# Effective Regions Create editable content regions within your existing, ordinary ActionView::Base views, and update content with an actually-good full-screen WYSIWYG editor. Define and Insert Snippets (mini model-view components) that intelligently render content based on the user selected attributes. Specify and Insert pre-defined HTML-only templates for small pieces of common HTML. Uses the actually-good fullscreen editor [effective_ckeditor](https://github.com/code-and-effect/effective_ckeditor) to achieve near perfect WYSIWYG editting of content regions. ## Getting Started Add to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'effective_regions' ``` Run the bundle command to install it: ```console bundle install ``` Then run the generator: ```ruby rails generate effective_regions:install ``` The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options and creates a database migration. If you want to tweak the database table name (to use something other than the default 'regions'), manually adjust both the configuration file and the migration now. Then migrate the database: ```ruby rake db:migrate ``` Add the following helper to your application layout in the `
..` section. This will have the effect of loading the appropriate javascript & stylesheets only when in 'edit mode'. ```ruby effective_regions_include_tags ``` Do not add anything to your asset pipeline javascripts or stylesheets. ### Optional Step (optional) When you intend to use the full screen editor quite a bit, it does load faster if you add the effective_ckeditor resources to the asset pipeline. It prevents 2 extra requests on page load, but increases your asset payload size by around 200kb. To add it to the asset pipeline, put the following to your application.js: ```ruby //= require effective_ckeditor ``` and in your application.css, add: ```ruby *= require effective_ckeditor ``` ## Usage To start editting via the full-screen editor, prepend `/edit/` to your existing route. So to begin editing: `http://www.example.com/about` => `http://www.example.com/edit/about` `http://www.example.com/posts/13` => `http://www.example.com/edit/posts/13` `http://www.example.com/` => `http://www.example.com/edit/` of course, there will be nothing to edit until you insert some Regions. You can also use the link_to helper to automatically prepend `/edit/`: ```ruby = link_to 'Edit Post Content', effective_regions.edit_path(post_path(@post)) ``` ### Regions Regions can be global, in which each is referenced by a unique name, or belong to a specific object. If desired, permissions can be configured such that some users may edit global regions but not object regions or vice versa. The regions can be created with or without default content. The default content is displayed only when no editable content has been entered. The names for the regions are to be created on the fly, so you can just make up new names as you go along. It's super easy to add an effective_region into any regular view, anywhere you want a dynamic content area. The following is an example of a global region: ```haml %h2 This is a header %p= effective_region :footer_left ``` and another example of the same region with some default content: ```haml %h2 This is a header %p = effective_region :footer_left do %p Default content %p to display when footer_left is empty ``` Anywhere in your application, in any layout or view, refering to `:footer_left` will render the same piece of content. Effective Regions can also belong to a specific object: ```haml %h2= effective_region(@event, :title) %p = effective_region @event, :summary do %p= truncate(@event.excerpt) %small created on = @event.created_at %p= effective_region(@event, :body) ``` Here each `@event` will have a unique `:title`, `:summary` and `:body` regions. ### Restricting Editable Content Using a regular `effective_region` tells the full-screen editor that any kind of HTML content and all available Snippets are allowed. This is not always desirable - sometimes you want to lock down the content available to a specific region. To allow text-only entry with no HTML or snippets, use `simple_effective_region`: ```haml %h2 = simple_effective_region @event, :title do Default Title ``` The above example ensures that the full-screen editor will only accept a simple title. No HTML is allowed. No Snippets are allowed. No newlines or ENTER keypresses are allowed. This gives the user full control of the content, and allows the design and presentation to remain entirely in the hands of the developer. Similarly, you may want to allow only Snippets to be inserted into a specific region: ```haml %div = snippet_effective_region :sidebar_mentions ``` only one type of snippet to be allowed: ```haml %div = snippet_effective_region(:sidebar_mentions, :snippets => [:mention]) ``` or allow full content entry, but only a subset of the available Snippets: ```haml %div = effective_region(:sidebar_mentions, :snippets => [:mention]) ``` ### Before Save Callback Sometimes you may want to programmatically massage the content being assigned from the editor. One use case for this would be to replace a tweet `@someone` mention with a full url to the appropriate twitter page. Found in the `config/initializers/effective_regions.rb` file, the `config.before_save_method` hook exists for just such a purpose. This method is called when a User clicks the 'Save' button in the full screen editor. It will be called once for each region immediately before the regions are saved to the database. This is not an ActiveRecord `before_save` callback and there is no way to cancel the save. This method is run on the `controller.view_context`, so you have access to all your regular view