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AcquireImageInfoAcquireExceptionInfoMagickCoreGenesisCORE_RL_magick_.dllMagickCommandGenesisQMogrifyImageCommandCORE_RL_wand_.dll_amsg_exitc__getmainargs_cexit*_exit-_XcptFiltersexitd__initenv_initterm_initterm_e_configthreadlocale__setusermatherr_commodeE_fmode__set_app_type?terminate@@YAXXZMSVCR100.dll_unlock[__dllonexit#_lock_onexit!_except_handler4_common_invoke_watson_controlfp_s_crt_debugger_hookInterlockedExchangeSleepInterlockedCompareExchangeHeapSetInformationEncodePointerSetUnhandledExceptionFilterDecodePointerQueryPerformanceCounterGetTickCountGetCurrentThreadIdGetCurrentProcessIdyGetSystemTimeAsFileTimeTerminateProcessGetCurrentProcessUnhandledExceptionFilterIsDebuggerPresentKERNEL32.dllN@D8 0*HF`bxz 8Ph       ( 8 H X h x      ,EJxHbMjHQ'`x2Ea NRx,V&,T$h$̷((L>\,Z IMAGEMAGICK CODER.XML COLORS.XML CONFIGURE.XML DELEGATES.XML ENGLISH.XML LOCALE.XMLLOG.XML MAGIC.XMLTHRESHOLDS.XMLTYPE-GHOSTSCRIPT.XMLTYPE.XMLIDR_MAGICKICON ]> PA ]> PA ]> PA ]> PA ]> unable to create blob unable to open image unable to open file unable to read blob unable to read file unable to seek blob unable to write blob unrecognized image format zero-length blob not permitted Cache resources exhausted inconsistent persistent cache depth no pixels defined in cache pixel cache is not open unable to clone cache unable to extend cache unable to get cache nexus unable to get pixels from cache unable to open cache unable to persist pixel cache unable to read pixel cache unable to sync cache disk allocation failed unable to extend pixel cache `temporary disk space exhausted': color type not supported colormap type not supported colorspace model is not supported data encoding scheme is not supported data storage type is not supported delta-PNG is not supported encrypted WPG image file not supported fractal compression not supported image column or row size is not supported image does not have a matte channel Incompatible size of double JNG compression not supported JPEG compression not supported JPEG embedding failed image does not have a clip mask image does not have a EXIF thumbnail Location type is not supported Map storage type is not supported MSB order not supported bitmap Multi-dimensional matrices are not supported Multiple record list not supported no bitmap on clipboard no APP1 data is available no 8BIM data is available no color profile is available no data returned no image vector graphics no IPTC profile available not a supported image file number of images is not supported only continuous tone picture supported only level zero files Supported PNG compression not supported RLE compression not supported unable to copy profile unable to create bitmap unable to create a DC unable to decompress image unable to read CIELAB images unable to translate text unable to write MPEG parameters unable to zip-compress image Unsupported level Unsupported RLE image file Unsupported cell type in the matrix Zip compression not supported Lossless to lossy JPEG conversion include element nested too deeply unable to get registry value unable to access configure file unable to open module file An error has occurred reading from file An error has occurred writing to file Colormap exceeded 256 colors Compress not valid Corrupt image file format version mismatch image depth not supported image file does not contain any image data image resolution not defined image type not supported Improper image header Insufficient image data in file Invalid colormap index Invalid pixel Length and filesize do not match Negative or zero image size Non OS2 BMP header size less than 40 Not enough pixel data Not enough tiles found in level Too much image data in file Static planes value not equal to 1 unable to read color profile unable to read extension block unable to read generic profile unable to read image header unable to read IPTC profile unable to read image data unable to read subimage unable to read VID image unable to runlength decode image unable to uncompress image Unexpected end-of-file Unexpected sampling factor Unknown pattern type unrecognized bits per pixel unrecognized compression unrecognized number of colors unrecognized XWD header unable to persist key Corrupt PCD image, skipping to sync byte Delegate failed Failed to compute output size Failed to render file Failed to scan file no tag found PCL delegate failed Postscript delegate failed unable to create image unable to decode image file unable to encode image file unable to initialize FPX library unable to initialize WMF library unable to manage JP2 stream unable to read aspect ratio unable to read summary info