# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Minero Aoki # 2008-2009 Minero Aoki, Kenshi Muto # 2010-2018 Minero Aoki, Kenshi Muto, TAKAHASHI Masayoshi # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # require 'review/builder' require 'review/latexutils' require 'review/textutils' module ReVIEW class LATEXBuilder < Builder include LaTeXUtils include TextUtils %i[dtp hd_chap].each do |e| Compiler.definline(e) end Compiler.defsingle(:latextsize, 1) def extname '.tex' end def builder_init_file @chapter.book.image_types = %w[.ai .eps .pdf .tif .tiff .png .bmp .jpg .jpeg .gif] @blank_needed = false @latex_tsize = nil @tsize = nil @table_caption = nil @ol_num = nil @first_line_num = nil @sec_counter = SecCounter.new(5, @chapter) @foottext = {} setup_index initialize_metachars(@book.config['texcommand']) end private :builder_init_file def setup_index @index_db = {} @index_mecab = nil return true unless @book.config['pdfmaker']['makeindex'] if @book.config['pdfmaker']['makeindex_dic'] @index_db = load_idxdb(@book.config['pdfmaker']['makeindex_dic']) end return true unless @book.config['pdfmaker']['makeindex_mecab'] begin require 'MeCab' require 'nkf' @index_mecab = MeCab::Tagger.new(@book.config['pdfmaker']['makeindex_mecab_opts']) rescue LoadError error 'not found MeCab' end end def load_idxdb(file) table = {} File.foreach(file) do |line| key, value = *line.strip.split(/\t+/, 2) table[key] = value end table end def blank @blank_needed = true end private :blank def print(*s) if @blank_needed @output.puts @blank_needed = false end super end private :print def puts(*s) if @blank_needed @output.puts @blank_needed = false end super end private :puts HEADLINE = { 1 => 'chapter', 2 => 'section', 3 => 'subsection', 4 => 'subsubsection', 5 => 'paragraph', 6 => 'subparagraph' }.freeze def headline(level, label, caption) _, anchor = headline_prefix(level) headline_name = HEADLINE[level] if @chapter.is_a? ReVIEW::Book::Part headline_name = 'part' end prefix = '' if level > @book.config['secnolevel'] || (@chapter.number.to_s.empty? && level > 1) prefix = '*' end blank unless @output.pos == 0 @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro(headline_name + prefix, compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil if prefix == '*' && level <= @book.config['toclevel'].to_i puts "\\addcontentsline{toc}{#{headline_name}}{#{compile_inline(caption)}}" end if level == 1 puts macro('label', chapter_label) else puts macro('label', sec_label(anchor)) puts macro('label', label) if label end rescue error "unknown level: #{level}" end def nonum_begin(level, _label, caption) blank unless @output.pos == 0 @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro(HEADLINE[level] + '*', compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil puts macro('addcontentsline', 'toc', HEADLINE[level], compile_inline(caption)) end def nonum_end(level) end def notoc_begin(level, _label, caption) blank unless @output.pos == 0 @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro(HEADLINE[level] + '*', compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil end def notoc_end(level) end def nodisp_begin(level, _label, caption) blank unless @output.pos == 0 puts macro('clearpage') if @output.pos == 0 puts macro('addcontentsline', 'toc', HEADLINE[level], compile_inline(caption)) # FIXME: headings end def nodisp_end(level) end def column_begin(level, label, caption) blank @doc_status[:column] = true puts "\\begin{reviewcolumn}\n" if label puts "\\hypertarget{#{column_label(label)}}{}" else puts "\\hypertarget{#{column_label(caption)}}{}" end @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro('reviewcolumnhead', nil, compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil if level <= @book.config['toclevel'].to_i puts "\\addcontentsline{toc}{#{HEADLINE[level]}}{#{compile_inline(caption)}}" end end def column_end(_level) puts "\\end{reviewcolumn}\n" blank @doc_status[:column] = nil end def captionblock(_type, lines, caption) puts "\\begin{reviewminicolumn}\n" @doc_status[:caption] = true puts "\\reviewminicolumntitle{#{compile_inline(caption)}}\n" if caption.present? @doc_status[:caption] = nil blocked_lines = split_paragraph(lines) puts blocked_lines.join("\n\n") puts "\\end{reviewminicolumn}\n" end def box(lines, caption = nil) blank puts macro('reviewboxcaption', compile_inline(caption)) if caption.present? puts '\begin{reviewbox}' lines.each do |line| puts detab(line) end puts '\end{reviewbox}' blank end def ul_begin blank puts '\begin{itemize}' end def ul_item(lines) str = lines.join str.sub!