require 'rubygems' require 'rbconfig' require 'yaml' RUBY = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']) OUTPUT = "spec/bin-sequel-spec-output-#{$$}.log" TMP_FILE = "spec/bin-sequel-tmp-#{$$}.rb" BIN_SPEC_DB = "spec/bin-sequel-spec-db-#{$$}.sqlite3" BIN_SPEC_DB2 = "spec/bin-sequel-spec-db2-#{$$}.sqlite3" if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' CONN_PREFIX = 'jdbc:sqlite:' CONN_HASH = {:adapter=>'jdbc', :uri=>"#{CONN_PREFIX}#{BIN_SPEC_DB}"} else CONN_PREFIX = 'sqlite://' CONN_HASH = {:adapter=>'sqlite', :database=>BIN_SPEC_DB} end unless Object.const_defined?('Sequel') && Sequel.const_defined?('Model') $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "../../lib/")) require 'sequel' end DB = Sequel.connect("#{CONN_PREFIX}#{BIN_SPEC_DB}") DB2 = Sequel.connect("#{CONN_PREFIX}#{BIN_SPEC_DB2}") File.delete(BIN_SPEC_DB) if File.file?(BIN_SPEC_DB) File.delete(BIN_SPEC_DB2) if File.file?(BIN_SPEC_DB2) describe "bin/sequel" do def bin(opts={}) cmd = "#{opts[:pre]}\"#{RUBY}\" -I lib bin/sequel #{opts[:args]} #{"#{CONN_PREFIX}#{BIN_SPEC_DB}" unless opts[:no_conn]} #{opts[:post]}> #{OUTPUT}#{" 2>&1" if opts[:stderr]}" system(cmd) end after do DB.disconnect DB2.disconnect File.delete(BIN_SPEC_DB) if File.file?(BIN_SPEC_DB) File.delete(BIN_SPEC_DB2) if File.file?(BIN_SPEC_DB2) File.delete(TMP_FILE) if File.file?(TMP_FILE) end after(:all) do File.delete(OUTPUT) if File.file?(OUTPUT) end it "-h should print the help" do help = bin(:args=>"-h", :no_conn=>true) help.should =~ /\ASequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby/ help.should =~ /^Usage: sequel / end it "-c should run code" do bin(:args=>'-c "print DB.tables.inspect"').should == '[]' DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:args=>'-c "print DB.tables.inspect"').should == '[:a]' end it "-C should copy databases" do DB.create_table(:a) do primary_key :a String :name end DB.create_table(:b) do foreign_key :a, :a index :a end DB[:a].insert(1, 'foo') DB[:b].insert(1) bin(:args=>'-C', :post=>"#{CONN_PREFIX}#{BIN_SPEC_DB2}").should =~<1, :name=>'foo'}] DB[:b].all.should == [{:a=>1}] DB2.schema(:a).should == [[:a, {:allow_null=>false, :default=>nil, :primary_key=>true, :db_type=>"integer", :type=>:integer, :ruby_default=>nil}], [:name, {:allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :primary_key=>false, :db_type=>"varchar(255)", :type=>:string, :ruby_default=>nil}]] DB2.schema(:b).should == [[:a, {:allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :primary_key=>false, :db_type=>"integer", :type=>:integer, :ruby_default=>nil}]] DB2.indexes(:a).should == {} DB2.indexes(:b).should == {:b_a_index=>{:unique=>false, :columns=>[:a]}} DB2.foreign_key_list(:a).should == [] DB2.foreign_key_list(:b).should == [{:columns=>[:a], :table=>:a, :key=>nil, :on_update=>:no_action, :on_delete=>:no_action}] end it "-d and -D should dump generic and specific migrations" do DB.create_table(:a) do primary_key :a String :name end DB.create_table(:b) do foreign_key :a, :a index :a end bin(:args=>'-d').should == <255 end create_table(:b, :ignore_index_errors=>true) do foreign_key :a, :a index [:a] end end end END bin(:args=>'-D').should == <'-E -c DB.tables').should =~ %r{I, \[\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+ #\d+\] INFO -- : \(\d\.\d+s\) PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1\nI, \[\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+ #\d+\] INFO -- : \(\d\.\d+s\) PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = 1\nI, \[\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+ #\d+\] INFO -- : \(\d\.\d+s\) SELECT \* FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE \(type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'\)\n} end it "-I should include directory in load path" do bin(:args=>'-Ifoo -c "p 1 if $:.include?(\'foo\')"').should == "1\n" end it "-l should log SQL statements to file" do bin(:args=>"-l #{TMP_FILE} -c DB.tables").should == '' =~ %r{I, \[\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+ #\d+\] INFO -- : \(\d\.\d+s\) PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1\nI, \[\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+ #\d+\] INFO -- : \(\d\.\d+s\) PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = 1\nI, \[\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+ #\d+\] INFO -- : \(\d\.