module JanioAPI ## # See for parameters information class Order < Base class Collection < ActiveResource::Collection attr_accessor :count, :next, :previous def initialize(parsed = {}) @count = parsed["count"] @next = parsed["next"] @previous = parsed["previous"] @elements = parsed["results"] end end self.collection_parser = Collection SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES = ["Australia", "Brunei", "China", "Hong Kong", "Indonesia", "Italy", "Japan", "Malaysia", "Philippines", "Saudi Arabia", "Singapore", "South Korea", "Spain", "Taiwan", "Thailand", "UAE", "UK", "US", "Vietnam"].freeze POSTAL_EXCLUDED_COUNTRIES = ["Hong Kong", "Vietnam"].freeze VALID_PAYMENT_TYPES = ["cod", "prepaid"].freeze self.prefix = "/api/order/orders/" self.element_name = "" has_many :items, class_name: "JanioAPI::Item" validates :service_id, :order_length, :order_width, :order_height, :order_weight, :cod_amount_to_collect, :consignee_name, :consignee_number, :consignee_country, :consignee_address, :consignee_state, :consignee_city, :consignee_province, :consignee_email, :pickup_contact_name, :pickup_contact_number, :pickup_country, :pickup_address, :pickup_state, :pickup_city, :pickup_province, :pickup_date, :pickup_notes, presence: true validates :pickup_country, :consignee_country, inclusion: {in: SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES, message: "%{value} is not a supported country, supported countries are #{SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES.join(", ")}"} validates :pickup_postal, :consignee_postal, presence: true, unless: -> { POSTAL_EXCLUDED_COUNTRIES.include?(consignee_country) } validates :pickup_postal, presence: true, unless: -> { POSTAL_EXCLUDED_COUNTRIES.include?(pickup_country) } validates :payment_type, inclusion: {in: VALID_PAYMENT_TYPES, message: "%{value} is not a valid payment type, valid payment types are #{VALID_PAYMENT_TYPES.join(", ")}"} validates :cod_amount_to_collect, presence: true, if: -> { payment_type == "cod" } validates :items, length: {minimum: 1, message: "are required. Please add at least one."} validate :items_validation class << self def tracking_path "/api/tracker/query-by-tracking-nos/" end # override find to customize url, and only allow find_every # use to find the parcel info, include the label pdf url # check for more information # params accept tracking numbers as well: ```tracking_no=[tracking_no1],[tracking_no2],[tracking_no3]``` def find(*arguments) scope = arguments.slice!(0) options = arguments.slice!(0) || {} options[:from] = "/api/order/order" unless options[:from] options[:params] = {} unless options[:params] options[:params][:secret_key] = JanioAPI.config.api_token options[:params][:with_items] = true unless options[:params][:with_items] case scope when :all find_every(options) when :first collection = find_every(options) collection&.first when :last collection = find_every(options) collection&.last end end # Track one or more tracking nos # # Check for more information def track(tracking_nos) raise ArgumentError, "tracking_nos not an array" unless tracking_nos.is_a?(Array) body = { get_related_updates: true, flatten_data: true, tracking_nos: tracking_nos } response =, body.to_json, headers) self.format.decode(response.body) end end def initialize(attributes = {}, persisted = false) default_attrs = { service_id: 1, tracking_no: nil, shipper_order_id: nil, order_length: 12, order_width: 12, order_height: 12, order_weight: 1, payment_type: nil, cod_amount_to_collect: 0, consignee_name: nil, consignee_number: nil, consignee_country: nil, consignee_address: nil, consignee_postal: nil, consignee_state: nil, consignee_city: nil, consignee_province: nil, consignee_email: nil, pickup_contact_name: nil, pickup_contact_number: nil, pickup_country: nil, pickup_address: nil, pickup_postal: nil, pickup_state: nil, pickup_city: nil, pickup_province: nil, pickup_date: nil, pickup_notes: nil, items: nil } attributes = default_attrs.merge(attributes) super end # Tracks the current order # # Check for more information def track body = { get_related_updates: true, flatten_data: true, tracking_nos: [@attributes["tracking_no"]] } response =, body.to_json, self.class.headers) self.class.format.decode(response.body)[0] end def save(blocking: true) run_callbacks :save do new? ? create(blocking: blocking) : update(blocking: blocking) end end private def items_validation items&.each_with_index do |item, index| item.errors.full_messages.each { |msg| errors.add("item_#{index}".to_sym, msg) } unless item.valid? end end def create(blocking: true) reformat_before_save(blocking) super() rescue => e reset_attributes_format raise e end def update(blocking: true) reformat_before_save(blocking) super() rescue => e reset_attributes_format raise e end # Reformat the attributes before POST to server def reformat_before_save(blocking) attributes = @attributes.dup @attributes.clear @attributes["secret_key"] = JanioAPI.config.api_token # set blocking until label generated @attributes["blocking"] = blocking # reformat attributes @attributes["orders"] = [attributes] end def reset_attributes_format attributes = @attributes.dup @attributes.clear load(attributes.delete("orders")[0]) end def load_attributes_from_response(response) # reset the attributes structure before assign attributes that came back from server reset_attributes_format # save the response attributes if response_code_allows_body?(response.code.to_i) && (response["Content-Length"].nil? || response["Content-Length"] != "0") && !response.body.nil? && response.body.strip.size > 0 attributes = self.class.format.decode(response.body) attributes.merge!(attributes["orders"][0]).delete("orders") load(attributes, false, true) @persisted = true end end end end