(/\A(\[)/) { '\lbrack{}' } puts '\item ' + str end def ul_end puts '\end{itemize}' blank end def ol_begin blank puts '\begin{enumerate}' return true unless @ol_num puts "\\setcounter{enumi}{#{@ol_num - 1}}" @ol_num = nil end def ol_item(lines, _num) str = lines.join str.sub!(/\A(\[)/) { '\lbrack{}' } puts '\item ' + str end def ol_end puts '\end{enumerate}' blank end def dl_begin blank puts '\begin{description}' end def dt(str) str.sub!(/\[/) { '\lbrack{}' } str.sub!(/\]/) { '\rbrack{}' } puts '\item[' + str + '] \mbox{} \\\\' end def dd(lines) puts lines.join end def dl_end puts '\end{description}' blank end def paragraph(lines) blank lines.each do |line| puts line end blank end def parasep puts '\\parasep' end def read(lines) latex_block 'quotation', lines end alias_method :lead, :read def highlight_listings? @book.config['highlight'] && @book.config['highlight']['latex'] == 'listings' end private :highlight_listings? def emlist(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) blank if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewemlistlst', 'title', caption, lang) else common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewemlist', caption, lang) { |line, _idx| detab(line) + "\n" } end end def emlistnum(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) blank first_line_num = line_num if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewemlistnumlst', 'title', caption, lang, first_line_num: first_line_num) else common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewemlist', caption, lang) { |line, idx| detab((idx + first_line_num).to_s.rjust(2) + ': ' + line) + "\n" } end end ## override Builder#list def list(lines, id, caption, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(id, lines, 'reviewlistlst', 'caption', caption, lang) else common_code_block(id, lines, 'reviewlist', caption, lang) { |line, _idx| detab(line) + "\n" } end end ## override Builder#listnum def listnum(lines, id, caption, lang = nil) first_line_num = line_num if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(id, lines, 'reviewlistnumlst', 'caption', caption, lang, first_line_num: first_line_num) else common_code_block(id, lines, 'reviewlist', caption, lang) { |line, idx| detab((idx + first_line_num).to_s.rjust(2) + ': ' + line) + "\n" } end end def cmd(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewcmdlst', 'title', caption, lang) else blank common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewcmd', caption, lang) { |line, _idx| detab(line) + "\n" } end end def common_code_block(id, lines, command, caption, _lang) @doc_status[:caption] = true if caption.present? if command =~ /emlist/ || command =~ /cmd/ || command =~ /source/ puts macro(command + 'caption', compile_inline(caption)) else begin if get_chap.nil? puts macro('reviewlistcaption', "#{I18n.t('list')}#{I18n.t('format_number_header_without_chapter', [@chapter.list(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix')}#{compile_inline(caption)}") else puts macro('reviewlistcaption', "#{I18n.t('list')}#{I18n.t('format_number_header', [get_chap, @chapter.list(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix')}#{compile_inline(caption)}") end rescue KeyError error "no such list: #{id}" end end end @doc_status[:caption] = nil body = '' lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| body.concat(yield(line, idx)) end puts macro('begin', command) print body puts macro('end', command) blank end def common_code_block_lst(_id, lines, command, title, caption, lang, first_line_num: 1) if title == 'title' && caption.blank? print '\vspace{-1.5em}' end body = lines.inject('') { |i, j| i + detab(unescape_latex(j)) + "\n" } args = make_code_block_args(title, caption, lang, first_line_num: first_line_num) puts %Q(\\begin{#{command}}[#{args}]) print body puts %Q(\\end{#{command}}) blank end def make_code_block_args(title, caption, lang, first_line_num: 1) caption_str = compile_inline((caption || '')) if title == 'title' && caption_str == '' caption_str = '\relax' ## dummy charactor to remove lstname end lexer = if @book.config['highlight'] && @book.config['highlight']['lang'] @book.config['highlight']['lang'] # default setting else '' end lexer = lang if lang.present? args = %Q(#{title}={#{caption_str}},language={#{lexer}}) if first_line_num != 1 args += ",firstnumber=#{first_line_num}" end args end def source(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewsourcelst', 'title', caption, lang) else common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewsource', caption, lang) { |line, _idx| detab(line) + "\n" } end end def image_header(id, caption) end def handle_metric(str) if @book.config['image_scale2width'] && str =~ /\Ascale=([\d.]