require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'yaml' module Cucumber module Cli describe Configuration do def given_cucumber_yml_defined_as(hash_or_string) File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(true) cucumber_yml = hash_or_string.is_a?(Hash) ? hash_or_string.to_yaml : hash_or_string IO.stub!(:read).with('cucumber.yml').and_return(cucumber_yml) end def given_the_following_files(*files) File.stub!(:directory?).and_return(true) Dir.stub!(:[]).and_return(files) end before(:each) do #given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '-q'}) File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(false) # Meaning, no cucumber.yml exists Kernel.stub!(:exit).and_return(nil) end def config @config ||= =, @error = end def reset_config @config = nil end attr_reader :out, :error it "should require files in support paths first" do given_the_following_files("/features/step_definitions/foo.rb","/features/support/bar.rb") config.parse!(%w{--require /features}) config.files_to_require.should == [ "/features/support/bar.rb", "/features/step_definitions/foo.rb" ] end it "should require env.rb files first" do given_the_following_files("/features/support/a_file.rb","/features/support/env.rb") config.parse!(%w{--require /features}) config.files_to_require.should == [ "/features/support/env.rb", "/features/support/a_file.rb" ] end it "should not require env.rb files when --dry-run" do given_the_following_files("/features/support/a_file.rb","/features/support/env.rb") config.parse!(%w{--require /features --dry-run}) config.files_to_require.should == [ "/features/support/a_file.rb" ] end it "should require files in vendor/{plugins,gems}/*/cucumber/*.rb" do given_the_following_files("/vendor/plugins/plugin_a/cucumber/foo.rb", "/vendor/gems/gem_a/cucumber/bar.rb") config.parse!(%w{--require /features}) config.files_to_require.should == [ "/vendor/plugins/plugin_a/cucumber/foo.rb", "/vendor/gems/gem_a/cucumber/bar.rb" ] end describe "--exclude" do it "excludes a ruby file from requiring when the name matches exactly" do given_the_following_files("/features/support/a_file.rb","/features/support/env.rb") config.parse!(%w{--require /features --exclude a_file.rb}) config.files_to_require.should == [ "/features/support/env.rb" ] end it "excludes all ruby files that match the provided patterns from requiring" do given_the_following_files("/features/support/foof.rb","/features/support/bar.rb", "/features/support/food.rb","/features/blah.rb", "/features/support/fooz.rb") config.parse!(%w{--require /features --exclude foo[df] --exclude blah}) config.files_to_require.should == [ "/features/support/bar.rb", "/features/support/fooz.rb" ] end end describe '#drb?' do it "indicates whether the --drb flag was passed in or not" do config.parse!(%w{features}) config.should_not be_drb config.parse!(%w{features --drb}) config.should be_drb end end context '--drb' do it "removes the --drb flag from the args" do args = %w{features --drb} config.parse!(args) args.should == %w{features} end it "keeps all other flags intact" do args = %w{features --drb --format profile} config.parse!(args) args.should == %w{features --format profile} end end context '--drb in a profile' do it "removes the --drb flag from the args" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'server' => '--drb features'}) args = %w{--profile server} config.parse!(args) args.should == %w{features} end it "keeps all other flags intact from all profiles involved" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'server' => '--drb features --profile nested', 'nested' => '--verbose'}) args = %w{--profile server --format profile} config.parse!(args) args.should == %w{--format profile features --verbose} end end context '--drb in the default profile and no arguments specified' do it "expands the profile's arguments into the args excpet for --drb" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '--drb features --format pretty'}) args = [] config.parse!(args) args.should == %w{features --format pretty} end end it "uses the default profile when no profile is defined" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '--require some_file'}) config.parse!(%w{--format progress}) config.options[:require].should include('some_file') end context '--profile' do it "expands args from profiles in the cucumber.yml file" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'bongo' => '--require from/yml'}) config.parse!(%w{--format progress --profile bongo}) config.options[:formats].should == [['progress', out]] config.options[:require].should == ['from/yml'] end it "expands args from the default profile when no flags are provided" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '--require from/yml'}) config.parse!([]) config.options[:require].should == ['from/yml'] end it "provides a helpful error message when a specified profile does not exists in cucumber.yml" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '--require from/yml', 'html_report' => '--format html'}) expected_message = <<-END_OF_MESSAGE Could not find profile: 'i_do_not_exist' Defined profiles in cucumber.yml: * default * html_report END_OF_MESSAGE lambda{config.parse!(%w{--profile i_do_not_exist})}.should raise_error(ProfileNotFound, expected_message) end it "allows profiles to be defined in arrays" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'foo' => [1,2,3]}) config.parse!(%w{--profile foo}) config.paths.should == [1,2,3] end it "notifies the user that an individual profile is being used" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'foo' => [1,2,3]}) config.parse!(%w{--profile foo}) out.string.should =~ /Using the foo profile...\n/ end it "notifies the user when multiple profiles are being used" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'foo' => [1,2,3], 'bar' => ['v'], 'dog' => ['v']}) config.parse!(%w{--profile foo --profile bar}) out.string.should =~ /Using the foo and bar profiles...\n/ reset_config config.parse!(%w{--profile foo --profile bar --profile dog}) out.string.should =~ /Using the foo, bar and dog profiles...\n/ end it "disregards paths in profiles when other paths are passed in (via cmd line)" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'foo' => %w[-v features]}) config.parse!