\d+s\) SELECT \* FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE \(type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'\)\n} end it "-L should load all *.rb files in given directory" do bin(:args=>'-L ./lib/sequel/connection_pool -c "p [Sequel::SingleConnectionPool, Sequel::ThreadedConnectionPool, Sequel::ShardedSingleConnectionPool, Sequel::ShardedThreadedConnectionPool].length"').should == "4\n" end it "-m should migrate database up" do bin(:args=>"-m spec/files/integer_migrations").should == '' DB.tables.sort_by{|t| t.to_s}.should == [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333] end it "-M should specify version to migrate to" do bin(:args=>"-m spec/files/integer_migrations -M 2").should == '' DB.tables.sort_by{|t| t.to_s}.should == [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222] end it "-N should not test for a valid connection" do bin(:no_conn=>true, :args=>"-c '' -N #{CONN_PREFIX}spec/nonexistent/foo").should == '' bin(:no_conn=>true, :args=>"-c '' #{CONN_PREFIX}spec/nonexistent/foo", :stderr=>true).should =~ /\AError: Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError: / end it "-r should require a given library" do bin(:args=>'-rsequel/extensions/sql_expr -c "print DB.literal(1.sql_expr)"').should == "1" end it "-S should dump the schema cache" do bin(:args=>"-S #{TMP_FILE}").should == '' Marshal.load( == {} DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:args=>"-S #{TMP_FILE}").should == '' Marshal.load( == {"`a`"=>[[:a, {:type=>:integer, :db_type=>"integer", :ruby_default=>nil, :allow_null=>true, :default=>nil, :primary_key=>false}]]} end it "-t should output full backtraces on error" do bin(:args=>'-c "lambda{lambda{lambda{raise \'foo\'}.call}.call}.call"', :stderr=>true).count("\n").should < 3 bin(:args=>'-t -c "lambda{lambda{lambda{raise \'foo\'}.call}.call}.call"', :stderr=>true).count("\n").should > 3 end it "-v should output the Sequel version" do bin(:args=>"-v", :no_conn=>true).should == "sequel #{Sequel.version}\n" end it "should error if using -M without -m" do bin(:args=>'-M 2', :stderr=>true).should == "Error: Must specify -m if using -M\n" end it "should error if using mutually exclusive options together" do bin(:args=>'-c foo -d', :stderr=>true).should == "Error: Cannot specify -c and -d together\n" bin(:args=>'-D -d', :stderr=>true).should == "Error: Cannot specify -D and -d together\n" bin(:args=>'-m foo -d', :stderr=>true).should == "Error: Cannot specify -m and -d together\n" bin(:args=>'-S foo -d', :stderr=>true).should == "Error: Cannot specify -S and -d together\n" end it "should use a mock database if no database is given" do bin(:args=>'-c "print DB.adapter_scheme"', :no_conn=>true).should == "mock" end it "should work with a yaml config file" do, 'wb'){|f| f.write(YAML.dump(CONN_HASH))} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[]" DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[:a]" end it "should work with a yaml config file with string keys" do h = {} CONN_HASH.each{|k,v| h[k.to_s] = v}, 'wb'){|f| f.write(YAML.dump(h))} DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[:a]" end it "should work with a yaml config file with environments" do, 'wb'){|f| f.write(YAML.dump(:development=>CONN_HASH))} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[]" DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[:a]" end it "-e should set environment for yaml config file" do, 'wb'){|f| f.write(YAML.dump(:foo=>CONN_HASH))} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" -e foo #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[]" DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" -e foo #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[:a]", 'wb'){|f| f.write(YAML.dump('foo'=>CONN_HASH))} bin(:args=>"-c \"print DB.tables.inspect\" -e foo #{TMP_FILE}", :no_conn=>true).should == "[:a]" end it "should run code in given filenames" do, 'wb'){|f| f.write('print DB.tables.inspect')} bin(:post=>TMP_FILE).should == '[]' DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:post=>TMP_FILE).should == '[:a]' end it "should run code provided on stdin" do bin(:pre=>'echo print DB.tables.inspect | ').should == '[]' DB.create_table(:a){Integer :a} bin(:pre=>'echo print DB.tables.inspect | ').should == '[:a]' end end