# # Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Enrico Rivarola # # This file is part of DcmDict gem (dcm_dict). # # DcmDict is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DcmDict is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DcmDict. If not, see . # # This software has neither been tested nor approved for clinical use # or for incorporation in a medical device. # It is the redistributor's or user's responsibility to comply with any # applicable local, state, national or international regulations. # FrozenStringExMessage = (RUBY_ENGINE == 'rbx') ? "can't modify frozen instance of String" : "can't modify frozen String" RSpec.shared_examples "Record handle methods correctly" do |obj, data| it "Handle methods correctly" do data.each do |key, expected_val| expect(obj.respond_to?(key.to_sym)).to be true expect(obj.respond_to?(key.to_s)).to be true end expect(obj.respond_to?(:undefined_method_for_record)).to be false expect(obj.respond_to?(:undefined_method_for_record.to_s)).to be false expect{ obj.undefined_method_for_record }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) expect{ obj.send("undefined_method_for_record") }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end RSpec.shared_examples "Concurrency support" do |key, dictionary, expected_values| it "should support concurrency" do #start = Time.now max_threads = 128 times_for_threads = 1_024 idx = Random.rand(0...expected_values.size) rnd_key = expected_values.keys[idx] rnd_val = expected_values[rnd_key] Thread.abort_on_exception = true th = (1..max_threads).map do |n| Thread.new do Thread.stop times_for_threads.times do |t| Thread.current[:obj] = dictionary.record_at(key) expect( Thread.current[:obj].send(rnd_key) ).to eq(rnd_val) expect( dictionary.feature_at(key, rnd_key) ).to eq(rnd_val) Thread.pass end end end sleep 0.01 while th[max_threads-1].status!='sleep' th.map(&:run).map(&:join) #warn "Example 'should support concurrency' finish in #{Time.now-start}" end end RSpec.shared_examples "Map all source data" do |index_keys, record_data, dictionary, record_type, field_list| it "should map all source data" do record_data.each do |record| index_keys.each do |key| obj = dictionary.record_at(record[key]) expect(obj).not_to be_nil, "#{key.inspect} > #{record[key].inspect}" expect(obj).to be_a(record_type) expect(obj).to be_frozen field_list.each do |field| feature = dictionary.feature_at(record[key], field) expect(feature).to eq(record[field]) end end end end end RSpec.shared_examples "Handle specific record" do |note, record_key, record_data, dictionary| it "should handle specific record as #{record_key.inspect} (#{note})" do obj = dictionary.record_at(record_key) expect(obj).not_to be_nil, "#{record_key.inspect} not found into dictionary #{dictionary.class}" record_data.each do |key, value| field = obj.send(key) expect(field).to eq(value) feature = dictionary.feature_at(record_key, key) expect(feature).to eq(value) end end end RSpec.shared_examples "Dictionary Data not modifiable" do |record_key, key, dictionary| it "data should be not modifiable" do expect(dictionary).to be_frozen obj = dictionary.record_at(record_key) expect(obj).to be_frozen expect{ eval("obj.#{key} << 'aaa'") }. to raise_error(RuntimeError, FrozenStringExMessage) expect{ eval("dictionary.feature_at('#{record_key}', #{key.inspect}) << 'aaa'") }. to raise_error(RuntimeError, FrozenStringExMessage) end end RSpec.shared_examples "Dictionary with wrong key" do |record_key, field_list, dictionary| it "should raise exception for wrong value as #{record_key.inspect}" do expect{dictionary.record_at(record_key)}. to raise_error(DcmDict::DictionaryError) field_list.each do |field| expect { dictionary.feature_at(record_key, field) }. to raise_error(DcmDict::DictionaryError) end end end