# File lib/mongrel/command.rb, line 35
35:       def initialize(options={})
36:         argv = options[:argv] || []
37:         @opt = OptionParser.new
38:         @valid = true
39:         # this is retarded, but it has to be done this way because -h and -v exit
40:         @done_validating = false
41:         @original_args = argv.dup
43:         configure
45:         # I need to add my own -h definition to prevent the -h by default from exiting.
46:         @opt.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
47:           @done_validating = true
48:           puts @opt
49:         end
51:         # I need to add my own -v definition to prevent the -h from exiting by default as well.
52:         @opt.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do
53:           @done_validating = true
54:           if VERSION
55:             puts "Version #{VERSION}"
56:           end
57:         end
59:         @opt.parse! argv
60:       end