template-info: name: "rubygem.noe" version: 2.0.0 links: source: https://github.com/blambeau/noe manifest: lib/__lower__/loader.rb: safe-override: false variables: lower: wlang upper: WLang version: 2.2.4 summary: |- WLang is a powerful code generation and templating engine description: |- WLang is a general-purpose *code generation*/*templating engine*. It's main aim is to help you generating web pages, sql queries, ruby code (that is, generating text in general) without having to worry too much about html entities encoding, sql back quoting, string escaping and the like. WLang proposes a generic engine that you can easily extend to fit your needs. It also proposes standard instantiations of this engine for common tasks such as rendering HTML web pages. authors: - {name: Bernard Lambeau, email: blambeau@gmail.com} - {name: Louis Lambeau, email: llambeau@gmail.com} links: - http://github.com/blambeau/wlang - http://rubygems.org/gems/wlang - http://blambeau.github.com/wlang - http://revision-zero.org/wlang dependencies: - {name: citrus, version: "~> 2.4.1", groups: [runtime]} - {name: temple, version: "~> 0.6", groups: [runtime]} - {name: quickl, version: "~> 0.4.3", groups: [runtime]} - {name: path, version: "~> 1.3", groups: [runtime]} - {name: backports, version: "~> 2.6", groups: [runtime]} - {name: awesome_print, version: "~> 1.0.2", groups: [extra]} - {name: tilt, version: "~> 1.3", groups: [development]} - {name: rake, version: "~> 0.9.2", groups: [development]} - {name: bundler, version: "~> 1.0", groups: [development]} - {name: rspec, version: "~> 2.10.0", groups: [development]} - {name: sinatra, version: ">= 1.4", groups: [development]} - {name: rack-test, version: "~> 0.6", groups: [development]}