expect(document).to include('') end it "should include 'ChangeLog.rdoc'" do expect(document).to include('') end it "should include 'LICENSE.txt'" do expect(document).to include('LICENSE.txt') end end end context "rdoc with rdoc markup" do before(:all) do @name = 'rdoc_rdoc-project' generate!(@name, rdoc: true, markup: 'rdoc') end it "should disable the yard template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:yard) end it "should add 'rdoc' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('rdoc') end it "should set @markup to :rdoc" do expect(@generator.instance_variable_get('@markup')).to eq(:rdoc) end it "should add 'html/' to the .gitignore file" do expect(gitignore).to include('/html/') end it "should add a '.document' file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.document') end context ".document" do it "should include 'lib/**/*.rb'" do expect(document).to include('lib/**/*.rb') end it "should include ''" do expect(document).to include('README.rdoc') end it "should include ''" do expect(document).to include('ChangeLog.rdoc') end it "should include 'LICENSE.txt'" do expect(document).to include('LICENSE.txt') end end end context "yard" do before(:all) do @name = 'yard-project' generate!(@name, yard: true) end it "should disable the rdoc template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:rdoc) end it "should add a .yardopts file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.yardopts') end it "should add a '.document' file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.document') end it "should add 'yard' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('yard') end context ".document" do it "should not include 'lib/**/*.rb'" do expect(document).not_to include('lib/**/*.rb') end it "should include a '-' separator for non-code files" do expect(document).to include('-') end it "should not include ''" do expect(document).not_to include('') end it "should include ''" do expect(document).to include('') end it "should include 'LICENSE.txt'" do expect(document).to include('LICENSE.txt') end end end context "yard with rdoc markup" do before(:all) do @name = 'yard_rdoc-project' generate!(@name, yard: true, markup: 'rdoc') end it "should add a README.rdoc file" do expect(@path).to have_file('README.rdoc') end it "should add a ChangeLog.rdoc file" do expect(@path).to have_file('ChangeLog.rdoc') end it "should set --markup to rdoc in .yardopts" do expect(yard_opts).to include('--markup rdoc') end context ".document" do it "should include 'ChangeLog.rdoc'" do expect(document).to include('ChangeLog.rdoc') end end end context "yard with textile markup" do before(:all) do @name = 'yard_textile-project' generate!(@name, yard: true, markup: 'textile') end it "should add a file" do expect(@path).to have_file('') end it "should add a file" do expect(@path).to have_file('') end it "should set --markup to textile in .yardopts" do expect(yard_opts).to include('--markup textile') end context ".document" do it "should include ''" do expect(document).to include('') end end end context "yard with bundler" do before(:all) do @name = 'bundled_yard_project' generate!(@name, bundler: true, yard: true) end it "should still add 'yard' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('yard') end end context "test_unit" do before(:all) do @name = 'test_unit_project' generate!(@name, test_unit: true) end it "should disable the minitest template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:minitest) end it "should disable the rspec template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:rspec) end it "should create the test/ directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('test') end it "should create the test/helper.rb file" do expect(@path).to have_file('test','helper.rb') end it "should add a single test_*.rb file" do expect(@path).to have_file('test',"test_#{@name}.rb") end end context "minitest" do before(:all) do @name = 'minitest_project' generate!(@name, minitest: true) end it "should disable the test_unit template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:test_unit) end it "should disable the rspec template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:rspec) end it "should create the test/ directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('test') end it "should create the test/helper.rb file" do expect(@path).to have_file('test','helper.rb') end it "should add a single test_*.rb file" do expect(@path).to have_file('test',"test_#{@name}.rb") end end context "rspec" do before(:all) do @name = 'rspec_project' generate!(@name, rspec: true) end it "should disable the test_unit template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:test_unit) end it "should disable the minitest template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:minitest) end it "should not create the test/ directory" do expect(@path).not_to have_directory('test') end it "should create the spec/ directory" do expect(@path).to have_directory('spec') end it "should add a spec_helper.rb file" do expect(@path).to have_file('spec','spec_helper.rb') end it "should add a single *_spec.rb file" do expect(@path).to have_file('spec','rspec_project_spec.rb') end it "should add a .rspec file" do expect(@path).to have_file('.rspec') end it "should add 'rspec' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('rspec') end end context "rspec with bundler" do before(:all) do @name = 'bundled_rspec_project' generate!(@name, bundler: true, rspec: true) end it "should add 'rspec' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('rspec') end end context "rubygems-tasks" do before(:all) do @name = 'rubygems_tasks_project' generate!(@name, rubygems_tasks: true) end it "should disable the bundler_tasks template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:bundler_tasks) end it "should add 'rubygems-tasks' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('rubygems-tasks') end end context "rubygems-tasks with bundler" do before(:all) do @name = 'bundled_ore_project' generate!(@name, bundler: true, rubygems_tasks: true) end it "should add 'rubygems-tasks' as a development dependency" do expect(@gemspec).to have_development_dependency('rubygems-tasks') end end context "bundler without rubygems-tasks" do before(:all) do @name = 'bundler_without_rubygems_tasks_project' generate!(@name, bundler: true, rubygems_tasks: false) end it "should add \"require 'bundler/gem_tasks'\" to the Rakefile" do expect(rakefile).to include("require 'bundler/gem_tasks'") end end context "gem_package_task" do before(:all) do @name = 'gem_package_task_project' generate!(@name, gem_package_task: true) end it "should disable the rubygems_tasks template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:rubygems_tasks) end it "should disable the bundler_tasks template" do expect(@generator.disabled_templates).to include(:bundler_tasks) end end after(:all) do cleanup! end end