+)\Z/ return "width=#{$1}\\maxwidth" end str end def result_metric(array) array.join(',') end def image_image(id, caption, metric) metrics = parse_metric('latex', metric) # image is always bound here puts "\\begin{reviewimage}%%#{id}" if metrics.present? puts "\\includegraphics[#{metrics}]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" else puts "\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" end @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro('caption', compile_inline(caption)) if caption.present? @doc_status[:caption] = nil puts macro('label', image_label(id)) puts '\end{reviewimage}' end def image_dummy(id, caption, lines) warn "image not bound: #{id}" puts '\begin{reviewdummyimage}' # path = @chapter.image(id).path puts "--[[path = #{id} (#{existence(id)})]]--" lines.each do |line| puts detab(line.rstrip) end puts macro('label', image_label(id)) @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro('caption', compile_inline(caption)) if caption.present? @doc_status[:caption] = nil puts '\end{reviewdummyimage}' end def existence(id) @chapter.image(id).bound? ? 'exist' : 'not exist' end private :existence def image_label(id, chapter = nil) chapter ||= @chapter "image:#{chapter.id}:#{id}" end private :image_label def chapter_label "chap:#{@chapter.id}" end private :chapter_label def sec_label(sec_anchor) "sec:#{sec_anchor}" end private :sec_label def table_label(id, chapter = nil) chapter ||= @chapter "table:#{chapter.id}:#{id}" end private :table_label def bib_label(id) "bib:#{id}" end private :bib_label def column_label(id, chapter = @chapter) filename = chapter.id num = chapter.column(id).number "column:#{filename}:#{num}" end private :column_label def indepimage(lines, id, caption = nil, metric = nil) metrics = parse_metric('latex', metric) if @chapter.image(id).path puts "\\begin{reviewimage}%%#{id}" if metrics.present? puts "\\includegraphics[#{metrics}]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" else puts "\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" end else warn "image not bound: #{id}" puts '\begin{reviewdummyimage}' puts "--[[path = #{id} (#{existence(id)})]]--" lines.each do |line| puts detab(line.rstrip) end end @doc_status[:caption] = true puts macro('reviewindepimagecaption', %Q(#{I18n.t('numberless_image')}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix')}#{compile_inline(caption)})) if caption.present? @doc_status[:caption] = nil if @chapter.image(id).path puts '\end{reviewimage}' else puts '\end{reviewdummyimage}' end end alias_method :numberlessimage, :indepimage def table(lines, id = nil, caption = nil) rows = [] sepidx = nil lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| if /\A[\=\{\-\}]{12}/ =~ line # just ignore # error "too many table separator" if sepidx sepidx ||= idx next end rows.push(line.strip.split(/\t+/).map { |s| s.sub(/\A\./, '') }) end rows = adjust_n_cols(rows) begin table_header id, caption if caption.present? rescue KeyError error "no such table: #{id}" end return if rows.empty? table_begin rows.first.size if sepidx sepidx.times do tr(rows.shift.map { |s| th(s) }) end rows.each do |cols| tr(cols.map { |s| td(s) }) end else rows.each do |cols| h, *cs = *cols tr([th(h)] + cs.map { |s| td(s) }) end end table_end end def table_header(id, caption) if id.nil? if caption.present? @table_caption = true @doc_status[:caption] = true puts "\\begin{table}[h]%%#{id}" puts macro('reviewtablecaption*', compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil end else if caption.present? @table_caption = true @doc_status[:caption] = true puts "\\begin{table}[h]%%#{id}" puts macro('reviewtablecaption', compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil end puts macro('label', table_label(id)) end end def table_begin(ncols) if @latex_tsize puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', @latex_tsize) elsif @tsize if @tsize =~ /\A[\d., ]+\Z/ cellwidth = @tsize.split(/\s*,\s*/) puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', '|' + cellwidth.collect { |i| "p{#{i}mm}" }.join('|') + '|') else puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', @tsize) end else puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', (['|'] * (ncols + 1)).join('l')) end puts '\hline' @tsize = nil @latex_tsize = nil end def table_separator # puts '\hline' end def th(s) ## use shortstack for @
