module ActsAsSolr #:nodoc: module ParserMethods protected # Method used by mostly all the ClassMethods when doing a search def parse_query(query=nil, options={}, models=nil) valid_options = [:offset, :limit, :facets, :models, :results_format, :order, :scores, :operator, :include, :lazy, :highlight] query_options = {} return nil if (query.nil? || query.strip == '') raise "Invalid parameters: #{(options.keys - valid_options).join(',')}" unless (options.keys - valid_options).empty? begin Deprecation.validate_query(options) query_options[:start] = options[:offset] query_options[:rows] = options[:limit] query_options[:operator] = options[:operator] if options[:highlight] == true options[:highlight] = {:fields => "*"} end if options[:highlight] query_options[:highlighting] = {} query_options[:highlighting][:field_list] = [] query_options[:highlighting][:field_list] << options[:highlight][:fields].collect {|k| "#{k}_t"} if options[:highlight][:fields] query_options[:highlighting][:require_field_match] = options[:highlight][:require_field_match] if options[:highlight][:require_field_match] query_options[:highlighting][:max_snippets] = options[:highlight][:max_snippets] if options[:highlight][:max_snippets] query_options[:highlighting][:prefix] = options[:highlight][:prefix] if options[:highlight][:prefix] query_options[:highlighting][:suffix] = options[:highlight][:suffix] if options[:highlight][:suffix] end # first steps on the facet parameter processing if options[:facets] query_options[:facets] = {} query_options[:facets][:limit] = -1 # TODO: make this configurable query_options[:facets][:sort] = :count if options[:facets][:sort] query_options[:facets][:mincount] = 0 query_options[:facets][:mincount] = 1 if options[:facets][:zeros] == false # override the :zeros (it's deprecated anyway) if :mincount exists query_options[:facets][:mincount] = options[:facets][:mincount] if options[:facets][:mincount] query_options[:facets][:fields] = options[:facets][:fields].collect{|k| "#{k}_facet"} if options[:facets][:fields] query_options[:filter_queries] = replace_types([*options[:facets][:browse]].collect{|k| "#{k.sub!(/ *: */,"_facet:")}"}) if options[:facets][:browse] query_options[:facets][:queries] = replace_types(options[:facets][:query].collect{|k| "#{k.sub!(/ *: */,"_t:")}"}) if options[:facets][:query] if options[:facets][:dates] query_options[:date_facets] = {} # if options[:facets][:dates][:fields] exists then :start, :end, and :gap must be there if options[:facets][:dates][:fields] [:start, :end, :gap].each { |k| raise "#{k} must be present in faceted date query" unless options[:facets][:dates].include?(k) } query_options[:date_facets][:fields] = [] options[:facets][:dates][:fields].each { |f| if f.kind_of? Hash key = f.keys[0] query_options[:date_facets][:fields] << {"#{key}_d" => f[key]} validate_date_facet_other_options(f[key][:other]) if f[key][:other] else query_options[:date_facets][:fields] << "#{f}_d" end } end query_options[:date_facets][:start] = options[:facets][:dates][:start] if options[:facets][:dates][:start] query_options[:date_facets][:end] = options[:facets][:dates][:end] if options[:facets][:dates][:end] query_options[:date_facets][:gap] = options[:facets][:dates][:gap] if options[:facets][:dates][:gap] query_options[:date_facets][:hardend] = options[:facets][:dates][:hardend] if options[:facets][:dates][:hardend] query_options[:date_facets][:filter] = replace_types([*options[:facets][:dates][:filter]].collect{|k| "#{k.sub!(/ *:(?!\d) */,"_d:")}"}) if options[:facets][:dates][:filter] if options[:facets][:dates][:other] validate_date_facet_other_options(options[:facets][:dates][:other]) query_options[:date_facets][:other] = options[:facets][:dates][:other] end end end if models.nil? # TODO: use a filter query for type, allowing Solr to cache it individually models = "AND #{solr_type_condition}" field_list = solr_configuration[:primary_key_field] else field_list = "id" end query_options[:field_list] = [field_list, 'score'] query = "(#{query.gsub(/ *: */,"_t:")}) #{models}" order = options[:order].split(/\s*,\s*/).collect{|e| e.gsub(/\s+/,'_t ').gsub(/\bscore_t\b/, 'score') }.join(',') if options[:order] query_options[:query] = replace_types([query])[0] # TODO adjust replace_types to work with String or Array if options[:order].is_a?