// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test MyApp */ // test core array-mapping methods for RecordArray with RecordAttribute var storeKeys, rec, rec2, bar, bar2 ; module("SC.RecordAttribute core methods", { setup: function() { MyApp = SC.Object.create({ store: SC.Store.create() }); MyApp.Foo = SC.Record.extend({ // test toOne relationships relatedTo: SC.Record.toOne('MyApp.Foo'), // test non-isEditable toOne relationships readOnlyRelatedTo: SC.Record.toOne('MyApp.Bar', { isEditable: NO }), // test toOne relationship with computed type relatedToComputed: SC.Record.toOne(function() { // not using .get() to avoid another transform which will // trigger an infinite loop return (this.readAttribute('relatedToComputed').indexOf("foo")===0) ? MyApp.Foo : MyApp.Bar; }), bar: SC.Record.toOne('MyApp.Bar', { inverse: 'foo' }), barKeyed: SC.Record.toOne('MyApp.Bar', { key: 'barId' }) }); MyApp.Bar = SC.Record.extend({ foo: SC.Record.toOne('MyApp.Foo', { inverse: 'bar', isMaster: NO }) }); SC.RunLoop.begin(); storeKeys = MyApp.store.loadRecords(MyApp.Foo, [ { guid: 'foo1', firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", date: "2009-03-01T20:30-08:00", anArray: ['one', 'two', 'three'], anObject: { 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2' }, bar: "bar1" }, { guid: 'foo2', firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", relatedTo: 'foo1', anArray: 'notAnArray', anObject: 'notAnObject', nonIsoDate: "2009/06/10 8:55:50 +0000" }, { guid: 'foo3', firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Doe", relatedToComputed: 'bar1', anArray: ['one', 'two', 'three'], anObject: { 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2' }, bar: "bar2" }, { guid: 'foo4', firstName: 'Joe', lastName: 'Schmo', barId: 'bar1' }, { guid: 'foo5', firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", readOnlyRelatedTo: 'bar1' } ]); MyApp.store.loadRecords(MyApp.Bar, [ { guid: 'bar1', city: "Chicago", foo: "foo1" }, { guid: "bar2", city: "New York", foo: 'foo3' } ]); SC.RunLoop.end(); rec = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo1'); rec2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo2'); bar = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Bar, 'bar1'); bar2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Bar, 'bar2'); equals(rec.storeKey, storeKeys[0], 'should find record'); } }); // .......................................................... // READING // test("getting toOne relationship should map guid to a real record", function() { var rec2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo2'); equals(rec2.get('id'), 'foo2', 'precond - should find record 2'); equals(rec2.get('relatedTo'), rec, 'should get rec1 instance for rec2.relatedTo'); }); test("getting toOne relationship from computed attribute should map guid to a real record", function() { var rec3 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo3'); equals(rec3.get('id'), 'foo3', 'precond - should find record 3'); equals(rec3.get('relatedToComputed'), bar, 'should get bar1 instance for rec3.relatedToComputed'); }); test("reading an inverse relationship", function() { equals(rec.get('bar'), bar, 'foo1.bar should == bar'); equals(bar.get('foo'), rec, 'bar.foo should == foo1'); }); test("reading a keyed relationship", function(){ var rec4 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo4'); equals(rec4.get('barKeyed'), bar, 'foo4.barKeyed should == bar'); }); // .......................................................... // WRITING // test("writing to a to-one relationship should update set guid", function() { var rec2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo2'); equals(rec2.get('id'), 'foo2', 'precond - should find record 2'); equals(rec2.get('relatedTo'), rec, 'precond - should get rec1 instance for rec2.relatedTo'); rec2.set('relatedTo', rec2); equals(rec2.readAttribute('relatedTo'), 'foo2', 'should write ID for set record to relatedTo attribute'); equals(rec2.get('relatedTo'), rec2, 'should get foo record that was just set'); }); test("writing to a to-one computed relationship should update set guid", function() { var rec3 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo3'); equals(rec3.get('id'), 'foo3', 'precond - should find record 2'); equals(rec3.get('relatedToComputed'), bar, 'precond - should get bar1 instance for rec3.relatedToComputed'); rec3.set('relatedToComputed', rec); equals(rec3.readAttribute('relatedToComputed'), 'foo1', 'should write ID for set record to relatedTo attribute'); }); test("clearing a toOne relationship", function() { ok(rec2.get('relatedTo') !