if /\\\\/ =~ s macro('reviewth', macro('shortstack[l]', s)) else macro('reviewth', s) end end def td(s) ## use shortstack for @
if /\\\\/ =~ s macro('shortstack[l]', s) else s end end def tr(rows) print rows.join(' & ') puts ' \\\\ \hline' end def table_end puts macro('end', 'reviewtable') puts '\end{table}' if @table_caption @table_caption = nil blank end def emtable(lines, caption = nil) table(lines, nil, caption) end def imgtable(lines, id, caption = nil, metric = nil) unless @chapter.image(id).bound? warn "image not bound: #{id}" image_dummy id, caption, lines return end begin if caption.present? @table_caption = true @doc_status[:caption] = true puts "\\begin{table}[h]%%#{id}" puts macro('reviewimgtablecaption', compile_inline(caption)) @doc_status[:caption] = nil end puts macro('label', table_label(id)) rescue ReVIEW::KeyError error "no such table: #{id}" end imgtable_image(id, caption, metric) puts '\end{table}' if @table_caption @table_caption = nil blank end def imgtable_image(id, _caption, metric) metrics = parse_metric('latex', metric) # image is always bound here puts "\\begin{reviewimage}%%#{id}" if metrics.present? puts "\\includegraphics[#{metrics}]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" else puts "\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" end puts '\end{reviewimage}' end def quote(lines) latex_block 'quote', lines end def center(lines) latex_block 'center', lines end alias_method :centering, :center def flushright(lines) latex_block 'flushright', lines end def texequation(lines) blank puts macro('begin', 'equation*') lines.each do |line| puts unescape_latex(line) end puts macro('end', 'equation*') blank end def latex_block(type, lines) blank puts macro('begin', type) blocked_lines = split_paragraph(lines) puts blocked_lines.join("\n\n") puts macro('end', type) blank end private :latex_block def direct(lines, fmt) return unless fmt == 'latex' lines.each do |line| puts line end end def comment(lines, comment = nil) lines ||= [] unless comment.blank? lines.unshift comment end return true unless @book.config['draft'] str = lines.join('\par ') puts macro('pdfcomment', escape(str)) end def hr puts '\hrule' end def label(id) puts macro('label', id) end def pagebreak puts '\pagebreak' end def blankline puts '\vspace*{\baselineskip}' end def noindent print '\noindent' end def inline_chapref(id) title = super if @book.config['chapterlink'] "\\hyperref[chap:#{id}]{#{title}}" else title end rescue KeyError error "unknown chapter: #{id}" nofunc_text("[UnknownChapter:#{id}]") end def inline_chap(id) if @book.config['chapterlink'] "\\hyperref[chap:#{id}]{#{@book.chapter_index.number(id)}}" else @book.chapter_index.number(id) end rescue KeyError error "unknown chapter: #{id}" nofunc_text("[UnknownChapter:#{id}]") end def inline_title(id) title = super if @book.config['chapterlink'] "\\hyperref[chap:#{id}]{#{title}}" else title end rescue KeyError error "unknown chapter: #{id}" nofunc_text("[UnknownChapter:#{id}]") end def inline_pageref(id) "\\pageref{#{id}}" end # FIXME: use TeX native label/ref. def inline_list(id) chapter, id = extract_chapter_id(id) if get_chap(chapter).nil? macro('reviewlistref', I18n.t('format_number_without_chapter', [chapter.list(id).number])) else macro('reviewlistref', I18n.t('format_number', [get_chap(chapter), chapter.list(id).number])) end rescue KeyError error "unknown list: #{id}" end def inline_table(id) chapter, id = extract_chapter_id(id) if get_chap(chapter).nil? macro('reviewtableref', I18n.t('format_number_without_chapter', [chapter.table(id).number]), table_label(id, chapter)) else macro('reviewtableref', I18n.t('format_number', [get_chap(chapter), chapter.table(id).number]), table_label(id, chapter)) end rescue KeyError error "unknown table: #{id}" end def inline_img(id) chapter, id = extract_chapter_id(id) if get_chap(chapter).nil? macro('reviewimageref', I18n.t('format_number_without_chapter', [chapter.image(id).number]), image_label(id, chapter)) else