require 'rake/testtask' require 'rdoc/task' require 'rake/clean' # Set the location of the examples EXAMPLES = File.join('examples','benchmarks','*.c') # Set the clean/clobber tasks CLOBBER.include(Dir[ File.join('examples','*_species.c'), File.join('examples','*','*_*-*'), File.join('examples','*','*_species.c'), File.join('examples','benchmarks','*','*_*-*'), File.join('examples','benchmarks','*','*_species.c') ]) # Set the location of the examples ADARWIN_EXAMPLES_ALL = [ File.join('examples','element','*.c'), File.join('examples','chunk','*.c'), File.join('examples','neighbourhood','*.c'), File.join('examples','shared','*.c'), File.join('examples','dependences','*.c'), File.join('examples','benchmarks','PolyBench','*.c') ] # Select PolyBench as the set of examples ADARWIN_EXAMPLES = ADARWIN_EXAMPLES_ALL[5] ADARWIN_MEMORY = false unless defined?(ADARWIN_MEMORY) ADARWIN_OPTIONS = ADARWIN_MEMORY ? '-r -f -b -l' : '--no-memory-annotations' unless defined?(ADARWIN_OPTIONS) # Pick a target from a list of possible targets # 0 1 2 3 4 5 TARGETS = ['GPU-CUDA','GPU-OPENCL-AMD','CPU-OPENCL-INTEL','CPU-OPENCL-AMD','CPU-OPENMP','CPU-C'] TARGET = TARGETS[0] # Settings for Bones MEASUREMENTS = true VERIFICATION = false MEMORY_OPTIMISATIONS = true ADARWIN_OPTIONS = MEMORY_OPTIMISATIONS ? '-r -f -b -l' : '' # Small helper function to display text on screen def display(text) print '[Rake] ### '+text+': ' p end # Set the default task task :default => [:examples] # Rake tasks related to the examples namespace :examples do # Task to process and test everything (generating code, compiling code, executing) desc 'Run all examples through Bones, compile them, and execute them' task :verify, [:file] => [:generate, :compile, :execute] do |t, args| end # Task to process and test everything through A-Darwin and Bones (generating code, compiling code, executing) desc 'Run the examples through A-Darwin and Bones, then compile and execute them' task :go, :file do |t, args| bones_options = (MEASUREMENTS ? '-m ' : '') + (VERIFICATION ? '-c ' : '') args.with_defaults(:file => EXAMPLES) Dir[args.file].sort.each do |file| sh "bin/adarwin -a #{file} #{ADARWIN_OPTIONS}" split = file.split('.') file = split[0]+'_species'+'.'+split[1] sh "bin/bones -a #{file} -t #{TARGET} #{bones_options}" compile(file,TARGET) execute(file,TARGET) end end # Task to pass examples through Bones desc 'Generate target code using Bones' task :generate, :file do |t, args| options = (MEASUREMENTS ? '-m ' : '') + (VERIFICATION ? '-c ' : '') args.with_defaults(:file => EXAMPLES) Dir[args.file].sort.each do |file| display('Generating') sh "bin/bones -a #{file} -t #{TARGET} #{options}" end end # Task to compile the generated code for the examples (NOTE: this task is a stub) desc 'Compile all examples (using gcc/nvcc)' task :compile, :file do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:file => EXAMPLES) Dir[args.file].sort.each do |file| compile(file,TARGET) end end # Task to execute the compiled code for the examples (NOTE: this task is a stub) desc 'Execute all examples' task :execute, :file do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:file => EXAMPLES) Dir[args.file].sort.each do |file| execute(file,TARGET) end end # Helper function to compile code #def compile(file,target) # (system-specific, to be filled in by the user) #end # Helper function to execute code #def execute(file,target) # (system-specific, to be filled in by the user) #end end task :examples => ['examples:generate'] # Task which adds a new target to the skeleton library based on an existing target desc 'Adds a new target to the skeleton library' task :add_target, :name, :base do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:name => 'NEW-TARGET', :base => 'CPU-OPENMP') base = 'skeletons/'+args.base name = 'skeletons/' if File.exists?(base) && !File.exists?(name) sh "cp -r #{base} #{name}" else puts '[Rake] ### Error adding new target' end end # Generate species descriptions using A-Darwin desc 'Extract species descriptions using A-Darwin' task :adarwin, :file do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:file => ADARWIN_EXAMPLES) Dir[args.file].sort.each do |file| adarwin(file,ADARWIN_OPTIONS) end end # Generate species descriptions using A-Darwin desc 'Test A-Darwin`s output against golden samples' task :adarwin_test do |t| pass = 0 fail = 0 ADARWIN_EXAMPLES_ALL.each do |examples| Dir[examples].sort.each do |file| if !(file =~ /_species\.c/) adarwin(file,'--no-memory-annotations') display('Testing correctness') speciesfile = file.gsub('.c','_species.c') sh "diff #{speciesfile} test/#{speciesfile}" do |ok,status| ok ? pass += 1 : fail += 1 end end end end display('Test results') puts "PASS: #{pass}, FAIL: #{fail}" end # Method to run A-Darwin for a set of files def adarwin(file,options) if !(file =~ /_species\.c/) display('Extracting species') sh "bin/adarwin --application #{file} --silent #{options}" end end # Test individual parts of the code do |test| test.test_files = FileList[File.join('test','*','test_*.rb')] test.verbose = false end # Generate HTML documentation using RDoc do |rdoc| rdoc.title = 'Bones' rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' rdoc.rdoc_files.include(File.join('lib','**','*.rb')) rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc') rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.main = 'README.rdoc' end