helpers as well as the `request` object. The second argument, `parent`, will be the `Effective::Region`'s parent `regionable` object, or the symbol `:global`. If you are gsub'ing the `region.content` String value or altering the `region.snippets` Hash values, those changes will not be immediately visible on the front-end. If you need the User to immediately see these changes, have your Proc or function return the symbol `:refresh`. Returning the symbol `:refresh` will instruct javascript to perform a full page refresh after the Save is complete. Warning: Don't change the `region.title` value or the `region.regionable` parent object, as this will just orphan the region. Use via Proc: ```ruby config.before_save_method = Proc.new do |region, parent| region.content = region.content.gsub('force', 'horse') if region.title == 'body' :refresh end ``` or to use via custom method: ```ruby config.before_save_method = :my_region_before_save_method ``` And then in your application_controller.rb: ```ruby def my_region_before_save_method(region, parent) if region.title == 'body' && request.fullpath == posts_path region.content = region.content.gsub('force', 'horse') :refresh end end ``` or to disable completely: ```ruby config.before_save_method = false ``` ## Helpers ### effectively_editing? Call `effectively_editing?` in any controller or view to determine if the current action is in edit mode. This checks both that `request.fullpath.include?('edit=true')` and that the current_user has permission to use the editor. ### The Exit button When a user clicks on the 'Exit' button from the full-screen editor toolbar, they are redirected to the last visited page. You can overide the default behaviour by passing an Exit URL as a parameter: ```haml = link_to 'Edit Post Content', effective_regions.edit_path(post_path(@post), :exit => edit_admin_post_path(@post)) ``` ## Authorization All authorization checks are handled via the config.authorization_method found in the effective_regions.rb initializer. It is intended for flow through to CanCan, but that is not required. The authorization method can be defined as: ```ruby EffectiveRegions.setup do |config| config.authorization_method = Proc.new { |controller, action, resource| can?(action, resource) } end ``` or as a method: ```ruby EffectiveRegions.setup do |config| config.authorization_method = :authorize_effective_regions end ``` and then in your application_controller.rb: ```ruby def authorize_effective_regions(action, resource) can?(action, resource) end ``` There are 3 different levels of permissions to be considered: 1 - Can I use the editor at all? can :edit, Effective::Region 2 - Can I update the Effective::Region global regions? can :update, Effective::Region 3 - Can I update the individual objects which define `acts_as_regionable` can :update, ActsAsRegionableObject # This would be your Event, Post, or Page, or whatever. If the method or proc returns false (user is not authorized) an `Effective::AccessDenied` exception will be raised You can rescue from this exception by adding the following to your application_controller.rb ```ruby rescue_from Effective::AccessDenied do |exception| respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'static_pages/access_denied', :status => 403 } format.any { render :text => 'Access Denied', :status => 403 } end end ``` ## Snippets Snippets are intelligent pieces of content that can be dropped into an effective_region through the full-screen editor's 'Insert Snippet' dropdown. They are based on [CKEditor Widgets](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_widgets) but override some of the Widget internals to instead use the server to render content, allowing us to render Rails objects based on the user selected options. To implement a Snippet, you must write 3 files: a model, a view, and a javascript options file. ## Simple Snippet Example We are going to create a Snippet called `current_user_info`. When the snippet is inserted, the user may choose whether the `.email`, `.first_name` or `.last_name` methods will be called on the `current_user` object. These examples use HAML, but ERB or SLIM will work the same way. ### The Model A model that extends from `Effective::Snippets::Snippet` Any snippet models defined in app/models/effective/snippets/*.rb will be automatically detected and usable. The models here are not ActiveRecord objects, and instead rely on [virtus](https://github.com/solnic/virtus) for the `attribute` functionality. Any number of configurable options can be specified, but in this example we only have one. This model file is defined in app/models/effective/snippets/current_user_info.rb ```ruby module Effective module Snippets class CurrentUserInfo < Snippet attribute :display_method, String end end end ``` ### The View The view must be defined as a partial and should be placed in app/views/effective/snippets/_current_user_info.html.haml ```haml - if current_user.blank? = 'Not logged in' - elsif current_user_info.display_method == 'email' = current_user.email - elsif current_user_info.display_method == 'first_name' = current_user.first_name - elsif current_user_info.display_method == 'last_name' = current_user.last_name ``` Or for the meta-programmers, instead of the above, we could: ```haml = (current_user.send(current_user_info.display_method) rescue 'Not logged in') ``` In the above example, `current_user_info` is the snippet object, and `current_user` is the (probably Devise) User object. ### The Javascript Options File This file defines the dialog that CKEditor will present when inserting a new Snippet. This must follow the CKEditor Widget Dialog Window Definition specification, which you can learn more about