# rspec spec/paypal/express/request_spec.rb describe Paypal::Express::Request do class Paypal::Express::Request attr_accessor :_sent_params_, :_method_ def post_with_logging(method, params) self._method_ = method self._sent_params_ = params post_without_logging method, params end alias_method_chain :post, :logging end let(:return_url) { 'http://example.com/success' } let(:cancel_url) { 'http://example.com/cancel' } let(:nvp_endpoint) { Paypal::NVP::Request::ENDPOINT[:production] } let :attributes do { :username => 'nov', :password => 'password', :signature => 'sig' } end let :instance do Paypal::Express::Request.new attributes end let :instant_payment_request do Paypal::Payment::Request.new( :amount => 1000, :description => 'Instant Payment Request' ) end let :many_items do items = Array.new (1..20).each do |index| items << Paypal::Payment::Request::Item.new( :name => "Item#{index.to_s}", :description => "A new Item #{index.to_s}", :amount => 50.00, :quantity => 1 ) end end let :instant_payment_request_with_many_items do Paypal::Payment::Request.new( :amount => 1000, :description => 'Instant Payment Request', :items => many_items ) end let :recurring_payment_request do Paypal::Payment::Request.new( :billing_type => :RecurringPayments, :billing_agreement_description => 'Recurring Payment Request' ) end let :recurring_profile do Paypal::Payment::Recurring.new( :start_date => Time.utc(2011, 2, 8, 9, 0, 0), :description => 'Recurring Profile', :billing => { :period => :Month, :frequency => 1, :amount => 1000 }, raw: {:CURRENCYCODE => "EUR"}, ) end let :reference_transaction_request do Paypal::Payment::Request.new( :billing_type => :MerchantInitiatedBilling, :billing_agreement_description => 'Billing Agreement Request' ) end describe '.new' do context 'when any required parameters are missing' do it 'should raise AttrRequired::AttrMissing' do attributes.keys.each do |missing_key| insufficient_attributes = attributes.reject do |key, value| key == missing_key end expect do Paypal::Express::Request.new insufficient_attributes end.to raise_error AttrRequired::AttrMissing end end end context 'when all required parameters are given' do it 'should succeed' do expect do Paypal::Express::Request.new attributes end.not_to raise_error AttrRequired::AttrMissing end end end describe '#setup' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'SetExpressCheckout/success' response = instance.setup recurring_payment_request, return_url, cancel_url response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should support no_shipping option' do expect do instance.setup instant_payment_request, return_url, cancel_url, :no_shipping => true end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :SetExpressCheckout instance._sent_params_.should == { :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC => 'Instant Payment Request', :RETURNURL => return_url, :CANCELURL => cancel_url, :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => '1000.00', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT => "0.00", :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT => "0.00", :REQCONFIRMSHIPPING => 0, :NOSHIPPING => 1 } end it 'should support allow_note=false option' do expect do instance.setup instant_payment_request, return_url, cancel_url, :allow_note => false end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :SetExpressCheckout instance._sent_params_.should == { :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC => 'Instant Payment Request', :RETURNURL => return_url, :CANCELURL => cancel_url, :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => '1000.00', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT => "0.00", :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT => "0.00", :ALLOWNOTE => 0 } end { :solution_type => :SOLUTIONTYPE, :landing_page => :LANDINGPAGE, :email => :EMAIL, :brand => :BRANDNAME, :locale => :LOCALECODE, :logo => :LOGOIMG, :cart_border_color => :CARTBORDERCOLOR, :payflow_color => :PAYFLOWCOLOR }.each do |option_key, param_key| it "should support #{option_key} option" do expect do instance.setup instant_payment_request, return_url, cancel_url, option_key => 'some value' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :SetExpressCheckout instance._sent_params_.should include param_key instance._sent_params_[param_key].should == 'some value' end end context 'when instance payment request given' do it 'should call SetExpressCheckout' do expect do instance.setup instant_payment_request, return_url, cancel_url end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :SetExpressCheckout instance._sent_params_.should == { :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC => 'Instant Payment Request', :RETURNURL => return_url, :CANCELURL => cancel_url, :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => '1000.00', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT => "0.00", :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT => "0.00" } end end context 'when recurring payment request given' do it 'should call SetExpressCheckout' do expect do instance.setup recurring_payment_request, return_url, cancel_url end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :SetExpressCheckout instance._sent_params_.should == { :L_BILLINGTYPE0 => :RecurringPayments, :L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0 => 'Recurring Payment Request', :RETURNURL => return_url, :CANCELURL => cancel_url, :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => '0.00', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT => "0.00", :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT => "0.00" } end end context 'when reference transaction request given' do it 'should call