module Cms module Acts # Allows any ActiveRecord object to behave like a Cms User. This is a bit of an experiment being added to 3.4, so # so it might be deprecated in a future version if we add something like devise. # # The use case would be something like: # # class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_cms_user :groups => [Cms::Group.find_by_code('admin')] # end # # where groups could be an array, proc, or instance method (as a symbol). # Could be used it with authlogic to grant logins and permissions to # everyone in a custom model. It's not quite a drop in authentication # schema, but it does make it easier to wire up just about any model to be # the current_user on CMS pages. module CmsUser def self.included(model_class) model_class.extend(MacroMethods) end module MacroMethods def acts_as_cms_user(options = {}) include InstanceMethods # Adding a cms_group method to each person object that returns a list of # CMS Groups the user belongs to. Can be set with an array, proc, or # instance method on the person. Defaults to Cms::Group.guest define_method "cms_groups" do fetch_group_list = do if options[:groups].nil? [Cms::Group.guest] elsif options[:groups].kind_of? Array options[:groups] elsif options[:groups].is_a? Proc options[:groups].call(self) elsif self.respond_to?(options[:groups]) self.send(options[:groups]) else raise ArgumentError, "acts_as_cms_user :groups option expected to be of type Array, Proc, or instance method - #{options[:groups].class} found instead" end end @cms_groups ||= begin specified = Array( { |x| x.kind_of? Cms::Group } specified << Cms::Group.guest if specified.empty? specified end end end module InstanceMethods # The following came from Cms::User def guest? false end # Determine if this user has permission to view the specific object. Permissions # are always tied to a specific section. This method can take different input parameters # and will attempt to determine the relevant section to check. # Expects object to be of type: # 1. Section - Will check the user's groups to see if any of those groups can view this section. # 2. Path - Will look up the section based on the path, then check it. (Note that section paths are not currently unique, so this will check the first one it finds). # 3. Other - Assumes it has a section attribute and will call that and check the return value. # # Returns: true if the user can view this object, false otherwise. # Raises: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if a path to a not existent section is passed in. def able_to_view?(object) section = object if object.is_a?(String) section = Cms::Section.find_by_path(object) raise"Could not find section with path = '#{object}'") unless section elsif !object.is_a?(Cms::Section) section = object.section end viewable_sections.include?(section) || cms_access? end # The following came from Cms::GuestUser or Cms::User # Expects a list of names of Permissions # true if the user has any of the permissions def able_to?(*required_permissions) perms = permissions.any? do |p| perms.include?( end end # Guests never get access to the CMS. def cms_access? false end # Return a list of the sections associated with this user that can be viewed. # Overridden from user so that able_to_view? will work correctly. def viewable_sections @viewable_sections ||= Cms::Section.find(:all, :include => :groups, :conditions => ["#{Cms::Group.table_name}.id in (?)", cms_groups.collect(&:id)]) end def permissions @permissions ||= Cms::Permission.find(:all, :include => :groups, :conditions => ["#{Cms::Group.table_name}.id in (?)", cms_groups.collect(&:id)]) end def able_to_edit?(section) false end end end end end end