unable to set affine matrix unable to set aspect ratio unable to set color twist unable to set contrast unable to set filtering value unable to set image comment unable to set image title unable to set JPEG level unable to set region of interest unable to set summary info unable to write SVG format Already pushing pattern definition Non-conforming drawing primitive definition Not a relative URL Not currently pushing pattern definition Segment stack overflow Too many bezier coordinates unable to print unbalanced graphic context push-pop URL not found unable to create temporary file unable to open file unable to write file angle is discontinuous Colormapped image required Color separated image required Color profile operates on another colorspace image colorspace differs image depth not supported image opacity differs image sequence is required image size differs Input images already specified left and right image sizes differ Negative or zero image size no images were found no images were loaded too many cluster no [LOCALE] image attribute unable to create color transform Width or height exceeds limit DPS library is not available FPX library is not available JPEG compression library is not available LCMS color profile library is not available LZW encoding not enabled no decode delegate for this image format no encode delegate for this image format TIFF library is not available XML library is not available X Window library is not available ZLIB compression library is not available FreeType library is not available LCMS color profile library is not available unable to find symbol unable to load module unable to register image format no such module unable to initialize module loader unable to close module image expected image info expected unable to get registry ID unable to locate registry image unable to set registry Pixel cache allocation failed Memory allocation failed unable to acquire profile unable to acquire string unable to allocate coefficients unable to allocate colormap unable to annotate image unable to convert font unable to create colormap unable to create command widget unable to create X window unable to determine image class unable to distill random event unable to dither image unable to draw on image unable to get best icon size unable to clone package info unable to get package info unable to read X image unable to read X server colormap unable to select image unable to allocate ascii85 info unable to allocate cache view unable to allocate color info unable to allocate dash pattern unable to allocate delegate info unable to allocate derivates unable to allocate draw context unable to allocate draw info unable to allocate gamma map unable to allocate image unable to allocate image pixels unable to allocate log info unable to allocate magic info unable to allocate magick info unable to allocate module info unable to allocate montage info unable to allocate quantize info unable to allocate semaphore info unable to allocate string unable to allocate threshold map unable to allocate type info unable to allocate registry info Memory allocation failed unable to animate image sequence unable to clone blob info unable to concatenate string unable to convert text unable to create colormap unable to clone cache info unable to clone image unable to clone image info unable to display image unable to escape string unable to interpret MSL image unable to translate log event memory allocation failed font substitution required unable to convert string to ARGV unable to get type metrics unable to initialize freetype library unable to read font unrecognized font encoding unable to read font image does not contain the stream geometry no stream handler is defined Pixel cache is not open unable to set pixel stream invalid colormap index zero region size unable to open file Wand quantum depth does not match that of the core API Wand contains no images Wand contains no iterators color is not known to server no window with specified ID exists standard Colormap is not initialized unable to connect to remote display unable to create bitmap unable to create colormap unable to create pixmap unable to create property unable to create standard colormap unable to display image info unable to get property unable to get Standard Colormap unable to get visual unable to grab mouse unable to load font unable to match visual to Standard Colormap unable to open X server unable to read X window attributes unable to read X window image unrecognized colormap type unrecognized gravity type unrecognized visual specifier unable to allocate X hints unable to create X cursor unable to create graphic context