(String) string = replace_types([order], false)[0] field, direction = string.split(/\s+/) direction = direction.to_s =~ /asc/i ? :ascending : :descending query_options[:sort] = [{field => direction}] elsif options[:order] query_options[:sort] = options[:order] end ActsAsSolr::Post.execute( rescue raise "There was a problem executing your search: #{$!} in #{$!.backtrace.first}" end end def solr_type_condition subclasses.inject("(#{solr_configuration[:type_field]}:#{}") do |condition, subclass| condition << " OR #{solr_configuration[:type_field]}:#{}" end << ')' end # Parses the data returned from Solr def parse_results(solr_data, options = {}) results = { :docs => [], :total => 0 } configuration = { :format => :objects } results.update(:facets => {'facet_fields' => []}) if options[:facets] return if (solr_data.nil? || solr_data.total_hits == 0) configuration.update(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) ids = solr_data.hits.collect {|doc| doc["#{solr_configuration[:primary_key_field]}"]}.flatten result = find_objects(ids, options, configuration) add_scores(result, solr_data) if configuration[:format] == :objects && options[:scores] highlighted = {} do |x,y| e={}{|x1,y1| e[x1.gsub(/_[^_]*/,"")]=y1} unless y.nil? highlighted[x.gsub(/[^:]*:/,"").to_i]=e end unless solr_data.highlighting.nil? results.update(:facets =>['facet_counts']) if options[:facets] results.update({:docs => result, :total => solr_data.total_hits, :max_score => solr_data.max_score, :query_time =>['responseHeader']['QTime']}) results.update({:highlights=>highlighted}) sr = sr.records.each do |model| model.init_solr(results) if model.respond_to?(:init_solr) end if sr.records sr end def find_objects(ids, options, configuration) result = if configuration[:lazy] && configuration[:format] != :ids ids.collect {|id|, self)} elsif configuration[:format] == :objects conditions = [ "#{self.table_name}.#{primary_key} in (?)", ids ] find_options = {:conditions => conditions} find_options[:include] = options[:include] if options[:include] result = reorder(self.find(:all, find_options), ids) else ids end result end # Reorders the instances keeping the order returned from Solr def reorder(things, ids) ordered_things =[things.size, ids.size].max) # raise "Out of sync! Found #{ids.size} items in index, but only #{things.size} were found in database!" unless things.size == ids.size things.each do |thing| position = ids.index( ordered_things[position] = thing end ordered_things.compact end # Replaces the field types based on the types (if any) specified # on the acts_as_solr call def replace_types(strings, include_colon=true) suffix = include_colon ? ":" : "" if configuration[:solr_fields] configuration[:solr_fields].each do |name, options| solr_name = options[:as] || name.to_s solr_type = get_solr_field_type(options[:type]) field = "#{solr_name}_#{solr_type}#{suffix}" strings.each_with_index {|s,i| strings[i] = s.gsub(/#{solr_name.to_s}_t#{suffix}/,field) } end end if configuration[:solr_includes] configuration[:solr_includes].each do |association, options| solr_name = options[:as] || association.to_s.singularize solr_type = get_solr_field_type(options[:type]) field = "#{solr_name}_#{solr_type}#{suffix}" strings.each_with_index {|s,i| strings[i] = s.gsub(/#{solr_name.to_s}_t#{suffix}/,field) } end end strings end # Adds the score to each one of the instances found def add_scores(results, solr_data) with_score = [] solr_data.hits.each do |doc| with_score.push([doc["score"], results.find {|record| scorable_record?(record, doc) }]) end with_score.each do |score, object| class << object; attr_accessor :solr_score; end object.solr_score = score end end def scorable_record?(record, doc) doc_id = doc["#{solr_configuration[:primary_key_field]}"] if doc_id.nil? doc_id = doc["id"] "#{}:#{record_id(record)}" == doc_id.first.to_s else record_id(record).to_s == doc_id.to_s end end def validate_date_facet_other_options(options) valid_other_options = [:after, :all, :before, :between, :none] options = [options] unless options.kind_of? Array bad_options = {|x| x.to_sym} - valid_other_options raise "Invalid option#{'s' if bad_options.size > 1} for faceted date's other param: #{bad_options.join(', ')}. May only be one of :after, :all, :before, :between, :none" if bad_options.size > 0 end end end