# v0.10.1 - Add option to follow symlinks (turns out i needed it) - performance improvements # v0.10.0 - patterns with middle slashes are anchored to the root (like the gitignore documentation, now that it more clearly explains) - new shebang pattern (#!:), the previous version was extremely janky. - now you can ignore by shebang pattern - symlinks aren't followed when deciding if a path is a directory or not (this now matches git) - documentation improvements - root can be given as a path relative to PWD - includes with 'a/**/d' now matches a/b/c/d properly # v0.9.0 - speed improvements, which may break things (Specifically, only using relative paths internally, is about 30% faster (depending on root depth)) - using a `ignore_files:` or `include_files:` that are outside the `root: (default $PWD)` will now raise an error. - remove deprecated `gitignore:` a path (e.g. `gitignore: '/path/to/gitignore'`). please use `gitignore: false, ignore_files: '/path/to/gitignore'` instead. # v0.8.3 - fix `ignore_rules` not matching directories when using `include_shebangs:` # v0.8.2 - fix `include_rules` not matching filenames with no extension when using `include_shebangs:` # v0.8.1 - `include_shebangs:` can be given non array value # v0.8.0 - drop support for ruby 2.3. My plan is to only support supported ruby versions - add coverage to the pipeline. removed some methods, added some tests, and now we have 100% test coverage - deprecate using `gitignore: '/path/to/gitignore'`. please use `gitignore: false, ignore_files: '/path/to/gitignore'` instead. # v0.7.0 - add `include_shebangs:` which filters by shebangs # v0.6.0 - nicer argv handling - add `argv_rules:` option, which resolves paths and considers everything that doesn't start with a `*` to start with a `/` - combine the different includes methods and files using AND - slightly more realistic version comparison just in case someone releases ruby 2.10 - can be run with --disable-gems - `.allowed?` now more exactly matches `.each`, it returns false for directories and unreadable files. # v0.5.2 - performance improvements # v0.5.1 - restore `.allowed?`. now i have tests for it. oops # v0.5.0 - remove deprecated `:rules` and `:files` arguments - ! is now evaluated in sequence for include_rules - it's a big refactor, sorry if i broke something - some performance improvements # v0.4.1 - oops i did a regexp wrong # v0.4.0 - include_rules support - to make room for this, `:rules` and `:files` keyword arguments are deprecated. Please use `:ignore_rules` and `:ignore_files` instead. # v0.3.3 - some performance improvements. maybe # v0.3.2 - handle soft links to nowhere # v0.3.1 - upgrade rubocop version requirement to avoid github security warning # v0.3.0 - Supports 2.3 - 2.6 # v0.2.0 - Considers rules relative to the location of the gitignore file instead of just relative to PWD - Can override the path to the gitignore file, using `FastIgnore.new(gitignore: path)` - Mention FastIgnore#allowed? in the documentation. # v0.1.0 Initial Release