

The ApproveAssignment operation approves the results of a completed assignment.

Approving an assignment initiates two payments from the Requester's account: the Worker who submitted the results is paid the reward specified in the HIT, and Amazon Mechanical Turk fees are debited. If the Requester's account does not have adequate funds for these payments, the call to ApproveAssignment returns an exception, and the approval is not processed.

You can include an optional feedback message with the approval, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site.

Request Parameters

The ApproveAssignment operation accepts parameters common to all operations. Some common parameters are required. See Common Parameters for more information.

The following parameters are specific to the ApproveAssignment operation:



The name of the operation

Type: String

Valid Values: ApproveAssignment

Default: None



The ID of the assignment. This parameter must correspond to a HIT created by the Requester.

Type: String

Default: None



A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Can be up to 1024 characters (including multi-byte characters).

The RequesterFeedback parameter cannot contain ASCII characters 0-8, 11,12, or 14-31. If these characters are present, the operation throws an InvalidParameterValue error.


Response Elements

A successful request for the ApproveAssignment operation returns with no errors. The response includes the elements described in the following table. The operation returns no other data.



Contains a Request element if the Request ResposeGroup is specified.


The following example shows how to use the ApproveAssignment operation.

Sample Request

The following example approves an assignment identified by its assignment ID.
&AWSAccessKeyId=[the Requester's Access Key ID]
&Signature=[signature for this request]
&Timestamp=[your system's local time]

Sample Response

The following is an example response.