SetExpressCheckout' do expect do instance.setup reference_transaction_request, return_url, cancel_url end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :SetExpressCheckout instance._sent_params_.should == { :L_BILLINGTYPE0 => :MerchantInitiatedBilling, :L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0 => 'Billing Agreement Request', :RETURNURL => return_url, :CANCELURL => cancel_url, :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => '0.00', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT => "0.00", :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT => "0.00" } end end end describe '#details' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails/success' response = instance.details 'token' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call GetExpressCheckoutDetails' do expect do instance.details 'token' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :GetExpressCheckoutDetails instance._sent_params_.should == { :TOKEN => 'token' } end end describe '#transaction_details' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'GetTransactionDetails/success' response = instance.transaction_details 'transaction_id' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call GetTransactionDetails' do expect do instance.transaction_details 'transaction_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :GetTransactionDetails instance._sent_params_.should == { :TRANSACTIONID=> 'transaction_id' } end it 'should fail with bad transaction id' do expect do fake_response 'GetTransactionDetails/failure' response = instance.transaction_details 'bad_transaction_id' end.to raise_error(Paypal::Exception::APIError) end it 'should handle all attributes' do Paypal.logger.should_not_receive(:warn) fake_response 'GetTransactionDetails/success' response = instance.transaction_details 'transaction_id' end end describe "#capture!" do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'DoCapture/success' response = instance.capture! 'authorization_id', 181.98, :BRL response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call DoExpressCheckoutPayment' do expect do instance.capture! 'authorization_id', 181.98, :BRL end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :DoCapture instance._sent_params_.should == { :AUTHORIZATIONID => 'authorization_id', :COMPLETETYPE => 'Complete', :AMT => 181.98, :CURRENCYCODE => :BRL } end it 'should call DoExpressCheckoutPayment with NotComplete capture parameter' do expect do instance.capture! 'authorization_id', 181.98, :BRL, 'NotComplete' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :DoCapture instance._sent_params_.should == { :AUTHORIZATIONID => 'authorization_id', :COMPLETETYPE => 'NotComplete', :AMT => 181.98, :CURRENCYCODE => :BRL } end end describe "#void!" do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'DoVoid/success' response = instance.void! 'authorization_id', note: "note" response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call DoVoid' do expect do instance.void! 'authorization_id', note: "note" end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :DoVoid instance._sent_params_.should == { :AUTHORIZATIONID => 'authorization_id', :NOTE => "note" } end end describe '#checkout!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment/success' response = instance.checkout! 'token', 'payer_id', instant_payment_request response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call DoExpressCheckoutPayment' do expect do instance.checkout! 'token', 'payer_id', instant_payment_request end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :DoExpressCheckoutPayment instance._sent_params_.should == { :PAYERID => 'payer_id', :TOKEN => 'token', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC => 'Instant Payment Request', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => '1000.00', :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT => "0.00", :PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT => "0.00" } end context "with many items" do before do fake_response 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment/success_with_many_items' end it 'should handle all attributes' do Paypal.logger.should_not_receive(:warn) response = instance.checkout! 'token', 'payer_id', instant_payment_request_with_many_items end it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do response = instance.checkout! 'token', 'payer_id', instant_payment_request_with_many_items response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should return twenty items' do response = instance.checkout! 'token', 'payer_id', instant_payment_request_with_many_items instance._method_.should == :DoExpressCheckoutPayment response.items.count.should == 20 end end end describe '#subscribe!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile/success' response = instance.subscribe!('token', recurring_profile) response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile' do expect do instance.subscribe!('token', recurring_profile) end.to request_to(nvp_endpoint, :post) instance._method_.should == :CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile instance._sent_params_.should == { :DESC => 'Recurring Profile', :TOKEN => 'token', :SHIPPINGAMT => '0.00', :AMT => '1000.00', :CURRENCYCODE => "EUR", :BILLINGFREQUENCY => 1, :MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS => 0, :BILLINGPERIOD => :Month, :TAXAMT => '0.00', :PROFILESTARTDATE => '2011-02-08 09:00:00', :TOTALBILLINGCYCLES => 0 } end end describe '#subscription' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails/success' response = instance.subscription 'profile_id' response.should be_instance_of(Paypal::Express::Response) end it 'should call GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails' do expect do instance.subscription 'profile_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails instance._sent_params_.should == { :PROFILEID => 'profile_id' } end end describe '#renew!