unable to create standard colormap unable to create text property unable to create X window unable to create X image unable to create X pixmap unable to display image unable to get visual unable to get pixel info unable to load font unable to make X window unable to open X server unable to view fonts using default visual unable to get visual Add noise to image Append image sequence Assign image colors Average image sequence Chop image Classify image colors Replace color in image Colorize image Combine image Convolve image Crop image Decode image Despeckle image Dither image colors Dull image contrast Equalize image Flip image Flop image Add frame to image Fx image Gamma correct image Compute image histogram Implode image Level image Load image Load images Magnfiy image Filter image with neighborhood ranking Minify image Modulate image Mogrify image Montage image Morph image sequence Mosaic image Negate image Normalize image Oil paint image Set opaque color in image Plasma image Preview image Raise image Recolor color image Reduce image colors Reduce the image noise Render image Resize image RGB transform image Roll image Rotate image Sample image Save image Save images Scale image Segment image Extract a channel from image Sepia-tone image Shade image Sharpen image Sharpen image contrast Sigmoidal contrast image Solarize image Splice image Spread image Stegano image Stereo image Swirl image Texture image Threshold image Tile image Tint image Transform RGB image Set transparent color in image Wave image X Shear image Y Shear image PA ]> PAD ]> ]> ]> Threshold 1x1 (non-dither) 1 Checkerboard 2x1 (dither) 1 2 2 1 Ordered 2x2 (dispersed) 1 3 4 2 Ordered 3x3 (dispersed) 3 7 4 6 1 9 2 8 5 Ordered 4x4 (dispersed) 1 9 3 11 13 5 15 7 4 12 2 10 16 8 14 6 Ordered 8x8 (dispersed) 1 49 13 61 4 52 16 64 33 17 45 29 36 20 48 32 9 57 5 53 12 60 8 56 41 25 37 21 44 28 40 24 3 51 15 63 2 50 14 62 35 19 47 31 34 18 46 30 11 59 7 55 10 58 6 54 43 27 39 23 42 26 38 22 Halftone 4x4 (angled) 4 2 7 5 3 1 8 6 7 5 4 2 8 6 3 1 Halftone 6x6 (angled) 14 13 10 8 2 3 16 18 12 7 1 4 15 17 11 9 6 5 8 2 3 14 13 10 7 1 4 16 18 12 9 6 5 15 17 11 Halftone 8x8 (angled) 13 7 8 14 17 21 22 18 6 1 3 9 28 31 29 23 5 2 4 10 27 32 30 24 16 12 11 15 20 26 25 19 17 21 22 18 13 7 8 14 28 31 29 23 6 1 3 9 27 32 30 24 5 2 4 10 20 26 25 19 16 12 11 15 Halftone 4x4 (orthogonal) 7 13 11 4 12 16 14 8 10 15 6 2 5 9 3 1 Halftone 6x6 (orthogonal) 7 17 27 14 9 4 21 29 33 31 18 11 24 32 36 34 25 22 19 30 35 28 20 10 8 15 26 16 6 2 5 13 23 12 3 1 Halftone 8x8 (orthogonal) 7 21 33 43 36 19 9 4 16 27 51 55 49 29 14 11 31 47 57 61 59 45 35 23 41 53 60 64 62 52 40 38 37 44 58 63 56 46 30 22 15 28 48 54 50 26 17 10 8 18 34 42 32 20 6 2 5 13 25 39 24 12 3 1 Halftone 16x16 (orthogonal) 4 12 24 44 72 100 136 152 150 134 98 70 42 23 11 3 7 16 32 52 76 104 144 160 158 142 102 74 50 31 15 6 19 27 40 60 92 132 168 180 178 166 130 90 58 39 26 18 36 48 56 80 124 176 188 204 203 187 175 122 79 55 47 35 64 68 84 116 164 200 212 224 223 211 199 162 114 83 67 63 88 96 112 156 192 216 232 240 239 231 214 190 154 111 95 87 108 120 148 184 208 228 244 252 251 243 226 206 182 147 119 107 128 140 172 196 219 235 247 256 255 246 234 218 194 171 139 127 126 138 170 195 220 236 248 253 254 245 233 217 193 169 137 125 106 118 146 183 207 227 242 249 250 241 225 205 181 145 117 105 86 94 110 155 191 215 229 238 237 230 213 189 153 109 93 85 62 66 82 115 163 198 210 221 222 209 197 161 113 81 65 61 34 46 54 78 123 174 186 202 201 185 173 121 77 53 45 33 20 28 37 59 91 131 167 179 177 165 129 89 57 38 25 17 8 13 29 51 75 103 143 159 157 141 101 73 49 30 14 5 1 9 21 43 71 99 135 151 149 133 97 69 41 22 10 2 Circles 5x5 (black) 1 21 16 15 4 5 17 20 19 14 6 21 25 24 12 7 18 22 23 11 2 8 9 10 3 Circles 5x5 (white) 25 21 10 11 22 20 9 6 7 12 19 5 1 2 13 18 8 4 3 14 24 17 16 15 23 Circles 6x6 (black) 1 5 14 13 12 4 6 22 28 27 21 11 15 29 35 34 26 20 16 30 36 33 25 19 7 23 31 32 24 10 2 8 17 18 9 3 Circles 6x6 (white) 36 32 23 24 25 33 31 15 9 10 16 26 22 8 2 3 11 17 21 7 1 4 12 18 30 14 6 5 13 27 35 29 20 19 28 34 Circles 7x7 (black) 3 9 18 28 17 8 2 10 24 33 39 32 23 7 19 34 44 48 43 31 16 25 40 45 49 47 38 27 20 35 41 46 42 29 15 11 21 36 37 28 22 6 4 12 13 26 14 5 1 Circles 7x7 (white) 47 41 32 22 33 42 48 40 26 17 11 18 27 43 31 16 6 2 7 19 34 25 10 5 1 3 12 23 30 15 9 4 8 20 35 39 29 14 13 21 28 44 46 38 37 24 36 45 49 PA ]> P ]> PA( @p{LLxpXi>!D)Mh;`wBU{O-Ru``oeS;Rl;rwxA9Y1W:@m9vk&MfpC4Qlj.@Q'AOAAAAAAAAAAH91AAAAAAAAAAAM$ I"AAAAAAAAAA7(Edez,N{=[^jH~}Habh_YfzK""FILiMNz3^!B3Ly$<'2-J+ .'_`uDRt-U!*Z_5Xau PklFn# 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