== null, 'precond - rec.relatedTo should have a value'); rec2.set('relatedTo', null); equals(rec2.get('relatedTo'), null, 'rec.relatedTo should be null'); equals(rec2.readAttribute('relatedTo'), null, 'rec.relatedTo attribute should be null'); }); test("clearing a toOne relationship with an inverse - foo isMaster", function() { equals(rec.get('bar'), bar, 'precond - foo1.bar should eq bar'); equals(bar.get('foo'), rec, 'precond - bar.foo should eq foo1'); equals(rec.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'precond - foo1.status should be READY_CLEAN'); equals(bar.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'precond - bar1.status should be READY_CLEAN'); rec.set('bar', null); equals(rec.get('bar'), null, 'foo1.bar should be null after change'); equals(bar.get('foo'), null, 'bar.foo should also be null after change'); equals(rec.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_DIRTY, 'foo1.status should be READY_DIRTY'); equals(bar.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'bar1.status should be READY_CLEAN'); }); test("modifying a toOne relationship with an inverse from null", function() { equals(rec.get('bar'), bar, 'precond - foo1.bar should eq bar'); equals(bar.get('foo'), rec, 'precond - bar.foo should eq foo1'); equals(rec2.get('bar'), null, 'precond - foo2.bar should eq null'); [rec, rec2, bar].forEach(function(r) { equals(r.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'precond - %@.status should be READY_CLEAN'.fmt(r.get('id'))); }, this); bar.set('foo', rec2); equals(rec.get('bar'), null, 'foo1.bar should be null after change'); equals(bar.get('foo'), rec2, 'bar.foo should eq foo2 after change'); equals(rec2.get('bar'), bar, 'foo2.bar should eq bar after change'); equals(rec.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_DIRTY, 'foo1.status should be READY_DIRTY'); equals(rec2.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_DIRTY, 'foo1.status should be READY_DIRTY'); equals(bar.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'bar1.status should be READY_CLEAN'); }); test("modifying a toOne relationship with an inverse from other", function() { var foo1 = rec, foo3 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo3'), bar1 = bar; equals(foo1.get('bar'), bar1, 'precond - foo1.bar should eq bar1'); equals(bar1.get('foo'), foo1, 'precond - bar.foo should eq foo1'); equals(foo3.get('bar'), bar2, 'precond - foo3.bar should eq null'); equals(bar2.get('foo'), foo3, 'precond - bar2.foo should eq foo3'); [foo1, foo3, bar1, bar2].forEach(function(r) { equals(r.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'precond - %@.status should be READY_CLEAN'.fmt(r.get('id'))); }, this); bar1.set('foo', foo3); equals(foo1.get('bar'), null, 'foo1.bar should be null after change'); equals(bar1.get('foo'), foo3, 'bar.foo should eq foo3 after change'); equals(foo3.get('bar'), bar1, 'foo3.bar should be bar after change'); equals(bar2.get('foo'), null, 'bar2.foo should eq null after change'); equals(foo1.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_DIRTY, 'foo1.status should be READY_DIRTY'); equals(foo1.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_DIRTY, 'foo1.status should be READY_DIRTY'); equals(bar1.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'bar1.status should be READY_CLEAN'); equals(bar2.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'bar1.status should be READY_CLEAN'); }); test("modifying a keyed toOne relationship", function(){ var rec4 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo4'); rec4.set('barKeyed', bar2); equals(rec4.get('barId'), 'bar2', 'foo4.barId should == bar2'); }); test("isEditable NO should not allow editing", function() { var bar1 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Bar, 'bar1'); var bar2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Bar, 'bar2'); var rec5 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo5'); equals(rec5.get('readOnlyRelatedTo'), bar1, 'precond - should find bar1'); equals(rec5.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'precond - foo5 should be READY_CLEAN'); rec5.set('readOnlyRelatedTo', bar2); equals(rec5.get('readOnlyRelatedTo'), bar1, 'should still find bar1 after setting'); equals(rec5.get('status'), SC.Record.READY_CLEAN, 'foo5 status is still READY_CLEAN'); }); test("isEditable NO should not fire property change observer", function() { var bar1 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Bar, 'bar1'); var bar2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Bar, 'bar2'); var rec5 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo, 'foo5'); equals(rec5.get('readOnlyRelatedTo'), bar1, 'precond - should find bar1'); var readOnlyWasModified = NO; var modifierListener = function() { readOnlyWasModified = YES; }; rec5.addObserver('readOnlyRelatedTo', modifierListener); rec5.set('readOnlyRelatedTo', bar2); equals(readOnlyWasModified, NO, 'property change observer should not have fired'); rec5.removeObserver('readOnlyRelatedTo', modifierListener); });