// ========================================================================== // $VARIABLES // ========================================================================== // // Base colors // @blue: #0089ec; @blue-hover: #b1dcfb; @black: #000; @white: #fff; // // Backgrounds // @bg-white: @white; @bg-grey-light: #f2f2f2; // // Borders // @border-grey: #777; @border-grey-light: #ddd; @border-select: darken( @border-grey-light, 15% ); // // Buttons // @clear-red: #e20; // // Picker base // // Make sure nothing is above the picker. @picker-z-index: 10000; // Animation speeds. @speed-animate-in: .15s; // Focused input border color. @input-active-border: @blue; // Typography. @base-font-size: 16px; @base-line-height: 1.2; // Corners. @picker-border-radius: 5px; // Drop shadows. @picker-box-shadow: 0 12px 36px 16px rgba(0,0,0,.24); @picker-box-shadow-light: 0 6px 18px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.12); // Height breakpoints. @breakpoint-tiny: 26.5em; // 424px @ 16px @breakpoint-small: 33.875em; // 542px @ 16px @breakpoint-medium: 40.125em; // 642px @ 16px @breakpoint-large: 46.75em; // 748px @ 16px // Width breakpoints. @breakpoint-width-tiny: 24.5em; // 392px @ 16px // // Date picker options // // The year and weekday labels. @year-weekday-label: #999; // “Today” tag indicators. @blue-tag: #0059bc; @disabled-tag: #aaa; // Disabled things.. such as days, month nav, etc. @disabled-things-bg: #f5f5f5; @disabled-things-text: #ddd; @disabled-highlighted-things-bg: #bbb; // // Theme configurations // // The “default” min & max widths. @picker-min-width: 256px; @picker-max-width: 666px; // The time picker min & max widths. @time-min-width: @picker-min-width; @time-max-width: 320px; // The “classic” theme settings. @classic-max-width: @picker-max-width - 200px; @classic-min-width: @picker-min-width - 80px; @classic-max-height: 25em; @classic-box-shadow: 0 6px 18px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.12); // ========================================================================== // $MIXINS // ========================================================================== // // Common picker item states // // Highlighted. .picker-item-highlighted () { border-color: @blue; } // Hovered. .picker-item-hovered () { cursor: pointer; color: @black; background: @blue-hover; } // Selected. .picker-item-selected () { background: @blue; color: @white; } // Disabled. .picker-item-disabled () { background: @disabled-things-bg; border-color: @disabled-things-bg; color: @disabled-things-text; cursor: default; } // // Opacity // .opacity( @decimal ) { @percent: @decimal * 100; -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=@{percent})"; filter: ~"alpha(opacity=@{percent})"; -moz-opacity: @decimal; opacity: @decimal; } // // Vendor prefixes // .box-shadow ( @rest... ) { -webkit-box-shadow: @rest; -moz-box-shadow: @rest; box-shadow: @rest; } .box-sizing ( @rest... ) { -webkit-box-sizing: @rest; -moz-box-sizing: @rest; box-sizing: @rest; } .border-radius ( @rest... ) { -webkit-border-radius: @rest; -moz-border-radius: @rest; border-radius: @rest; } .transition ( ... ) { -webkit-transition: @arguments; -moz-transition: @arguments; transition: @arguments; } .transform ( @rest... ) { -webkit-transform: @rest; -moz-transform: @rest; transform: @rest; } .user-select ( @rest... ) { -webkit-user-select: @rest; -moz-user-select: @rest; -ms-user-select: @rest; user-select: @rest; }