(%w{--profile foo features/specific.feature --format pretty}) config.paths.should == ['features/specific.feature'] end it "disregards default STDOUT formatter defined in profile when another is passed in (via cmd line)" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'foo' => %w[--format pretty]}) config.parse!(%w{--format progress --profile foo}) config.options[:formats].should == [['progress', out]]#, ['pretty', 'pretty.txt']] end ["--no-profile", "-P"].each do |flag| context 'when none is specified with #{flag}' do it "disables profiles" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '-v --require file_specified_in_default_profile.rb'}) config.parse!("#{flag} --require some_file.rb".split(" ")) config.options[:require].should == ['some_file.rb'] end it "notifies the user that the profiles are being disabled" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'default' => '-v'}) config.parse!("#{flag} --require some_file.rb".split(" ")) out.string.should =~ /Disabling profiles.../ end end end it "issues a helpful error message when a specified profile exists but is nil or blank" do [nil, ' '].each do |bad_input| given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'foo' => bad_input}) expected_error = /The 'foo' profile in cucumber.yml was blank. Please define the command line arguments for the 'foo' profile in cucumber.yml./ lambda{config.parse!(%w{--profile foo})}.should raise_error(expected_error) end end it "issues a helpful error message when no YAML file exists and a profile is specified" do File.should_receive(:exist?).with('cucumber.yml').and_return(false) expected_error = /cucumber.yml was not found. Please refer to cucumber's documentation on defining profiles in cucumber.yml./ lambda{config.parse!(%w{--profile i_do_not_exist})}.should raise_error(expected_error) end it "issues a helpful error message when cucumber.yml is blank or malformed" do expected_error_message = /cucumber.yml was found, but was blank or malformed. Please refer to cucumber's documentation on correct profile usage./ ['', 'sfsadfs', "--- \n- an\n- array\n", "---dddfd"].each do |bad_input| given_cucumber_yml_defined_as(bad_input) lambda{config.parse!([])}.should raise_error(expected_error_message) reset_config end end it "issues a helpful error message when cucumber.yml can not be parsed" do expected_error_message = /cucumber.yml was found, but could not be parsed. Please refer to cucumber's documentation on correct profile usage./ given_cucumber_yml_defined_as("input that causes an exception in YAML loading") YAML.should_receive(:load).and_raise ArgumentError lambda{config.parse!([])}.should raise_error(expected_error_message) end end it "should accept --dry-run option" do config.parse!(%w{--dry-run}) config.options[:dry_run].should be_true end it "should accept --no-source option" do config.parse!(%w{--no-source}) config.options[:source].should be_false end it "should accept --no-snippets option" do config.parse!(%w{--no-snippets}) config.options[:snippets].should be_false end it "should set snippets and source to false with --quiet option" do config.parse!(%w{--quiet}) config.options[:snippets].should be_false config.options[:source].should be_false end it "should accept --verbose option" do config.parse!(%w{--verbose}) config.options[:verbose].should be_true end it "should accept --out option" do config.parse!(%w{--out jalla.txt}) config.options[:formats].should == [['pretty', 'jalla.txt']] end it "should accept multiple --out options" do config.parse!(%w{--format progress --out file1 --out file2}) config.options[:formats].should == [['progress', 'file2']] end it "should accept multiple --format options and put the STDOUT one first so progress is seen" do config.parse!(%w{--format pretty --out pretty.txt --format progress}) config.options[:formats].should == [['progress', out], ['pretty', 'pretty.txt']] end it "should not accept multiple --format options when both use implicit STDOUT" do lambda do config.parse!(%w{--format pretty --format progress}) end.should raise_error("All but one formatter must use --out, only one can print to STDOUT") end it "should associate --out to previous --format" do config.parse!(%w{--format progress --out file1 --format profile --out file2}) config.options[:formats].should == [["progress", "file1"], ["profile" ,"file2"]] end it "should accept --color option" do Term::ANSIColor.should_receive(:coloring=).with(true) config.parse!(['--color']) end it "should accept --no-color option" do Term::ANSIColor.should_receive(:coloring=).with(false) config = config.parse!(['--no-color']) end describe "--backtrace" do before do Exception.cucumber_full_backtrace = false end it "should show full backtrace when --backtrace is present" do config =['--backtrace']) begin "x".should == "y" rescue => e e.backtrace[0].should_not == "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 2}" end end after do Exception.cucumber_full_backtrace = false end end describe "diff output" do it "is enabled by default" do config.diff_enabled?.should be_true end it "is disabled when the --no-diff option is supplied" do config.parse!(%w{--no-diff}) config.diff_enabled?.should be_false end end it "should accept multiple --name options" do config.parse!(['--name', "User logs in", '--name', "User signs up"]) config.options[:name_regexps].should include(/User logs in/) config.options[:name_regexps].should include(/User signs up/) end it "should accept multiple -n options" do config.parse!(['-n', "User logs in", '-n', "User signs up"]) config.options[:name_regexps].should include(/User logs in/) config.options[:name_regexps].should include(/User signs up/) end it "should search for all features in the specified directory" do File.stub!(:directory?).and_return(true) Dir.should_receive(:[]).with("feature_directory/**/*.feature"). any_number_of_times.and_return(["cucumber.feature"]) config.parse!(%w{feature_directory/}) config.feature_files.should == ["cucumber.feature"] end it "should allow specifying environment variables on the command line" do config.parse!(["foo=bar"]) ENV["foo"].should == "bar" config.feature_files.should == [] end it "should allow specifying environment variables in profiles" do given_cucumber_yml_defined_as({'selenium' => 'RAILS_ENV=selenium'}) config.parse!(["--profile", "selenium"]) ENV["RAILS_ENV"].should == "selenium" config.feature_files.should == [] end end end end