macro('reviewimageref', I18n.t('format_number', [get_chap(chapter), chapter.image(id).number]), image_label(id, chapter)) end rescue KeyError error "unknown image: #{id}" end def footnote(id, content) if @book.config['footnotetext'] || @foottext[id] puts macro("footnotetext[#{@chapter.footnote(id).number}]", compile_inline(content.strip)) end end def inline_fn(id) if @book.config['footnotetext'] macro("footnotemark[#{@chapter.footnote(id).number}]", '') elsif @doc_status[:caption] || @doc_status[:table] || @doc_status[:column] @foottext[id] = @chapter.footnote(id).number macro('protect\\footnotemark', '') else macro('footnote', compile_inline(@chapter.footnote(id).content.strip)) end rescue KeyError error "unknown footnote: #{id}" end BOUTEN = '・'.freeze def inline_bou(str) str.split(//).map { |c| macro('ruby', escape(c), macro('textgt', BOUTEN)) }.join('\allowbreak') end def compile_ruby(base, ruby) macro('ruby', escape(base), escape(ruby)) end # math def inline_m(str) " $#{str}$ " end # hidden index def inline_hi(str) index(str) end # index -> italic def inline_i(str) macro('textit', escape(str)) end # index def inline_idx(str) escape(str) + index(str) end # hidden index def inline_hidx(str) index(str) end # bold def inline_b(str) macro('textbf', escape(str)) end # line break def inline_br(_str) "\\\\\n" end def inline_dtp(_str) # ignore '' end ## @ is same as @ def inline_code(str) macro('texttt', escape(str)) end def nofunc_text(str) escape(str) end def inline_tt(str) macro('texttt', escape(str)) end def inline_del(str) macro('reviewstrike', escape(str)) end def inline_tti(str) macro('texttt', macro('textit', escape(str))) end def inline_ttb(str) macro('texttt', macro('textbf', escape(str))) end def inline_bib(id) macro('reviewbibref', "[#{@chapter.bibpaper(id).number}]", bib_label(id)) end def inline_hd_chap(chap, id) n = chap.headline_index.number(id) if chap.number and @book.config['secnolevel'] >= n.split('.').size str = I18n.t('chapter_quote', "#{chap.headline_index.number(id)} #{compile_inline(chap.headline(id).caption)}") else str = I18n.t('chapter_quote', compile_inline(chap.headline(id).caption)) end if @book.config['chapterlink'] anchor = n.gsub(/\./, '-') macro('reviewsecref', str, sec_label(anchor)) else str end end def inline_column_chap(chapter, id) macro('reviewcolumnref', I18n.t('chapter_quote', compile_inline(chapter.column(id).caption)), column_label(id, chapter)) rescue KeyError error "unknown column: #{id}" end def inline_raw(str) super(str) end def inline_sub(str) macro('textsubscript', escape(str)) end def inline_sup(str) macro('textsuperscript', escape(str)) end def inline_em(str) macro('reviewem', escape(str)) end def inline_strong(str) macro('reviewstrong', escape(str)) end def inline_u(str) macro('reviewunderline', escape(str)) end def inline_ami(str) macro('reviewami', escape(str)) end def inline_icon(id) if @chapter.image(id).path macro('includegraphics', @chapter.image(id).path) else warn "image not bound: #{id}" "\\verb|--[[path = #{id} (#{existence(id)})]]--|" end end def inline_uchar(str) # with otf package macro('UTF', escape(str)) end def inline_comment(str) if @book.config['draft'] macro('pdfcomment', escape(str)) else '' end end def inline_tcy(str) macro('rensuji', escape(str)) end def bibpaper_header(id, caption) puts "[#{@chapter.bibpaper(id).number}] #{compile_inline(caption)}" puts macro('label', bib_label(id)) end def bibpaper_bibpaper(_id, _caption, lines) print split_paragraph(lines).join puts '' end def index(str) sa = str.split('<<>>') sa.map! do |item| if @index_db[item] escape_index(escape_latex(@index_db[item])) + '@' + escape_index(escape_latex(item)) else if item =~ /\A[[:ascii:]]+\Z/ || @index_mecab.nil? esc_item = escape_index(escape_latex(item)) if esc_item != item "#{escape_index(item)}@#{esc_item}" else esc_item end else yomi = NKF.nkf('-w --hiragana', @index_mecab.parse(item).force_encoding('UTF-8').chomp) escape_index(escape_latex(yomi)) + '@' + escape_index(escape_latex(item)) end end end "\\index{#{sa.join('!')}}" end def compile_kw(word, alt) if alt macro('reviewkw', escape(word)) + "(#{escape(alt.strip)})" else macro('reviewkw', escape(word)) end end def compile_href(url, label) if /\A[a-z]+:/ =~ url if label macro('href', escape_url(url), escape(label)) else macro('url', escape_url(url)) end else macro('ref', url) end end def latextsize(str) @latex_tsize = str end def image_ext 'pdf' end def olnum(num) @ol_num = num.to_i end end end