at: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/widget_sdk_tutorial_2 http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.dialog.definition The javascript file must be placed in app/assets/javascripts/effective/snippets/current_user_info.js.coffee ```Coffeescript CKEDITOR.dialog.add 'current_user_info', (editor) -> # Must match the class name of the snippet title: 'Current User Info', minWidth: 200, minHeight: 100, contents: [ { id: 'current_user_info', # Just an html id, doesn't really matter what is here elements: [ { # elements Array should contain one Hash for each Snippet attribute id: 'display_method', type: 'select', label: 'Current User Info', items: [ ['E-mail', 'email'], ['First Name', 'first_name'], ['Last Name', 'last_name'] ], setup: (widget) -> this.setValue(widget.data.display_method), commit: (widget) -> widget.setData('display_method', this.getValue()) } ] } ] ``` Please note, this file should not be included into the asset pipeline. It's a standalone javascript file that is read (just once, and then cached) by CKEditor when the Insert Snippet is triggered. You may be thinking that this file won't be available due to asset digesting, but there is a custom `assets:precompile` enhancement task in the [effective_ckeditor](https://github.com/code-and-effect/effective_ckeditor) gem (a dependency of this gem) that ensures these snippet options files are available at the non-digested file path. This just works and is not something you need to worry about. ### Summary We have created a simple Snippet to display the current_user's email, first_name or last_name. When any logged in user visits this page, their specific instance of current_user will be called, and they will see their own email, first or last name. Once the Snippet is inserted, the user editting the page can double-click the Snippet and set the display_method to something else. ## Advanced Snippet Example The above, simple, example works great because `current_user` is something always available to the application. In this next example we are going to create a Snippet to insert a summary and link to a `Post` which is created using the standard Rails CRUD workflow. We must use an AJAX request to query all current Posts, rather than just the ones available at compile/deploy time. ### The Model This snippet model is defined in app/models/effective/snippets/post.rb ```ruby module Effective module Snippets class Post < Snippet attribute :post_id, Integer attribute :all_posts, Array # We're going to assign this through the effective_region :snippet_locals option def post_object # We're using ::Post to refer to the app/models/post.rb rather than the Effective::Snippets::Post @post ||= begin if all_posts.present? all_posts.find { |post| post.id == post_id } else ::Post.find_by_id(post_id) end end end end end end ``` ### The View This view partial is defined in app/views/effective/snippets/_post.html.haml Some advanced snippet partials work best with CKEditor when you can start them with a parent div. This one isn't advanced enough to actually matter. ```haml .post %h3= post.post_object.title %small This is post number = post.post_object.id created on = post.created_at %p= post.post_object.summary ``` ### The Javascript Options File The javascript file should be placed in app/assets/javascripts/effective/snippets/post.js.coffee ```Coffeescript getPosts = -> posts = [] $.ajax url: '/effective/snippets/posts' type: 'GET' dataType: 'json' async: false complete: (data) -> posts = data.responseJSON posts CKEDITOR.dialog.add 'post', (editor) -> title: 'Post' minWidth: 200, minHeight: 100, contents: [ { id: 'post', elements: [ { id: 'post_id', type: 'select', label: 'Post', items: getPosts(), # This only runs once, when the Dialog is created. setup: (widget) -> this.setValue(widget.data.post_id) commit: (widget) -> widget.setData('post_id', this.getValue()) } ] } ] ``` So when the Snippet dialog for an 'Insert Snippet' -> Post is opened, an AJAX request to the server is made, and the list of Posts is read. ### The Controller This controller is in no way part of the effective_regions/effective_ckeditor magic. It's just a one-off controller action. For consistency with the other file paths (which do matter), I have namespaced the action under effective/snippets/, but this could be any valid rails route. This controller is defined in app/controllers/effective/snippets/posts_controller.rb ```ruby module Effective module Snippets class PostsController < ApplicationController respond_to :json def index authorize! :index, Post # CanCan authorization here @posts = Post.order(:title).map { |post| [post.title, post.id] }.to_json respond_with @posts end end end end ``` and then in your routes.rb: ```ruby get '/effective/snippets/posts', :to => 'effective/snippets/posts#index' ``` ### Summary This Snippet makes an AJAX request to the server and receives a JSON response containing all the Posts. The Posts are displayed in a select drop-down, and when one is chosen, inserted into the given region. ## Snippet Usage ### Default Content We can pre-populate an effective_region's default content with some posts. These posts will be displayed until a user edits that region and selects some specific posts. ```haml %h2 Posts = snippet_effective_region :sidebar_posts, :snippets => [:post], :snippet_locals => {:all_posts => Post.all.to_a} do - Post.order(:created_at).first(5).each do |post| = render_snippet Effective::Snippets::Post.new(:post_id => post.id, :all_posts => [post]) ``` Using the `snippet_locals` approach as above prevents an N+1 query when each snippet has to look up its own post. ### Inline By default, all snippets are wrapped with a block level `