/*! * medium-editor-insert-plugin v0.3.2 - jQuery insert plugin for MediumEditor * * https://github.com/orthes/medium-editor-insert-plugin * * Copyright (c) 2014 Pavel Linkesch (http://linkesch.sk) * Released under the MIT license */ (function ($) { $.fn.mediumInsert.registerAddon('embeds', { /** * Embed default options */ defaults: { urlPlaceholder: 'Paste or type a link' //,oembedProxy: 'http://medium.iframe.ly/api/oembed?iframe=1' }, /** * Embeds initial function * @return {void} */ init : function (options) { this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options); this.$el = $.fn.mediumInsert.insert.$el; this.setEmbedButtonEvents(); this.preparePreviousEmbeds(); }, insertButton : function (buttonLabels) { var label = 'Embed'; if (buttonLabels === 'fontawesome' || typeof buttonLabels === 'object' && !!(buttonLabels.fontawesome)) { label = ''; } if (typeof buttonLabels === 'object' && buttonLabels.embed) { label = buttonLabels.embed; } return ''; }, /** * Add embed to $placeholder * @param {element} $placeholder $placeholder to add embed to * @return {void} */ add : function ($placeholder) { $.fn.mediumInsert.insert.deselect(); var formHtml = '
'; $(formHtml).appendTo($placeholder.prev()); setTimeout(function () { $placeholder.prev().find('input').focus(); }, 50); $.fn.mediumInsert.insert.deselect(); this.currentPlaceholder = $placeholder; $(".mediumInsert-embedsText").focus(); }, /** * Make existing embeds interactive * * @return {void} */ preparePreviousEmbeds: function () { this.$el.find('.mediumInsert-embeds').each(function() { var $parent = $(this).parent(); if (!$parent.hasClass('mediumInsert-placeholder')) { $parent.html('
' + $parent.html() + '
'); } }); }, setEmbedButtonEvents : function () { var that = this; $(document).on('keypress', 'input.mediumInsert-embedsText', function (e) { if ((e.which && e.which === 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode === 13)) { that.setEnterActionEvents(); that.removeToolbar(); } }); this.$el .on('blur', '.mediumInsert-embedsText', function () { that.removeToolbar(); }) // Fix #72 // Workaround for CTRL+V not working in FF, when cleanPastedHTML and forcePlainText options on editor are set to true, // because editor steals the event and doesn't pass it to the plugin // https://github.com/orthes/medium-editor-insert-plugin/issues/72 .on('paste', '.mediumInsert-embedsText', function (e) { if ($.fn.mediumInsert.insert.isFirefox && e.originalEvent.clipboardData) { $(this).val(e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')); } }); }, setEnterActionEvents : function () { var that = this; if ($.fn.mediumInsert.settings.enabled === false) { return false; } var url = $("input.mediumInsert-embedsText").val(); if (!url) { return false; } function processEmbedTag(embed_tag) { if (!embed_tag) { alert('Incorrect URL format specified'); return false; } else { var returnedTag = embed_tag; var tagId = new Date().getTime(); embed_tag = $('
').append(embed_tag); that.currentPlaceholder.append(embed_tag); that.currentPlaceholder.closest('[data-medium-element]').trigger('keyup').trigger('input'); if(returnedTag.indexOf("facebook") !== -1) { if (typeof(FB) !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { FB.XFBML.parse();}, 2000); } } } } if (this.options.oembedProxy) { that.getOEmbedHTML(url, function(error, oebmed) { var html = !error && oebmed && oebmed.html; if (oebmed && !oebmed.html && oebmed.type === 'photo' && oebmed.url) { html = ''; } processEmbedTag(html); }); } else { var embed_tag = that.convertUrlToEmbedTag(url); return processEmbedTag(embed_tag); } }, removeToolbar : function () { $(".mediumInsert-embedsWire").remove(); }, getOEmbedHTML: function(url, cb) { $.ajax({ url: this.options.oembedProxy, dataType: "json", data: { url: url }, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { cb(null, data, jqXHR); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var responseJSON = (function() { try { return JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText); } catch(e) {} }()); cb((responseJSON && responseJSON.error) || jqXHR.status || errorThrown.message, responseJSON, jqXHR); } }); }, convertUrlToEmbedTag : function (url) { // We didn't get something we expect so let's get out of here. if (!(new RegExp(['youtube', 'yout.be', 'vimeo', 'facebook', 'instagram'].join("|")).test(url))) return false; var embed_tag = url.replace(/\n?/g, '').replace(/^((http(s)?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/(watch\?v=|v\/)?)([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)(.*)?$/, '
') .replace(/^http:\/\/vimeo\.com(\/.+)?\/([0-9]+)$/, '') //.replace(/^https:\/\/twitter\.com\/(\w+)\/status\/(\d+)\/?$/, '
') .replace(/^https:\/\/www\.facebook\.com\/(video.php|photo.php)\?v=(\d+).+$/, '
') .replace(/^http:\/\/instagram\.com\/p\/(.+)\/?$/, ''); return (/<("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/).test(embed_tag) ? embed_tag : false; } }); }(jQuery));