module Buildr class ApiDiffTool class << self def generate_differences_report(artifact_coordinate, old_version, new_version, new_file, output_file, options = {}) revapi = Buildr.artifact('org.realityforge.revapi.diff:revapi-diff:jar:all:0.08') revapi.invoke old_artifact = Buildr.artifact("#{artifact_coordinate}:#{old_version}") old_artifact.invoke unless new_file new_artifact = Buildr.artifact("#{artifact_coordinate}:#{new_version}") new_artifact.invoke new_file = new_artifact.to_s end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(output_file) args = [] args << Java::Commands.path_to_bin('java') args << '-jar' args << revapi.to_s args << '--old-api' args << "#{artifact_coordinate}:#{old_version}::#{old_artifact.to_s}" if options[:support_libs] options[:support_libs].each do |lib| args << '--old-api-support' args << lib.to_s end end args << '--new-api' args << "#{artifact_coordinate}:#{new_version}::#{new_file}" if options[:support_libs] options[:support_libs].each do |lib| args << '--new-api-support' args << lib.to_s end end args << '--output-file' args << output_file.to_s sh args.join(' ') if File.exist?(output_file) data = JSON.parse(, :encoding => 'UTF-8')) FileUtils.rm_f output_file if data.empty? end end def update_differences_report(artifact_coordinate, old_version, new_version, new_file, output_directory, options = {}) output_file = "#{output_directory}/#{old_version}-#{new_version}.json" generate_differences_report(artifact_coordinate, old_version, new_version, new_file, output_file, options) sh "git add #{output_file}" if File.exist?(output_file) end def test_differences_report(artifact_coordinate, old_version, new_version, new_file, output_directory, options = {}) report_file = "#{output_directory}/#{old_version}-#{new_version}.json" tmp = nil begin tmp ="#{old_version}-#{new_version}.json") tmp.close generate_differences_report(artifact_coordinate, old_version, new_version, new_file, tmp.path, options) report_content = File.exist?(report_file) ?, :encoding => 'UTF-8') : '' test_content = File.exist?(tmp.path) ?, :encoding => 'UTF-8') : '' if report_content != test_content if File.exist?(report_file) raise "Differences report at #{report_file} does not record the correct set differences between #{old_version} and #{new_version} for #{artifact_coordinate}" else raise "No differences report at #{report_file} but differences exist between #{old_version} and #{new_version} for #{artifact_coordinate}" end end ensure tmp.close unless tmp.nil? end end end end end