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus/success' response = instance.renew! 'profile_id', :Cancel response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus' do expect do instance.renew! 'profile_id', :Cancel end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus instance._sent_params_.should == { :ACTION => :Cancel, :PROFILEID => 'profile_id' } end end describe '#cancel!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus/success' response = instance.cancel!('profile_id') response.should be_instance_of(Paypal::Express::Response) end it 'should call ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus' do expect do instance.cancel! 'profile_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus instance._sent_params_.should == { :ACTION => :Cancel, :PROFILEID => 'profile_id' } end end describe '#suspend!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus/success' response = instance.cancel! 'profile_id' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus' do expect do instance.suspend! 'profile_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus instance._sent_params_.should == { :ACTION => :Suspend, :PROFILEID => 'profile_id' } end end describe '#reactivate!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus/success' response = instance.cancel! 'profile_id' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus' do expect do instance.reactivate! 'profile_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus instance._sent_params_.should == { :ACTION => :Reactivate, :PROFILEID => 'profile_id' } end end describe "#amend!(profile_id, options={})" do context "when calling with mandatory options missing" do it "should raise ArgumentError" do expect{instance.amend!('profile_id', {currency_code: "EUR"})}.to raise_error(ArgumentError, ":amount option missing!") expect{instance.amend!('profile_id', {amount: 19.95})}.to raise_error(ArgumentError, ":currency_code option missing!") end end context "when calling with note option" do it "should call UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile with correct method and params" do expect{instance.amend!('profile_id', {note: "test changes", amount: 19.95, currency_code: "EUR"})}. to request_to(nvp_endpoint, :post) expect(instance._method_).to eq :UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile expect(instance._sent_params_).to eq({:PROFILEID => 'profile_id', :NOTE => "test changes", CURRENCYCODE: "EUR", :AMT => 19.95}) end end context "when calling without note option" do it "should call UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile with correct method and params" do expect{instance.amend!('profile_id', {amount: 19.95, currency_code: "EUR"})}. to request_to(nvp_endpoint, :post) expect(instance._method_).to eq :UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile expect(instance._sent_params_).to eq({:PROFILEID => 'profile_id', CURRENCYCODE: "EUR", :AMT => 19.95}) end end it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile/success' response = instance.amend!('profile_id', {note: "test changes", currency_code: "EUR", amount: 19.95}) expect(response.class).to eq Paypal::Express::Response end end describe '#agree!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'CreateBillingAgreement/success' response = instance.agree! 'token' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call CreateBillingAgreement' do expect do instance.agree! 'token' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :CreateBillingAgreement instance._sent_params_.should == { :TOKEN => 'token' } end end describe '#agreement' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'BillAgreementUpdate/fetch' response = instance.agreement 'reference_id' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call BillAgreementUpdate' do expect do instance.agreement 'reference_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :BillAgreementUpdate instance._sent_params_.should == { :REFERENCEID => 'reference_id' } end end describe '#charge!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'DoReferenceTransaction/success' response = instance.charge! 'billing_agreement_id', 1000 response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call DoReferenceTransaction' do expect do instance.charge! 'billing_agreement_id', 1000, :currency_code => :JPY end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :DoReferenceTransaction instance._sent_params_.should == { :REFERENCEID => 'billing_agreement_id', :AMT => '1000.00', :PAYMENTACTION => :Sale, :CURRENCYCODE => :JPY } end end describe '#revoke!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'BillAgreementUpdate/revoke' response = instance.revoke! 'reference_id' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call BillAgreementUpdate' do expect do instance.revoke! 'reference_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :BillAgreementUpdate instance._sent_params_.should == { :REFERENCEID => 'reference_id', :BillingAgreementStatus => :Canceled } end end describe '#refund!' do it 'should return Paypal::Express::Response' do fake_response 'RefundTransaction/full' response = instance.refund! 'transaction_id' response.should be_instance_of Paypal::Express::Response end it 'should call RefundTransaction' do expect do instance.refund! 'transaction_id' end.to request_to nvp_endpoint, :post instance._method_.should == :RefundTransaction instance._sent_params_.should == { :TRANSACTIONID => 'transaction_id', :REFUNDTYPE => :Full } end end end